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Was Catelyn the Most Powerful Woman in Westeros?

Corvo the Crow

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21 hours ago, Daena the Defiant said:

Cersei was placed in positions of great prestige and authority but she commanded very few people, and was often overruled by her own family.

The Lannister family seems quite Roman in a way to me. Tywin is the Paterfamilias who has complete control over all the other family members. A slight to another family member is a slight to Tywin.

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On 1/7/2023 at 2:29 AM, Corvo the Crow said:

Cersei exerts little power beyond frivilous things, in fact she’s quite weak for a queen. Even in her own house she’s powerless. She had some power over Jaime and Lancel but only through her “woman’s weapons”, she doesn’t even have any power over her own children, she can’t control Joffrey(Tywin is able to and Tyrion also, to a degree), and her little bit of control over the meek Tommen quickly goes as soon as Tyrells, especially Margaery and Loras enter the picture.

Lysa has control over the Vale Lords, preventing them from entering the war but honestly, it is just poor, very poor writing on GRRM’s part because the half mad Lysa who’s not from the Vale and has no power there widowed with a very young son as lord has more control than Jon Arryn ever did. Seriously, what the heck ? Why Mr. Martin? You could’ve written a dozen reasons for Valemen not joining the war other than simply Lysa saying no. It gets even worse when we learn that the six houses of Lords declarent combined strength of 20.000 make up for more than half of the Vales power and most powerful house, Royce was the one who wanted to aid the RL.

Cersei has far more power then Cat. Cat had a similar power base by nature of being the wife of a Warden, but it is confined to the North. While Cersei's power is throughout the whole 7 Kingdoms. It is not close.

Cersei got Lady killed in front of Ned. That takes real pull.

I am not a fan of Cersei's, but to deny her power isn't a serious position to take. She has control of the Small Council, the White Cloaks, Gold Cloaks,  and enough Lannister guardsman to make a difference. Not that she is any good at ruling, but the power is hers to use.

As for Lysa, she held the six houses of Lords Declarant with a combined strength of 20.000 men, which make up for more than half of the Vales power and most powerful house in check. She had actual control in the Vale.

That makes he more powerful than Cat. Whether you agree with GRRM's writing or not.

Olenna Tyrell of High Garden has more influence and control then Cat as well imo.

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On 1/9/2023 at 4:03 AM, Ring3r said:

Keep sticking up for the brother-fucking baby-killing woman who raised and loved a serial killer, who has destroyed literally everything she has ever touched.  It's bound to work out well in the end, unless of course she decides to torture you to death for convenience.

Jesus. Fuck. This place. It's like some kind of alternate reality.


How on earth are you construing my post as "sticking up" for her?  Your bizarre reaction leads me to believe that reading comprehension is not one of your strong suits. 

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11 hours ago, Daena the Defiant said:

How on earth are you construing my post as "sticking up" for her?  Your bizarre reaction leads me to believe that reading comprehension is not one of your strong suits. 

You started off with the same kinds of "she didn't get to choose and people keep undermining her" stuff that previous threads have used to try and argue that she's actually not that bad (people actually argue that!)....sorry if that wasn't your intent.   There's a LOT of that stuff here, people arguing in favor of just...absolutely evil characters.  That said....

She exercised absolute power against her enemies while she was Queen and Queen regent, having multiple people killed, and was only defied a handful of times....by members of her own family.  Then she exercised unchallenged power once her Father was dead, totally reorganizing the entire court and deciding national policy based purely on her own demented paranoia.  She had complete power for a significant portion of time and with her uncle dead, she'll likely claim it again until Kings Landing is sacked.  She's definitely the most powerful woman in Westeros besides the Queen of Thornes (who is more influential I think but has less overt power), nobody else even comes close. 

The fact that she's terrible at exercising that power doesn't mean she doesn't have it....Cersie was in a totally different league of power compared to Ned...and Cat had less power than Ned.

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