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Anyone else interested to see how they portray Rob?


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All we ever have of Rob is his actions and what other people say about him. We don't get any deep insight into what he is thinking in the books. I for one am very excited to see what they play him like in the series. I never felt I really knew Rob the man, only Rob the king/warrior/leader ect..

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All we ever have of Rob is his actions and what other people say about him. We don't get any deep insight into what he is thinking in the books. I for one am very excited to see what they play him like in the series. I never felt I really knew Rob the man, only Rob the king/warrior/leader ect..

That's an excellent point. Rob was rather overshadowed by Catelyn for most of his appearances, and by Catelyn's Tully relatives during all of his scenes at Riverrun. The few insights we get into Rob, re: Jeyne Westerling, fly by quickly on the slide down to the Red Wedding.

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That's an excellent point. Rob was rather overshadowed by Catelyn for most of his appearances, and by Catelyn's Tully relatives during all of his scenes at Riverrun. The few insights we get into Rob, re: Jeyne Westerling, fly by quickly on the slide down to the Red Wedding.

He really is an oddity. Even Tywin though not shown much you know pretty well from the few conversations he had. But I honestly know NOTHING about Robs character as a man. Like I can't picture him in my head like I can every other character in the series.

He is just this faceless boy king who won some battles than got stabbed. Heck I think I knew Grey Wind better haah

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He really is an oddity. Even Tywin though not shown much you know pretty well from the few conversations he had. But I honestly know NOTHING about Robs character as a man. Like I can't picture him in my head like I can every other character in the series.

He is just this faceless boy king who won some battles than got stabbed. Heck I think I knew Grey Wind better haah

I always liked how the Robb character was displayed. Poor guy.

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I'm extremely excited to see Robb and how Madden portrays him. I think there are certain things we do know about Robb's character, morals, attitude, etc. All pretty much reflective of how he mirrors his father. I think it is inevitable that he will also have one of those heartthrob roles. Women will weep.

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I'm extremely excited to see Robb and how Madden portrays him. I think there are certain things we do know about Robb's character, morals, attitude, etc. All pretty much reflective of how he mirrors his father. I think it is inevitable that he will also have one of those heartthrob roles. Women will weep.

Is someone in love? Just playin !

Personally my biggest fear for the series is all the inevitable shippers lol

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Robb is more like Brandon than Ned, take the Stark justice and rigidity and add some expressive laughter and rages and gallant flare. I got a clear sense of him, despite him not being a POV. The scene with Bran where they cry in the dark is particularly moving, it shows you how he's a vulnerable boy underneath all his acting at being the man. The way he handles Tyrion also reveals something of his character, callow and rough around the edges but trying hard to learn. There's only a little bit at the beginning of Clash, but it's very telling how he's so extremely serious while reading his proclamation to Cersei, and only a few moments later he's chuckling at what an awesome show he made with his grandiose threat.

I hope they give us just what is there, a boy trying hard to be a man, sympathetic but fallible.

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Thats it.

He is really trying his best, to be a good king, strong and righteous. He can't give up but everybody knows that he can't win..

Sucks to be Robb.

Yes. He probably would have won back the North if he had avoided the Red Wedding but c'est la vie.

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My impression from the books was that Robb is Ned Jr. plus Tully good looks. As LB points out, he's also more obviously outgoing, though I thought this was from his Tully side, too. "Sympathetic, but fallible" really nails both Ned and Ned Jr. Here's hoping the TV show reflects the "Jr", as others have said up-thread. Esp the scene where he's trying to convince Cat that he needs her, too.

Think we'll get the Greatjohn-loses-his-fingers scene on screen?

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My impression from the books was that Robb is Ned Jr. plus Tully good looks. As LB points out, he's also more obviously outgoing, though I thought this was from his Tully side, too. "Sympathetic, but fallible" really nails both Ned and Ned Jr. Here's hoping the TV show reflects the "Jr", as others have said up-thread. Esp the scene where he's trying to convince Cat that he needs her, too.

Think we'll get the Greatjohn-loses-his-fingers scene on screen?

They have to do that scene. It is one of my favorite micro moments from the book. It doesn't contain any huge revelations or change the story a great deal. But what it does do is add a little spice which is what makes GRRM so fun to read and his worlds come alive.

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The scene with Bran where they cry in the dark is particularly moving, it shows you how he's a vulnerable boy underneath all his acting at being the man.

That is one of my favorite scenes in AGoT, really hits you how young and afraid he is. They'll probably add to the Robb character in the show, but they have a very good idea from the books and here in this thread how his basic character is written and perceived.

His story, and death, states (symbolizes) the end of summer.

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I think there are certain things we do know about Robb's character, morals, attitude, etc. All pretty much reflective of how he mirrors his father. I think it is inevitable that he will also have one of those heartthrob roles. Women will weep.

I agree, he is a lot like Ned, but he starts out as a typical happy teenager. It will be interesting to see him slowly get darker and take on the patriarch role. With so many other characters in the series, Madden will need to show a vulnerable side to stand out. If he plays it right, he will break hearts. His storyline really is a sad one... he has a lot of pressure placed upon his young shoulders which makes him different from the other Stark kids.

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Yeah it could be said that he's more like the Tullys vs more like Brandon, seems to amount to the same thing except Robb is not pragmatic like his mother's family, and neither was Uncle Come-out-and-fight-me ;)

He has a clear arc, the symbolism of his wooden sword at the beginning of AGOT and then him raising a real one before Whispering Wood, then the beheading that echoes his father's and their first scene at Gared's execution, it should be good drama. Also he has a kind of savage side too, like the prisoners he had hung in Riverrun's courtyard - ACOK or ASOS? I'm forgetting, but he has that wild wolf brutality in him as well.

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Speaking of beheadings, i hope they keep in the scene where he (unlike his father) needs several blows to cut the mans (Karstark, something?) head off. It seems to herald that he is not really ready for his task.

It's scenes like those that put GRRM ahead of every other fantasy author

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