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Comparing Each House To A Country In Our World


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Arryn - Switzerland. Yeah, yeah, picturesque and neutral, but also xenophobic and shameless. What kind of wacky hillbilly eccentricity are they really hiding in those mountain valleys and secret vaults? Women couldn't vote in Switzerland until 1973 and no one has figured out how their government works yet. If Littlefinger was from earth, this is where he'd be building a secret lair.

1971 (for the vote of women) - and we have very well figured out how our gouvernment works.

I'll think about some countries later...

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For me, it was rather like this:

North of the Wall: Siberia (with the NW being a sort of gulag)

The Stark's land, the North: Scotland/Northern Ireland

The Iron Islands: Vikings

The Vale: Switzerland, but modern Switzerland (medieval Switzerland was rotten poor)

King's Landing and surroundings: Tuscany/Italy

Highgarden (and the Tyrells): France (they support the only elegant future king) or Austria/Hungria: gaining power through mariage

Dorne: rather Spain than Arab (women have far too much power)

Quarth: Istanbul/Constantinople

The Riverlands (lords): Ireland (Riverdance, anybody?)

Lannisters: Germany (blond and all this, believing they conquered it all but utterly failing in the end, plus the strike of madness)

Targaryens: Russian Tsar - also regarding the madness... (Aerys = Ivan the terrible)

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Stark : post-christianity Scandinavia

Greyjoy : pre-christianity Scandinavia (viking age)

Tyrells : Austria

Martell : Spain, or Italy

Baratheon : Germany

Lannister : Normandy or France

Those I imagine to resemble real life countries/cultures. Reason for the Stark/Greyjoy mix is due to my own danish heritage I cannot help seeing the connection to the old Gods (= Æsir) being worshipped in old days in the north, then being threatened by Andal invasion (= Christianity/ Medieval feudal Europe).

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I always saw Westeros as a larger than life UK,

If you look at a Westeros map and compare it to a map of the UK you see things like:

King's landing is in the same spot as London

The Wall that seperates the northern most of Westeros sounds a lot like Hadrian's Wall, the wall that cuts off England from Scotland.

The Western lands held by the Lannisters look like Wales.


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  • 2 weeks later...
House Stark - Scotland House Baratheon - Germany/HRE (Robert: Bavaria, Stannis: Prussia, Renly: Lotharingia) House Lannister - England House Targarayen - Ptolemaic Egypt / Roman Empire House Martel - Moors/Spain with a hint or Sicily/Corsica House Greyjoy - Vikings House Tyrell - (Southern) France Dothraki - Huns / Tatars / Cossacs Tullys - hmmm... rivers and pretty much everyone rapes/plunders their way through them. Sounds like my Hungary. Arryns - Switzerland (=mountains, neutrality)

I like this. Definitely can agree with all of them. Except well Tullys, no idea what that is.

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Stark = Scotland - somewhere where "pagan" (ie not the main religion and based around nature) religions are followed, cold and northern. If Scotland was joined to Greenland it would be a perfect representation.

Greyjoy = Scandinavian Viking Culture (any of the Viking nations really!)

Martell = Spain or Portugal (as I recall, Portugal was rarely conquered)

Tullys = Northern Italy? Frequently overrun and conquered, rich lands

Lannisters = Wales? (quite mountainous and rich in resources) or possibly Germany due to the economic strengths.

Tyrell - France due to culture, economy and geography

Wildlings = Celtic culture (so Northern Scotland?)

Essos = Asia? Sothoros = Africa? As suggested by exotic names of Essosi cities and the lack of knowledge about the Southern Continent beyond "wild jungles"

Valyria = Egyptians? Owing to the culture of brother-sister marriages? Or Rome due to the comprehensive conquering of all but the North (ie Scotland/Starks)

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Westeros=British Isles

Starks; I'd say Northern England, especially Yorkshire - Identifying strongly with region rather than country, rural area, pragmatic, no-nonsense, think little of flowery southerners

Beyond the Wall - Scotland - Hadrian's Wall, bit wilder than England

Tyrells - Southern England

Lannisters - Maybe Cheshire

Martells - Cornwall - mainly for their difference culturally to the rest of England

Greyjoys - Orkney - Viking heritage, Islands

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  • 3 months later...

Stark = Russia, large, winterous, feels separated

Tully = Poland, easily invaded

Arryn = Sweden/Switzerland, mountains

Lannister = England, rich, not the largest but seemingly the most powerful

Greyjoy = Denmark, small, vikings

Tyrell = France, just seems right

Baratheon = Germany, militaristic

Martell = Spain, blend of cultures, hotblooded

Targarayen = Ancient Egypt/Turkey, foreign, exotic, that whole incest thing

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Baratheon = Germany, militaristic

Oh, please I am german and Germany is not militaristic ( anymore), I hate this steroytype. The Germany from today is not the Germany from the Nazi times and before.

In fact Germany is far less militaristic than other western countries.

We don´t have military parades like other countries, many people are against sending the Bundeswehr ( the german army) to Afghanistan, the army of germany is much smaller than the armies of France or GB but both countries have less inhabitants than Germany ( Germany has about 15 million more inhabitants than France).

Germany stayed out of the Irak war.

Germany is not militaristic and exactly the opposite of the country it was 70 years ago.

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Oh, please I am german and Germany is not militaristic ( anymore), I hate this steroytype. The Germany from today is not the Germany from the Nazi times and before.

In fact Germany is far less militaristic than other western countries.

We don´t have military parades like other countries, many people are against sending the Bundeswehr ( the german army) to Afghanistan, the army of germany is much smaller than the armies of France or GB but both countries have less inhabitants than Germany ( Germany has about 15 million more inhabitants than France).

Germany stayed out of the Irak war.

Germany is not militaristic and exactly the opposite of the country it was 70 years ago.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it isn't forbidden in Germany's constitution to send troops abroad if it's not to defend the country? The reason why Germany sent money but not troops during the Gulf War.

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Stark = Russia, large, winterous, feels separated

Tully = Poland, easily invaded

Arryn = Sweden/Switzerland, mountains

Lannister = England, rich, not the largest but seemingly the most powerful

Greyjoy = Denmark, small, vikings

Tyrell = France, just seems right

Baratheon = Germany, militaristic

Martell = Spain, blend of cultures, hotblooded

Targarayen = Ancient Egypt/Turkey, foreign, exotic, that whole incest thing

I like the North/Starks as Russia. Ancient history, dominant in some parts, has the option to stay out of "all of it" but rarely does, etc.

The Tullys to me are Italy.

I've always likened the Targaryens to the Ottoman Empire. It's probably fair to say that Valyria itself is more akin to ancient Egypt, but for what the Targs did in Westeros, I'm going Ottoman for the family.

I think the Martells are mostly Spain (southern) with a splash of North Africa (Morocco) in there.

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Westeros=British Isles

Starks; I'd say Northern England, especially Yorkshire - Identifying strongly with region rather than country, rural area, pragmatic, no-nonsense, think little of flowery southerners.

I like the idea of Starks been Yorkshiremen. It fits so well, especially since Sean Bean was Ned. Also most of the northerners in the show have northern accents.

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Dorne - Spain

The Reach - France

The North - England/Scotland(more Scotland)

Iron Islands - Scandinavia

The rest are a combo of England, France and Germany(more Germany)

The Free Cities are a combo of Italy and the Netherlands.

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I am having nations' mentalities in mind,and I am good in history,so I think I can escape annoying stereotypes.

Europe as Westeros:

Austria-Hungarian empire - Reach

Prussia - Vale

Bohemia - Riverlands

Byzantine Balkans - North

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the North (Starks) - Russia, large and cold, could never be conquered, and not really known for knighthood

Dorne (Martells) - Spain, mixed cultures, hotter climate

Iron Islands (Greyjoys) - Scandinavia, vikings

the Reach (Tyrells) - England, many powerful families, i know ppl often compare lannisters and starks to york/lancasters, but the reach has many powerful

families, such as Redwyne, Hightower, Tarly

Westerlands (Lannisters) - France, a country with a rich history, beautiful, wealthy and elegant

Riverlands (Tullys) - Netherlands

Stormlands (Baratheons) - Germany, Holy Roman Empire

Crownlands (Baratheon) - Sicily, Italy, with Rome (the Vatican) being Kings Landing

the Eryie (Arryn) - Switzerland, High mountains, enough said

Dragonstone - Corsica, right next to Rome (kings landing)

Braavos - Greece

Valyria - Byzantine Empire, Old Ghis - Egypt

Dothraki (khal drogo) - Mongol Empire, Ghengis Khan

Slavers Bay - Tunisia, Tripoli

Free Cities - Cairo, Jerusalem, Constantinople

thats just my opinion :dunno:

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Dorne geographically and food wise reminds me of Mexico:

People from the East settle on new lands(andals)/ Conquistadors.

Candied skulls and spicey foods.


The North and Wildlings Old Gods reminds me of native american beliefs in nature and dreams. Also their old ways being taken away by the Andals with their superior weaponry.

I think of the Riverlands are like Poland, always in the middle of things.

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