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I Love My Cat


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Yeah, I know. But the majority of people do not have allergies to that degree. I'm afraid that even in that case it would be a deal breaker for me, like if someone was so allergic to, say, beer to the extent that they couldn't even be around it.

Actually, I am allergic to hops....and I have ridiculous hangovers even after only a few beers. Yet it's never kept me from loving beer :)

And yes, my wife is a bit on the extreme end of things when it comes to allergies. The first time I ever brought her to my parents' home, our cat had actually given birth only 6 weeks prior. There we had all these cute kittens, and I could tell she wanted to hold them....I felt sorry for her. And the cat of course has no idea what's going on, why she won't go anywhere near it....and cats pick up on that. If you avoid them, they will only pursue you with enhanced vigor.

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Relic bro, have you considered using this problem to your advantage? You like women who lke cats. Am I the only one who thinks it's time you dipped your foot in the wonderful world of Furrys? Get yer catsuit and yer freak on.

What's brady got to do with it?

All i hear all day is how great brady did this, or how wonderful Brady is at that.

Brady, Brady, BRADY!

This is a threadjack I can fully support.

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Apparently you have a nice ass. And while nice asses are great, they cannot make for a lifetime of happiness, like cats can. One day the nice ass will go away, and I can always adopt another cat. So, I pick cats.

:lol: I really wanted to say something like this earlier in the thread, glad someone else said it for me. :thumbsup:

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What's brady got to do with it?

All i hear all day is how great brady did this, or how wonderful Brady is at that.

Brady, Brady, BRADY!

My most humble and sincere apologies Relic.

Senility must be setting in already. Who is this 'Brady' person anyway?

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:lol: I really wanted to say something like this earlier in the thread, glad someone else said it for me. :thumbsup:

On the topic of my ass, it has seen better days. No need to rub it in.

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The title change is a lesson for us all. If you put the word cat in the title then it's pretty much gonna devolve into how cute and lovely our own cats are...


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I wish the topic of Relic's ass would go away. Just when I think I've overcome that terrible moment of chaos and sexual confusion, just as I've muscled my way back to the peak of man's man masculinity, the ass returns, and I find myself in a corner, softly weeping Relic's name.

I'm sorry. That was disturbing.

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I you were sick, she would lay down next to you and purr.

This is true of ours. They will all try to comfort you to some degree if you're sick or upset. Puggle talks to you (especially if you're crying); Squeak sits next to you (he's not a lapcat) and headbuts you and Tink will come to you when lying down and lay on your chest or side and snuffle you.

Purring in most cats is actually at a sonic frequency that resonates with various biochemical receptors and stimulates healing. Scientists discovered this when trying to understand why cats can be totally inactive for 20-23 hours a day without any muscle atrophy. (It also turns out that they constantly tense and release various muscles around their body.) However, cat purring has been documented to accelerate healing and many cats seem to know this.


Vibrations between 20-140 Hz are therapeutic for bone growth/fracture healing, pain relief/swelling reduction, wound healing, muscle growth and repair/tendon repair, mobility of joints and the relief of dyspnea.

We think that this research could help explain why cats purr, and here is why:

Fauna Communications has recorded many cats' purrs, at a non-profit facility and the Cincinnati Zoo , including the cheetah, puma, serval, ocelot and the domestic house cat. After analysis of the data, we discovered that cat purrs create frequencies that fall directly in the range that is anabolic for bone growth.

· The dominant and fundamental frequency for three species of cats' purrs is exactly 25 Hz, or 50 Hz the best frequencies for bone growth and fracture healing. All of the cats purrs all fall well within the 20 - 50 Hz anabolic range, and extend up to 140 Hz.. All the cats, except the cheetah have a dominant or strong harmonic at 50 Hz.

· The harmonics of three cat species fall exactly on or within 2 points of 120 Hz which has been found to repair tendons. One species within 3 Hz and one within 7 Hz.

Heh, my experience is the reverse. Dogs are much better behaved and far less messy. They shed a bit more, true (depending on breed) but they tend to be far less destructive, less likely to poop indoors, and when they do it's much easier to clean up. (The place I've found cat-poop in would fascinate you)

Cats are not as consistent as dogs, but pooping outside of a litter pan/dirt is abnormal for cats unless extremely upset or engaging in a fight for dominance with another creature. Many people who complain about dogs have done a bad job training their dogs, while many people who complain about cats don't seem to realize that cats do anything for a reason and are trainable. (Basic training is easier with cats, advanced is easier with dogs.)

I was never a cat person, then I got some male orange tabbies.

They will turn anyone.

I've also noticed that male cats tend to be friendlier (if socialized as kittens). This may be because males have overlapping territories in the wild, while females do not. Females tend to be more neurotic in my experience. But I don't think I've ever met a cat that wouldn't be sent to the psychiatrist if it was a human for something or other.

Mine do this. Shit, once when I was really ill (hungover) and trying to sleep on the couch so as to not wake Mr. X, our male cat Monty jumped onto Mr. X, meowed at him, then ran out into the living room. He did this 3 times before Mr. X realized he was supposed to follow the cat. So he did, and found Monty sitting in front of the couch, looking at me. Mr. X checked on me (gave me water), and Monty settled down to sleep next to my head until morning. He also, I shit you not, pulled the quilt that was draped over the back of the sofa onto my legs to cover them. Ethel shows her concern by huddling up next to you and purring, regardless of whether you're running a fever or not. :lol:

Makes more sense when you realize they are literally broadcasting healing vibrations at you, doesn't it?

We had 2 other dogs at one time, and I remember the one dog was hit by a car and limped home. When she died, the other dog wouldn't let anybody near her body for a day. When at last he let us take her, he simply quit eating and eventually passed away. I've never seen a cat show such emotion as the dogs I've owned. Usually they are manipulative and controlling. When they give you attention, it's more about them then it is about you. They want you to feed them and if you don't give them what they want they'll not think twice about going to the neighbor for attention :) Dogs, in my experience, are much more devoted to their masters.

:( My dog growing up died of grief after my cat died. They were best friends for a decade and she stopped trying after he died. However my brother's cat, who killed my elderly cat by attacking him whenever he slept until he died of a secondary illness, was the definition of unpleasant and ill-tempered. I tend to think the fact that that cat was constantly raped as a tiny kitten by my brother's pet rabbit had something to do with his general hatred of all living things. (My brother had moved out on his own and then moved back in with my parents while I was at college, hence the craptastic job he did raising a kitten was not corrected.)

I do not care for cats. Used to have dogs (ages ago), but now don't care for one either. In general, as I get older, I do not think I can take it - loving a pet, caring for him/her, worry about it (kind of like I do about my kids), and then see it die (which is only to be expected as they don't live as long as we do). After my last dog died in 1994 and I had a nervous breakdown after her death, I just don't think I could ever do it again. I don't even want a goldfish. Too heartbreaking and leaves you with too many memories and too much sadness. The worst part is when you get a pet, you know that it is unavoidable to see them die one day and that is something I vowed not to let myself experience ever again.

Many parrots and tortoises live in excess of a century. Just a thought.

Dogs are just needy. Their like really dumb kids.

We did that to them deliberately. From a biological standpoint, dogs are an entire species of mentally retarded wolves that never reach emotional adulthood. Their brains are stuck in the puppy phase of the wolf lifecycle. The differences are clearly visible on a brain scan. Cats, on the other hand, are very similar biologically to wild felids.

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:( My dog growing up died of grief after my cat died. They were best friends for a decade and she stopped trying after he died. However my brother's cat, who killed my elderly cat by attacking him whenever he slept until he died of a secondary illness, was the definition of unpleasant and ill-tempered. I tend to think the fact that that cat was constantly raped as a tiny kitten by my brother's pet rabbit had something to do with his general hatred of all living things. (My brother had moved out on his own and then moved back in with my parents while I was at college, hence the craptastic job he did raising a kitten was not corrected.)

How, there's a story here. A good one.

In regards to the healing power of a cats voice - baseless propaganda. :P

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Guest thebadlady

Relic, you will be pleased to know that one of my cats backed up and pissed all over my clothes hamper this morning. I yelled whilst she was peeing and she meowed at me. I blame you.

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Relic, you will be pleased to know that one of my cats backed up and pissed all over my clothes hamper this morning. I yelled whilst she was peeing and she meowed at me. I blame you.

she's just showing you her true colors. deep down she hates you.

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Guest thebadlady

The whore does hate me. i think she is mad because I am on a break from wow so i pet her and shit more. She just wants to be left alone, poor thing.

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Guest thebadlady
Nah, she just hates your clothes. Buy new ones.

catpiss stink never goes away so i will be getting new clothes. :( if she keeps this up i will be getting a new cat too!

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catpiss stink never goes away so i will be getting new clothes. :( if she keeps this up i will be getting a new cat too!

Catfur is in this season.

2 birds, 1 stone....

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