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Where do whores go?

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Yes, the Sailor's Wife being Tysha is a very popular theory, but what I meant above was this:

Tyrion learns that Tysha was not a whore. Tyrion asks Tywin where she went, and receives the answer Where do whores go. He spends the next book asking, both himself and others, that question.

I guess it could be just to get across how desolate Tyrion is feeling. At the same time, though, he never muses about where Tysha has gone --- does he not care, or does he believe the she did go where whores go (yeah, yeah, "the money" I know). If it's the latter, yeah, I guess Tyrion could think that after what happened, maybe prostitution was the only option available for Tysha, but we the readers are never privy to him reaching that conclusion.

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...I guess it could be just to get across how desolate Tyrion is feeling...

yes I think that's the point, he is taking on Tywin's way of looking at the world. If Tyrion wants to find Tysha it is not an issue of where do whores go, it is a question of where might Tysha have gone. But instead he is thinking like Tywin: lesser people are automatons, they choose slavery, they act in set ways and conform to type, only the Lannister has free will and independent judgement.

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I guess I have my own little interpretation of that whole scene, which will probably draw a lot of ire but whatever. In my mind I've kind of made it where Tywin is actually proud of Tyrion for shooting him and perhaps wants Tyrion to find Tysha. Only he's Tywin so he can't tell him where she is, that would be too easy. So he gives her the clue, "Where do whores go?". That could be completely and entirely wrong though....

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yes I think that's the point, he is taking on Tywin's way of looking at the world. If Tyrion wants to find Tysha it is not an issue of where do whores go, it is a question of where might Tysha have gone. But instead he is thinking like Tywin: lesser people are automatons, they choose slavery, they act in set ways and conform to type, only the Lannister has free will and independent judgement.

Yes, I agree that the phrase is sort of representative of Tywin's outlook on life. But at the same time, Tyrion isn't really part of the Lannister family at that point; he's an outcast, a kinslayer, a monster. Maybe he sees some sort of parallel between his and Tysha's being driven away by Tywin, and the question becomes a question for himself as well: Where do I go?

For the record: I don't give a fig whether Tyrion meets Tysha, or not. I just thought it was a bit weird that she was so absent from his thoughts (even if he was somewhat preoccupied with hating himself and everybody else at the time).

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GRRM likes repeating lines.

"If I look back I am lost."

"Where do whores go?"

"You know nothing, Jon Snow."

"Reek, my name is Reek. It rhymes with-"

The only one that I feel might be fitting to say endlessly was maybe the "Reek" one. This is because Theon is mentally disturbed in his POVs, and we are inside his head. And remembering his name is very important in his current predicament.

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I'm also fairly sure that Tywin did not indicate any particular place, he just doesn't care one way or another. Tyrion is an emotional wreck at the time, his usually keen mind did no longer work rationally. I fully agree that it might have been a rhetorical question, but I see it as at least as likely that he simply meant that Tysha was dead. Tywin hated whores since his father's escapades, he could well have thought that there is a specific place in hell for them. The notion of a hell is known in Westeros, someone mentioned that a new one would need be made to contain both the Cleganes.

The one thing we know for sure is that there's no comfy home for retired prostitutes anywhere.

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Perhaps Tywin meant hell? I always sort of took it that way- that maybe he doesn't actually know where Tysha was taken, but that she will eventually end up where all whores end up: Hell.

Just a thought, probably wrong. I do agree that the chances of running into her through Dany's POV seems likely. But wouldn't it be even more fascinating if Sansa as Alayne met up with her?

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