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Is Jorah more likable in the TV show than the books?


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To be honest, I've always found Jorah likeable and to a small degree he's one of the characters I can identify and sympathize with.

I think that the show version is generally among the good portrayals. Yes, the actor is way too handsome, but the same can be said for the show version of Tyrion, so...

I really dislike what they've done with Essos as a whole so far, though. I hope they get on the right track with the next season, but sadly they enter the part where Dany's story slowly becomes unbearable, so there is that...

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I watched the series first and thought he was amazingness personified (and also very attractive :wub: ) and began to worry about how Dany was treating him at the end of series 2 (why so harsh, he's wonderful?). I also kept picturing him as a type of 19th century British colonial, I have no idea why, but it was like I kept expecting somebody to call him Sahib or something.

Then I read the books and found his character a bit of a letdown... Ah, well I guess it's a testament to the acting talent of Iain Glen that he got me to root for a character who I would normally not pay that much attention to from just reading the books.

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oh yes, tv jorah is a stone fox; when i read the book and dany constantly rejects him, I keep thinking about show jorah and wondering why dany would not even kiss him!

tv tyrion > way better looking than book tyrion

tv arya has the same badassery as she does in the books. she's adorable and fantastic in both.

tv john snow is probably hotter that the real jon snow (but my crush on kit cannot be controlled)

i also really like tv theon. he's kind of a babe.

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While I rather of course keep the TV show and the books seperate...ypu, I'm one of those that really like the tv version of Jorah. Really calm, cool, collected, and yes...very purty looking.

Nevertheless though, I did like the book version, but he had more of a deeper, more profound depth/complexity to him that can make you feel so much more emotions. While TV Jorah is pretty darn awesome (Kudos to the actor~) he still seems a tad more.....flat...for the lack of a better description.

But then again, the show has cut back on alot on that sort of thing...so it's not like I can completely complain! :laugh:

Anyway, yes, point is, Tv Jorah is a tad more likable. It also helps that the age of between Dany and Jorah are much closer. Not THAT much closer, but better...so his affections aren't as bad.

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I've gotta agree here - one big thing I noticed was that book Jorah was spiteful towards Ned Stark for driving him into exile, somehow thinking himself entirely justified in what he did. Not that I disagree that beheading for selling poachers is a bit...extreme, but he didn't seem to repent for his actions at all. Show Jorah however talks of his past actions with more regret, subtly in the context of Ned but moreso when he spoke of his relationship with his father "he's a man of great honor...and I betrayed him". Book Jorah is generally more prideful and stubborn, tho I still did like him, but show Jorah is a much more sympathetic and ultimately likable character. I actually like what they did with him. I can't say the same for every characterization change they've made though (*cough*Renlybeingapussy*cough* *cough*TryingtoactuallymakeusfeelbadforCersei*cough*)

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The TV Jorah strikes me as more looking out for Dany's best interests than the book Jorah, who seems to be intent on marrying her himself or at minimal becoming her lover.

I think Jorah looked out for Danys best interest in the books too, just as much as show Jorah definitely is attracted to her/probably sees her as a prospective romantic partner as well. He had a good reasons a lot of the time - much as I love Barristan, a 60 year old squire is a bit of an odd thing to come by.

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Iain Glen is a brilliant actor. He can go from making your skin crawl (Downton Abbey) to completely lovable (Game of Thrones) without either portrayal diminishing the effect of the other. I think he just has amazing charisma and presence because, if I'm honest, he's not the most attractive man on the Planet. He is getting older, balding and showing other signs of age but I can't help but be attracted to him. Unfortunately, I can't distance Iain Glen from Jorah when I'm reading (I saw S1 GoT first) so I don't know if he is more likable on the show or in the books.

It's a bit like my Love of Mr Rochester. I hated him when I first read Jane Eyre but watching Toby Stephens play him completely changed my opinion and now I can't read Jane Eyre without picturing THAT Rochester.

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I also watched the show first, so whenever I read about Jorah, I imagined Iain Glen rather than " a bear that walks " . I thought he was really ilkeable, so he became one of my favorite supporting characters while I was reading the books. Glen does a great job portraying Jorah, and I really want some added scenes for him in Season 3.

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oh yes, tv jorah is a stone fox; when i read the book and dany constantly rejects him, I keep thinking about show jorah and wondering why dany would not even kiss him!

tv tyrion > way better looking than book tyrion

tv arya has the same badassery as she does in the books. she's adorable and fantastic in both.

tv john snow is probably hotter that the real jon snow (but my crush on kit cannot be controlled)

i also really like tv theon. he's kind of a babe.

TV Theon just looks so weasely to me.

And yes, TV Jorah is rather attractive. It does make it easier to have sympathy for him as a result.

Man we're so superficial. :lol:

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I read the book before watching the show and honestly, Iain Glen looks similar to how I imagined him, except black haired instead of blonde.

I mean, yeah, Daenerys thinks of him as her bear and it's mentioned he has body hair, but it's not like he's a walking Yeti or something. The POVs are highly subjective anyway, so it's not like he''s objectively ugly. He just doesn't seem to be Dany's type.

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I read the books before watching the show and for some reason I always imagined him as much better looking and "gentler" than the book would suggest so when I saw the TV Jorah it affirmed how I already thought of him. That isn't true with many of the characters, so I'm glad I read the books before watching the show. In re-reads in some cases I imagine the TV version of characters and some my previously imagined versions.

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