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When did Jon Snow start boring you to tears?

Queen Cersei I

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Of course, the answer to this question is not easy. Initially, I thought-- when he first appeared. However, reflecting back, it was not until after he got away from his dissaproving Dursely esque step mommy that he really started to lull me to sleep.

Things worsened when he magically loses his mild sense of entitlement and snobbish supperiority (since one Very Special Talk with a wise talking blacksmith is SURE to rid a 14 year old kid of the deeply entrenched class prejudices that have been drilled into him since birth, I'm sure), and became the all around darling and friend to all the lost boys of the nightswatch.

His emo freak out improved things a bit, but even that, in itself, was sort of... meh. (The great hero, who can withstand anything... except for... Heartbreak! :tears: )

Then the boredom became complete and total as I watched him integrate totally with the wildings in a matter of weeks, begin a cliched romance with a sexually aggressive, insatiable wilding girl who clearly had "tragic death by books end" written on her forehead, and somehow discern how to perform perfect cunningulus without the help of prior instructions, gossip, or even the Westeros equivalent of cosmo magazine.

But it was when everyone voted him into a supreme position of power at the age of 16--not because he wanted it, mind you, but to his clear, overarching, unbearable awesomeness-- that made me really discover that his chapters from here on out would be a chore.

So, here's my question-- (or, I guess, I'll start it out with a statement)-- Jon Snow is clearly too fucking boring to be actually hated. But when did he start boring you to tears?

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Then the boredom became complete and total as I watched him integrate totally with the wildings in a matter of weeks, begin a cliched romance with a sexually aggressive, insatiable wilding girl who clearly had "tragic death by books end" written on her forehead, and somehow discern how to perform perfect cunningulus without the help of prior instructions, gossip, or even the Westeros equivalent of cosmo magazine.

Okay, that part really cracked me up.

The only time Jon's chapters have really bored me were in Book 3 on re-read. I don't think he's one of the series' more interesting characters, but I've generally enjoyed the characters with whom he interacts.

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I don't know, but I'll tell you when Jon Snow stopped boring me and in fact got a free pass on ever boring me again.

"Edd, fetch me a block."

Complete Absolution, thy name is Janos Slynt's head rolling around like a soccer ball (too bad Theon wasn't around to kick it this time).

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and somehow discern how to perform perfect cunningulus without the help of prior instructions, gossip, or even the Westeros equivalent of cosmo magazine.

He doesn't need cosmo; he had Samwell Tarly, who is portrayed as being very good with his tongue (e.g. licking clean the porridge bowls, his fingers after a messy snack, sucking on snowballs for hydration, and long make out sessions with Jon Snow). He's also read every book in Westeros (twice), so Jon had an unlimited pool of knowledge to draw from.

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When Val the Wildling Princess gets here your in trouble .. :P

It only bored me when the chapter ended and I read about Sansa/Dany/Cercie

I thought he had a lot of heart, the whole snobbery thing was just his reaction to the fact his preconceptions had been smashed and he was in fact surrounded by murderers and rapist. He did in fact find the few good men in the watch. He is a bit of a cliche , what with him being Jon Snow master swordsman and defender of puppies but Cercie is This mixed with This !

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When Val the Wildling Princess gets here your in trouble .. :P

It only bored me when the chapter ended and I read about Sansa/Dany/Cercie

I thought he had a lot of heart, the whole snobbery thing was just his reaction to the fact his preconceptions had been smashed and he was in fact surrounded by murderers and rapist. He did in fact find the few good men in the watch. He is a bit of a cliche , what with him being Jon Snow master swordsman and defender of puppies but Cercie is This mixed with This !

As awful as Cersei is,-Freud? Really?

Also, I adore your username, can't look at it without giggling.

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For me aside from few very first in AGoT the best Jon chapters are the ones from ADwD.

Same for me, really. I like seeing the Wall but a lot of Jon's story until ADWD comes across as pretty standard stuff you might see in a number of other stories. In ADWD he becomes a lot more interesting, especially as his idealism runs up against the harsh realities of politics, bigotry, etc.

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As awful as Cersei is,-Freud? Really?

Also, I adore your username, can't look at it without giggling.

Thanks lol

I was gonna put up a picture of Oedipus Rex but I wasn't sure that people would get the reference, Sigmund did identify the Oedipus/ Electra Complexes and is linked to incest.... that was my thought process( well that that and the fact the he is widely disproved and was a bit crazy, wearing woman's underwear and all)

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I like Jon. He's not the most challenging character, but he's an interesting one nonetheless and interesting things happen around him.

You're not giving enough credit for his "transformation" in GoT to the fact that, before it, he's constantly worried about his brother's potential death - finding out Bran will live is the turning point, Donal's "talk" doesn't appear to have been taken all that well prior to it. This is backed up by the way he later uses training to dull the grief and rage over losses in his family, and is also shown to remember doing the same against Robb when upset years earlier. I don't think it's all that unrealistic - when we're helpless, we get angry, and what better way to express anger than when you're playing at swords?

That said, the Ygritte stuff was a bit. . .meh, and getting voted LC didn't really work. I think Jon could have done with growing a few years at the Wall as GRRM intended.

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