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Most hated characters?


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So I'm almost finished with Storm of Swords and I've developed some hate for a few characters. Which characters do you hate the most and why? List atleast 2.

1. Janos Slynt- he is very arrogant. He thinks he deserves special treatment at the Nights Watch because he was a gold cloak. Plus, he took bribes while in the Kings guard. He is also a coward.

2. Shae- at first I really thought she loved Tyrion for who he was, but that it was all for his gold (which is why I now hate her). She lied and said he poisoned Joffrey, knowing it would mean Tyrion's death. I know she is a prostitute, but whoever lies and says someone did something, in turn condemning them to death, is a bad person. No matter their profession.

Are you quite certain of Shae lying or had not loved Tyrion? I thing Martin was looking at something deeper because she is not some intelectual being. I think getting into the shoes of someone who is "a wench" should help. I mean can you blame someone for being simple and "weak". I mean many people today aren't able to stay faithful despite their claim that they love their partner. Shae comes from a history of changing partners, how could she simply change that and become Tyrion's love.... or wife. Furthermore, her simple background only adds to the weak personality that lead her to conform to the pressure from others.

Shae isn't innocent.... by no means. I just think its a little more complicated than that. In fact when I saw her for who she was, as did tyrion, you can only love this simple girl. *SPOILER* Remember....Tyrion said : "I don't remember if I kissed her after......." ...... he still had love for her despite all her misgivings.

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Catelyn Stark. :bang:

I've disliked her from the moment she had the idea that she was "wise in the ways of the world." She thinks she's amazing because she's old, I suppose. There's no wisdom in believing you're wise, and there's no wisdom in despising Jon Snow. At least hate Eddard for laying with another woman, not Jon for being born. Then she releases Jaime in hopes of having her children returned to her, and I suppose her grief for her father can work as an excuse, but it doesn't seem like she regrets it afterwards. Where's the wisdom in believing Joffrey, the spoiled boy-king (who is my other least-favorite character,) who had ordered the beheading of her husband, would give back her daughter who remained betrothed to the false King? She's a crazy old woman who messed everything up.

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Catelyn Stark. :bang:

I've disliked her from the moment she had the idea that she was "wise in the ways of the world." She thinks she's amazing because she's old, I suppose. There's no wisdom in believing you're wise, and there's no wisdom in despising Jon Snow. At least hate Eddard for laying with another woman, not Jon for being born. Then she releases Jaime in hopes of having her children returned to her, and I suppose her grief for her father can work as an excuse, but it doesn't seem like she regrets it afterwards. Where's the wisdom in believing Joffrey, the spoiled boy-king (who is my other least-favorite character,) who had ordered the beheading of her husband, would give back her daughter who remained betrothed to the false King? She's a crazy old woman who messed everything up.

How exactly did she mess everything up? If Robb had listened to her, he wouldn't be dead. And neither would she. Catelyn shows more intelligence and maturity than her son, certainly, and her brother. Her treatment of Jon is cold, but understandable considering the situation that Ned put her in by bringing his bastard son to Winterfell. I don't agree with how she treated him but I do understand it.

Lastly, Cat was neither crazy nor old.

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Ahh yes, the many crimes of Catelyn...let's see:

1) She took Tyrion into custody because she believed he was the man who arranged the attempt to kill her son. She took him to the Vale, believing they would be safe there, without knowing just how bat-shit her sister had gone. It was Lysa and Robert Arryn who were in such a hurry to see the bad man fly. As I recall, Catelyn thought the trial was a farce. Catelyn simply expected more integrity out of her sister than was wise.

2) She believed the word of then-Hand Tyrion, spoken in open court with the authority of the king, that her daughters would be returned to her in exchange for Jaime's release. We will never know whether Tyrion would have followed through on at least safely returning Sansa. I think Tyrion loved Jaime at that time and would have delivered on his end of the bargain, even if it meant bitch-slapping Joffrey a few more times. In this case Catelyn was grief-stricken and impulsive.

3) She took out her resentment for Ned's unfaithfulness on Jon Snow. This is of course totally unfair and illogical on her part, but a realistic human reaction nonetheless.

And she had the nerve to do all this without being young, hot, or some kind of fierce magical warrior woman. She's just some depressing old housewife going around not being awesome all the time, but instead being dragged down by the tragedies and betrayals in her life. She isn't worthy of hate on the basis of her character, but those who hate her just don't like the dose of human fraility that she brings to the story.

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And she had the nerve to do all this without being young, hot, or some kind of fierce magical warrior woman. She's just some depressing old housewife going around not being awesome all the time, but instead being dragged down by the tragedies and betrayals in her life. She isn't worthy of hate on the basis of her character, but those who hate her just don't like the dose of human fraility that she brings to the story.

I do not like Catelyn (and have been chewed up about it, so I'm in no hurry to repeat that) but I do think she is a very believable character. I think she brings a powerful perspective to the story. Unlike the "fierce magical warrior women" archtype you mention, Catelyn is a realistic middle ages era Lady.

I appreciate what Catelyn brings to the story as a character. However, I do not like her, her decisions are frustrating to me and remind me too much of failures I have experienced by women in my own life. I know she is always trying to be a good mother, but in my opinion, she isn't. I wish she had never left Winterfell and her youngest children. Of course, this gives me more sympathy for Bran and Rickon. It isn't that I don't like what she brings to the story, it's that I don't like her.

I feel the same way about the Mountain (the other character I hate the most.) I am filled with loathing whenever he is mentioned, and fearful whenever he makes an appearance. That doesn't mean that I wish he was never in the story.

So it really isn't fair to judge people by which characters they do/don't like. Any character that provokes a strong reaction is a good character.

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So it really isn't fair to judge people by which characters they do/don't like. Any character that provokes a strong reaction is a good character.

Mm, exactly. As much as I hate to say it, Joffrey was a good character. While I despised everything about him, the story would be very different without him. Without Caitlyn's grief-induced decisions, Jaime would not have freed Tyrion, my favorite character. Therefore, I like what she brings to the story, I just don't like her. ;)

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I'm only half way through but right now my least favourite is Theon Greyjoy! That two faced little #$@%&!

But now, after reading on a little further, I hate the Freys, Bolton and Tywin.

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From his first two pages, I wished Viserys a snivelling and ignominious death scene - it was most satisfying and earlier than I expected.

Theon Greyjoy comes across much the same way to me: messed-up, full of entitlement issues and weak of character - the only POV character (so far) I've actively disliked. (Some of the characters interested me less but didn't inspire dislike.)

And Tywin Lannister, for what he did to Tysha (described in Game of Thrones)

and doubly so after Jaime's confession. I was glad to see Tyrion kill him, and I feel no remorse for that.

Also That Horrible Child, or little Robert Arryn.

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I seem to be one of the few who is fond of Catelyn. My most hated characters will definately have to be Walder Frey and Cersei. Walder for obvious reasons, Cersei because she is a manipulative, paranoid bitch who hates everyone but her children.

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Actually Ser Nico, in my personal experience with people who've read the books, I know far more people who generally like Catelyn than not. The people who dislike her, especially on the internet, just seem to dislike her with great fervor!! Then her defenders jump into the fray, and discussions of Cat tend to get quite vitriolic!

Anyway, I think the fact that she provokes such strong responses on both ends of the spectrum is a testament to how well her complex character is written. I happen to adore her, but I am not blind to the less than attractive aspects of her behavior.

I think a lot of the hate she garners occurs because a lot of our early glimpses of her show her interactions with Jon, and these are rather hateful. It doesn't help her case that Jon, especially in the early going is written as completely sympathetic and very likable. Heck, I hated her a bit myself, early in the book! As the books progress, there is much to love about Catelyn, and yes, she does make mistakes. In real life, I have found that once a person forms a bad opinion of someone, it is far easier to see all future flaws and errors than to see any positives. I think this natural human tendency is responsible for so many folks blaming this particular character for every evil event to befall Westeros and not seeing any of her shining moments as worthy of respect or liking.

Just my 2 cents. (likely not worth quite that much! ;) )

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This is hard since there's alot of hatable characters, but here's my list

1. Robert Aryn: I just friggin' hate that kid!

2. Grand Master Pycelle: Several reasons too long to write :b

2. Janos Slynt: Such an ignorant and arrogant piece of ****

3. Alliser Thorne: Same as with Janos, but not as much.

4. Joffrey Baratheon: No explanation needed.

5. Catelyn: She's got a way too big role compared to how unlikeable and boring she is imo.

6. Lysa Aryn: B****es be crazy!

7: Shae: Again, no explanation necessary.

8. Ygritte: "You know nothing, Jon Snow" WOULD YOU SHUT UP!?!

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How exactly did she mess everything up?

Well, by taking Tyrion captive, she started the entire chain of events that led to Ned's death and the War. While of course she couldn't see the future, she had to know there would be some pretty harsh consequences. And she does it based on no evidence except the word of a guy she hasn't seen in 20 years.

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