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House Family Traits and Genetics

Uhtred Stark

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I`ve got no idea...

5"3, light green eyes "with flecks of amber", dark blond hair (some people may argue it`s light brown, but it`s too light for brown),

high cheekbones and tan skin.

My great-grandfather was Mongolian though, maybe I`ve got some some Dothraki in me lol

Interesting, I did a geneological trace and had my father's line go through the Siberian steppes. My eyes are actually similar. I call them green, but they are really a mosaic of yellow and blue, so they 'look' green unless someone actually looks directly.

My wife calls them StainedGlass eyes. Probably some prenatal mineral deficiency, since yellow in the iris indicates potential illness, but the effect is pretty cool nonetheless (and thankfully my eyesight is ok) I've got a touch of vitaligo so maybe a pigmentation defect?

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If any of you have blonde hair with blue eyes then you're a Targaryen not a Lannister.

Targaryens go from silver to blonde hair. And from purple to blue eyes.

Lannisters are blonde haired and either have brown or green eyes.

Sooo, i'm actually a secret Targ,..this gets sillier by the minute....My mother's a Stark, (wait...does that make me Jon Snow?) my dad looks like the Blackfish,...and i have ancestors called Martell... Heheheh

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Free Folk, northern mountain clans, or one of the lesser houses of the North. My family is a blend of fair skinned folks with lighter and redder hair making up at least half, but some brunettes mixed in, too. My father's side are almost exclusively blue eyed but my mother's side has a wider range of light eyes, such as sulfery greyish green, grey, emerald. My son's eyes were the colour of purple stormclouds when he was born but now they are bluish-grey. Perfect vision has been a near constant on either side with swift, athletic people on my father's side an powerfully strong individuals on my mother's. Many proficient hunters on both sides.

My brothers and I have a great love of cold and winter is our favourite season. In fact, I have a cold pack on my head right now to sooth.

Edited: Android acting up plus damned autocorrect.

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  • 1 month later...

I swear, my mother looks exactly like a Tully - with auburn hair, high cheekbones and blue eyes. She even has long fingers and is taller than average. My father on the other hands looks exactly like a Stark, though more broad shouldered and muscular and his grey eyes are more stormy looking. He has a long and brooding face to be sure.

I myself take after my mother, so basically I am more connected to Robb Stark since we share the same appearance basically. My younger siblings - a brother and a daughter - have our father's hair, but our mum's eyes. So we would be the modern day House Stark-Tully alliance. Hell, I could be King In the North. I notice medieval terms always used your appearance to see who you were.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't really fit any of the houses, I'm like a mashup of all different characteristics, mostly Northern ones...

I'm tall and slender but curvy, waist-length straight black hair, green brown eyes, very pale skin, freckles across my nose and cheeks, an oval-shaped face, full lips, and Florent-like ears. If I remember correctly, the Arryns have brown hair and brown eyes, and that's probably as close to one particular house I will come. I guess I would be a Baratheon-Arryn mix, maybe? My father's family is all tall with pale skin, freckles, black hair, and dark brown eyes, and slender build, and my mother's family is most red-haired with brown eyes, also tall, but a sturdier build and darker skin coloring. Not like Dornish or Essos dark, but a medium golden tone. So I guess my background is just a mess of Westerosi house characteristics hehe

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I'm Asian, so how's that?

I feel you bro. I'm a south eastern asian and I think there's no place for people with same physical characteristic like me, wherein i can relate, in some ways, in the book. I just hope that Asshai turns out to be like a somewhat chinese or hindu civilization type.

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