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The Bad Book Club


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I just finished The Stormcaller by Tom LLoyd, and boy I should look things up here before I read them. this book was almost fascinatingly bad. It approaches Goodking/Farland level of hilarity. I love that the reason the main character is a complete ass is because he was born that way. Also MYSTIC NPCS er, figures FROM THE EPIC PAST show pu every 20 pages or so to give a CRYPTIC MESSAGE, then are never heard from again. Also, vampires for no reason.

And the cover art was so cool, dammit!

Another stinker was Blood of Ambrose by James Enge. Not nearly as bad as the above, but the whole thing felt like it should have been book five or six of an ongoing series. Characters just show up with no explanation to their background and people are like OH ITS CHARACTER X OMG. And there's no explanation for anything anyone does. I'm told there are a bunch of short stories that came first? If so they should release those so maybe I could figure out what the hell is supposed to eb going on.

Rant Over!

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I just read Tome of the Undergates. In retrospect, the shocking cover should have warned me, but it was one of the worst fantasy books I've ever read. Bad characters, bad plotting, bad dialogue ... just bad.

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A book called something like Hard Men I read a while ago. It had some very scowly women on the front cover, was set in London and was the only thing around. The author clearly was one of those sad types who get all excited at the thought of a Kray twin kicking someone's teeth in. I think there's a series of them. It was like wading in shit.

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