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Doran Martell - not all that

Jon Targaryen

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That's what GRRM said:

Q: Why did Doran not join Renly against the Lannisters?

GRRM: "Doran plays to win, whether at cyvasse or the game of thrones. Likely he did not see Renly as a winner. The emnity between Dorne and Highgarden also played a part, I am sure."

My preferred reading would be that he says the emnity played a part for not joining Renly, not that it played a part for Renly not being a winner in Doran's eyes.

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Dorne most likely would have *declared* for Renly, if he had defeated the Lannisters. But with the Tyrells already being the Kingmaker House, Dorne would not have much to gain by also joining Renly (his plans with the Targaryens involve a Martell becoming either Prince Consort or Queen). I doubt that Renly would have been able to secure the Iron Throne for himself by letting Joffrey, Tommen and Cersei live. And if he had touched Tywin's family, I doubt that he would have just bent the knee. So Doran would most likely have gotten his justice without risking Dornish lives.

And if Tywin's forces should have proven to strong for Renly, Doran would have been always to support him later through the war (the same way Tywin did during Robert's Rebellion).

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  • 2 years later...

i like dora, but i agree he really did nothing all of the targs enemies are dead i.e robert, ned, jon arry, tywin, jamie is crippled, the north is in chaos and so is house lannister, the moutain is fiannly dead as is amorch. So revenge is kinda complete so i guess all that left is to make new enemies and take back the throne. The worse thing is its only oberyn that took revenge 1st hand dany and aegon (fake or no) don't really have anyone who was involved in the slaughter of their family left alive.

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Doran is one of the most inteligent characters in the novels. Everything he did is just perfect. Well,almost everything. To put his trust in Quentin was his sole mistake.

It was all for Dorne's sake.

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I love Doran. He is the cleverest lord in Westeros. His vengeance will come to those that are left. He will destroy Baratheons and Lannisters, and he will use everything and everyone to do so...he will use fire and ice...Targaryens and Starks. For his is song of ice and fire...

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