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The three dragon riders are


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  • 4 weeks later...

Drogon: Deanerys

Rhaeger: Aegon

Viserion: Visery's ghost 💋

Only Targaryens ride dragons! So stop it with all this Jon stuff.

It doesn't have to be a Targaryen but who are we kidding, R+L=J is not more but a stupidest theory made by Jon Snow Fangirls

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but leave three of the kingsguard to protect her and baby jon

Rhaegar was a poet and a romantic, could you really expect him to let Lyanna die, plus The room smelt of blood, Ned. Didn't mention anything about a baby. I just think all these obbsessed chicks with their 'Ooh Ahhh Jooooooon! Jon is AAR the prince who was promised, the third head of the dragon, King of Westeros' he deserted the nights watch for goodness' sake. I agree with TheLionessCersei

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I feel that the heads of the dragon need to represent the underlying 'powers' in the world. The godly powers of Ice and Fire and mankind's only true power - Genius.

My vote -

Drogon - Dany - Fire

Rheagal - Jon - Ice

Viserion - Tyrion - 'The brains'

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What if other dragons come in the world? The prophecy is abou Azor Ahai waking dragons and I belive that's Jon. He might wake the one in the crypts of Winterfell and ride that one. Dany may loose control of Rhaegal and Viserion, and they can be ridden by the other two riders (Tyrion, Aegon, Theon, Bran, Arya...) in a final showdown against Dany & Drogon.

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Even putting aside GRRM's saying the dragon riders have to be Targaryens I don't see why people are so convinced they would be. There's not much in the books to make the case that only Targaryens would be able to ride dragons. In the history of Westeros only Targaryens have ridden dragons, but only Targaryens have owned dragons. The same was true in Valayria before the doom. Saying that only Targaryens/Valyrians could ride dragons is like saying Dothraki slaves do not have the ability to ride horses because they are not permitted to.

Dany undeniably has a magical link to the dragons but she is not representative of all Targaryens in this case. She did something no other Targaryen (or indeed non-Targaryen) has managed to do in hatching the dragons from fossils. That means there must have been some X factor in her ritual that made her successful - and whose to say that if a non-Targaryen had tried the ritual using the same X factor they would not have succeeded?

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If the dragon actually has three heads, and if that means 3 dragon riders, I'm guessing it will be 3 wargs (And you can guess who those are). Otherwise, the whole 3 head thing probably won't be such a big deal and I'm sure some dragonriders will die. Remember, dragons can have many dragonriders but people can only ride one dragon.

I'm sure Bran will ride (or warg into) one at one point, because of Bloodraven's promise.

Jaime might be Aerys' bastard (If it even matters) and probably won't show any fear like Quentyn did.

Same thing goes for Tyrion, plus his mother died in childbirth just like Dany and (assuming RLJ) Jon.

Arya might somehow warg into one too. The Faceless men might somehow bring her face to face with one.

I don't see Aegon flying a dragon, though. He seems like a political figure/puppet more than the "You are the chosen one, now do magic stuff" type.

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Rhaegar was a poet and a romantic, could you really expect him to let Lyanna die, plus The room smelt of blood, Ned. Didn't mention anything about a baby. I just think all these obbsessed chicks with their 'Ooh Ahhh Jooooooon! Jon is AAR the prince who was promised, the third head of the dragon, King of Westeros' he deserted the nights watch for goodness' sake. I agree with TheLionessCersei

Let him die and don't attach so much significance to him! He's had the least interaction with other pov characters and has been stuck on the wall or beyond for nearly 5 books and the one time he tries to actually help someone out,he gets completely screwed over. There's a reason we had a Mel Pov in ADWD and that's to take over observing the wall after Jon finally bites it. I've seen some people come up with some fairly crazy theories about how he stays alive and if he is alive then he will die in TWOW right in the prologue or if he comes back as UnJon (or wightJon)well the last thing I want is more undead to be roaming westeros and if he does,I don't think we will be getting Pov from him any time soon.

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  • 7 months later...

There will be more than three.

Victarion will controll one or more with the horn, bran will warg into one when they fight uppon the wall.

The three finall riders will be:

Dany - as daugther of Aerys

Jon - as Bastard of Aerys an Lyanna

Jeamy - as Bastard of Aerys and Joanna

the first three riders were Aeron and his sisters. So maybe we need Dany and her brothers. Because Rheagar and Viserys are dead, we take bastards. I think one of the nessecaryties to ride a dragon is to be a kinslayer. Dany ´killed´ her mother at birth. Jeamy killed his father Aerys and jon killed his sworn brother halfhand and also send Maester Aemon into death.

Tyrion isn´t a Targaryan. He is named as a true firstborn of house Lannister should be. Jeamy is not.

We know too little about young griff to give him one of the dragons.

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  • 11 months later...

Well if you look at the colors of the dragons
Aegon the conquer had a black dragon when he made his conquest on westeros so naturally I see Dany as the new "Aegon" the conquer.
I think the new Aegon ( if he really is a Targaryan ) will ride the 2nd Green dragon

and the gold and cream colored dragon will be ridden by Jon snow

also not that there is a black and a green dragon which makes me wonder if that could set up something in the last book I.E similar to the story of The princess and the queen where there are 2 factions or targaryan's going for the throne the greens and blacks. maybe after they take over westeros?

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