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Sexual Abuse in ASOIAF (Contains Spoilers)


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Jaime says is to Brienne (I think, in ASOS). He recalls that whenever Aerys burnt someone, Rhaella would get a visitor in the night. Jaime remembers how she screamed that Aerys is hurting her and he wanted to help her, but another KG stopped him, because they are not supposed to protect the queen from the king...

wow I totally missed that! Thanks for the recap (as disturbing as it is)

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Well, the OP specified that the thread was about sexual abuse in the

family and offered examples that suggested they were looking for examples of child abuse within the family. If we broadened it to include marital rape and abuse, then of course we would immediately list Aerys/ Rhaella and Robert / Cersei.

Well, if we take abuse by a family member to mean only a blood relative, yes, Robert/Cersei example is off, and many others too regarding marital abuse.

But if we include Craster, we must not forget all the Targ brother-sister sexual (or not) abuse condoned by their traditions. Dany's and Rhaella's are the closest ones, but we also have Aegon the Unworthy and his sister wife Naerys, who tried to scape from her marriage by joining the faith and was refused. You have to despise pretty much your brother to become a septa rather than be his queen.

And Mad Baelor the Blessed shut down his sisters in the Dragon Pit "becasue they were sinfuly pretty" or "diabolocally tempting" or something equally stupid. At least Tommen and Myrcella were never locked down.

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