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Happiest Ending You can Imagine


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this is a combo wishful thinking happy ending + unpopular opinion:

(1) Jaime eventually says fuck all, and goes back to Tarth with Brienne. She has a happy reunion with her father, who is overjoyed to see her. J and B get married, and when her father dies she becomes Lady of Tarth and rules the island and is much beloved by her people, who eventually start calling her "Beauty" genuinely because they just love her so much. Jaime is a stay-at-home dad while she is ruling, and they have lots and lots of tow-headed babies with a strangely natural aptitude for martial prowess.

(2) Tyrion is eventually restored and inherits Casterly Rock after Jaime says fuck all. He goes back and rules the westerlands and restores them to peace and prosperity. Of course, he DWD SPOILIES!!!

brings Penny with him because he's realized that even though she's not as hot as Shae he still loves her because she is TEWTALLY PERFECT FOR HIM and has restored his faith in humanity and himself. Plus he finds out that she is freaky in the sack. They have lots of towheaded babies and half of them are dwarfs but nobody cares because they love Lord Tyrion and his Lady Penny so much.

Go ahead, call me lame.

Oh, and on edit: Shagga son of Dolf and Bronn also go to Casterly Rock and swear their swords to Lord Tyrion!!!

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For me the happiest ending would be:

1. Bran as King of the North, Trident and the Vale (aka the Winter Throne or the Ice Throne) married to Meera (some types of lesions still allow a men to perform). He would have a rebuit Winterfell as his seat of government, Lord Davos would be the Hand of the King and the three wardens would be Edmure Tully a widower now married to Wylla Manderly in the Trident, Harry the Heir married to Sansa in the Vale and Rickon married to Lyanna Mormont in the North with his seat being a rebuit and renamed Dreadfort (now Wolf's Lair).

2. Jon is AA and dies fighting the White Walkers, but before that he learns from Bran that Ashara Dayne was his mother and that his father had a good reason to keep this secret.

3. Lady Stoneheart gets to kill all the Freys and Cercei and finally rests after she sees that her children are still alive and well.

4. Tyrion repents of his crimes finds his old wife and ends as King of the Rock and he's the one who takes care of his nephews.

5. Jaime is pushed from a tower by Cercei and ends up paraplegic and after that he asks Bran for forgiveness.

6. The crippled Tyrell ends as King of The Reach married to Arianne cementing a peace between the Reach and the Kingdom of Dorne now ruled by Tristam Martell.

7. The Iron Islands are destroyed by a volcanic explosion similar to the Valyrian Doom, or any other type of catastrophe and the World is rid of them and their wight religion forever.

8. Daenerys reaches Westeros but she dies of infection when she gets cut in the Iron Throne.

9. The Twins Towers are given to the Blackfish after all the Freys are eradicated.

10. Littlefinger is killed by Nymeria and her pack when he enters Harenhall for the first time.

11. Varys is killed by Arya.

12. Ramsay is killed by Roose who in turn is killed by Summer and Shaggydog.

13. Stannis ends as King of the Stormlands and Dragonstone, now married to Val after Selyse and Shireen die.

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Qyburn finishes washing his tools of the trade, sets them aside and motions the girl in.

Arya- "How long?"

Qyburn- "He should start feeling sensations in a few days, walking in a few weeks and running in 6 to 9 months. But enough about Bran, how are Sandor's skin grafts doing? Are they healing well?"

Arya- "Sansa said yes the last time saw her at Rickons birthday. Thanks again."

Qyburn- "Of course. It's good to be freelance again, so many patients. You should go though, I'm expecting Ser Jamie soon and we found a suitable donor."

Arya- turns and leads her wolf out of the rebuilt library tower. As she passes Maester Luwins grave she stops to water the forget me nots before returning to watch the construction teams work.

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Qyburn finishes washing his tools of the trade, sets them aside and motions the girl in.

Arya- "How long?"

Qyburn- "He should start feeling sensations in a few days, walking in a few weeks and running in 6 to 9 months. But enough about Bran, how are Sandor's skin grafts doing? Are they healing well?"

Arya- "Sansa said yes the last time saw her at Rickons birthday. Thanks again."

Qyburn- "Of course. It's good to be freelance again, so many patients. You should go though, I'm expecting Ser Jamie soon and we found a suitable donor."

Arya- turns and leads her wolf out of the rebuilt library tower. As she passes Maester Luwins grave she stops to water the forget me nots before returning to watch the construction teams work.

That is so sweet...haha seriously. I "awed".

Awesome"happy" ending :thumbsup:

the Starks together at last!

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15 years, 15 long years, he thought. Years of revelation, growth, terror and anger. Times of despair, grief, agony and joy. So very many dead, he reflected as the list rolled through his mind once again.

"As long as you are here Father, there will always be my Stark in Winterfell." Rickon murmured as he replaced the newly oiled iron blade across the granite knees of Eddard Stark. "I should get going Father," he said more loudly as he tucked the rag back into his belt, "It would be unseemly to keep Mya waiting." With a final sad smile and a bow, he turned to leave the crypts. Outside it was spring and he had his wedding to be about.

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All I need is a happy Jon and Arya reunion

that's all I ask from GRRM, and I don't think it's too much, but who knows

Beyond that, what I'd like to happen is:

Tyrion finds out what happens to Tysha so he can live the rest of his life in peace

Jamie tells Cersei that he thinks Brienne is prettier than her

Arya gets back to Westeros and away from the faceless men as soon as possible, and then Jon and Nymeria get her back to being the awesome person she was in the first three books

Dany and Drogon die fighting the others (the other two dragons can stay with whoever ends up riding them)

Bran becomes powerful, but not as creepy as the three eyed crow, and ends up with Meera

Sansa and the Hound reunite and have a real kiss

Jon finds out who his parents are and does not end up with Dany. maybe he could become the new king beyond the wall once the others are gone

Davos gets back to his family

Ned's bones finally get to Winterfell where they belong

The person who ends up on the iron throne is not Dany, and not someone random who we haven't even met yet

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everyone dies and Tommen's kitten takes the Iron throne as King Pounce. Perhaps Mormont's Raven as Hand.

There will be corn, corn for all, and Bad Cat will be exiled beyond the wall. :commie: :bowdown: all hail Glorious Chairman Pounce, People's Leader of the Commonwealth of Westeros and the 7 People's Republics! Huzzah!

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The happy ending would be Dany winning and getting the throne, but I think with the Meereenese Knot Martin has successfully made her unlikeable, so I would love to see the "bad" ending with her failing and dying. Martin will go on a literary sermon talking about how we don't always get what we want and life doesn't always work out blah blah blah. All the while I'll be cackling with glee that the emo girl got what she deserved!

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I would love to see Lady Stoneheart be the one to make and end of Littlefinger. He has been such a destructive force to her family and I think that having him come face to face with his beloved Cat in her reincarnated form would be sweet justice for that man.

If Sandor has to fight FrankenGregor, I'd like Arya to step in and help him somehow. That would make a nice plot arc that started with their adventures in the Riverlands. I do believe Sandor is going to be the one who has to fight his undead brother, but I don't really want him to have to do the killing in the end (although does it count as fratricide if the guy is technically already dead?) Plus if his leg is really that lame, and FrankenGregor is animated by necromancy, then our friend Sandor is going to need some help from an unexpected quarter.

Alternatively, I'd like to see Sansa be the one to do away with FrankenGregor. I can totally picture her as Lady of Winterfell, married to Sandor, with a couple of freakishly strong-but-cute kids running around, when FrankenGregor shows up to exact Cersei's revenge and kill them all. If there was some way Sansa could be the one to "undo" the undead guy, thus saving her husband and family, I would find that immensely satisfying. Again, if he is powered by necromancy, then I'm worried that a sword isn't going to be able to kill him ... it's going to take some other kind of skill to get rid of him in the end.

I'd kind of like to see Stannis find someplace to settle down and be King and stop siring shadow babies, maybe gain some weight. Against all odds, I find myself rooting for the guy, although he's such a square, and I'd like to see him get some peace with the fact that everyone loved his brothers and no-one can stand him.

I'd love to see Dany ride Drogon north of the Wall and put the nest of the Others to the torch. If she has to die a noble, sacrificial death while doing it, I'm comfortable with that prospect.

I really really want Tyrion to find Tysha (although that's a little unrealistic), and I would love to see him as Lord of Casterly Rock and Hand of Whoever Sits the Iron Throne.

If Dany is on the Iron Throne then the Kingslayer will most definitely be relieved of his duties in the Kingsguard, leaving him free to marry. I love the idea of Jaime and Brienne ... Brienne is so much the antithesis of Cersei in every way, inside and out, that I feel like Jaime realizing he loves Brienne would be the sign that his transformation into a decent human being was real and complete.

Wow, this post is getting pretty long, and I haven't gotten through half the characters I care about! :rolleyes:

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So long as the Hound ends up with a modicum of peace and revenge (and Sansa!)I'll be happy. I can't imagine GRRM wasting so much redemption build up to waste it with a "shocking or sacrificial death after all this time. I mean, and really, in DwD we get one lousy red herring reference to the Hound!?!? There had better be a good Sandor/Sansa pay-off in WoW or I will be seriously pXSSed!

Daeny had better kill her Meeren douche-bag husband pronto and pick a Westeros husband. At this point, I don't care which one it is, though I'm rooting for Victarian (he kicks ass!)or her nephew Aegon (whatever, it's fantasy).

Arya needs to come to her senses pronto and get back to Westeros and somehow hook up with Gendry and Hot Pie again. Preferable at the Wall fighting the Others with Jon.

I do have a lot of sympathy and respect for some reason for Prince Doran Martell so I hope his house somehow rises through all this. But can't figure out Areo Hotah (his POV was a waste.

Hope Damphair drowns for real - I could care less about his backstory and shrieking hinges at this point. Asha and Qarl the Maid are hot - hope they both survive til Spring!

Bran can stay in that cave/tree - I'm done with him.

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Jon - the Stark of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Husband of Val and father of Eddard and Robb.

Tyrion - King of Seven Kingdoms with Sansa as his Queen

Dany - dead fighting the Others.

Jorah - became brother of NW as his fahter had wanted. Dead fighting the Others.

Arya - Ms Gendry Baratheon, lady of Storm's End

Littlefinger - burnt alive by a dragon (whichever)

Ramsay - dead. Before that - flayed alive by pieces. Before that - raped by a pack of dogs.

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  • 3 months later...

I think there may have already been a thread on this...I vagualy remember, so I apologize if this has been done before.

However, this isn't just happy endings, or most ideal. This is the happiest ending for the characters you love (or just ending for the characters you hate, that will make you sadistically happy) that you pray and wish for constantly (because I know I'm not the only one). If GRRM wasn't such a killing/flaying/torturing machine, one could hope he has a little love and sympathy left in his pen...

This is where dreams come true...just to have them crushed :crying: DAMN YOU GRRM AND YOUR CRUEL GENIUS I WANT A FAIRYTALE ENDING

Anyways, here are mine:

Sansa and the Hound some how wind up together, loving each other in their strange way. They find happiness and Sansa gets her knight in shining armour (however unconventional that sounds, I think it's somewhat true. He has always been her savior). The Hound's bluntness and realistic view is the perfect counter balance to Sansa's wild dreams (though I doubt she still dreams about pretty knights) If those to crazy kids can make it, anyone can!

Arya cools the fuck down and gets back to Westeros. She finally reunites with her living siblings and eventually (fingers crossed) meets up the Genrdy again. They are meant to be, I saw it instantly. Gendrya is whats up.

Jon gets past all the craziness on the wall and lives out his days as the best god damn lord commander anyone has ever seen. He's going to become a legend. Also, he finds out some answers to his parentage...and finally has some peace.

Jon & Arya Reunion. He musses her hair and leaves.

Sansa & Arya reunion. They now know how important family is and that they only really have each other. They just have a gushy warm reuninon. Awe hell...


Cersei. I dislike her, but I think she loves her children a lot...almost as much as herself. My hope for her is that the Lannisters lose the throne and she is forced into exile with her children. This is mostly for Tommen and Myrcellas sake, because they're sweet kids and don't deserve the dangers of the throne.

Jaime. He and Brienne ride off into the sunset. HA jk, that WOULD be awesome but Jaime would be most happy being on the kingsgaurd forever and still be the most BAMF like Barristan...sort of.

Tyrion, finds out Tyshas fate. Finds some peace.

My hopes for Reek wink.gif are many. But alas I cannot say right now

Lady Stoneheart- stops terrifying me. gets to see one of her children.

Rickon, gets those nukes out of hiding.

Dany. Doesn't win the throne. I want her to get to Westeros though, just to see her lose. I'm so mean, I apologize. blush.gif

Ser Jorah, I'm torn. I want him to be happy again and see Dany, but I wish he didn't love her. I will sacrifice my happiness for yours though Ser Jorah... <3

Victarion, gets EVERYTHING he wants and kicks Eurons ass. He's so awesome.

Nymeria, Shaggydog, Summer, Ghost: FAMILY REUNION!

I desperately wish all of these could come true. What about everyone else? What endings would make you happier than a fat tick on a skinny dog?

I know the thread is old but I had to say that I loved your ending, especially the Jon part and the Starks reunion :wub: I agree about Dany too and I don't feel even sorry :lol:
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