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the appropriate punishment for robb betraying house frey?

proud honorable frey

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This topic is sooo funny, it should be pinned somewhere so I can read it again and again, laughing my ass off.

Honorable he says! Heh!

WINTER IS COMING FOR FREYS, nice troll attept though. And if you really are not trolling, you probably need some help and read the series again.

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well sir you stated that bolton's men would simply open the gates for stannis and i asked you if you had proof.

Not Bolton's men. The rest of the Northmen who Roose tells us hate him, and even Lady Dustin's men, as Dustin seems to make too much of her support for Roose.

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I thought that Edmure's wedding was a fair trade actually. He's heir to one of the major Houses, and Roslin would carry his son, so it's a pretty good deal for the Freys, considering that Walder Frey is just head of a minor House with far too many children and grandchildren to marry off well. I'm not saying that Robb was right in breaking the marriage contract, but he did try to fix it.


I'm sure that at some point in the thousands of years Westeros has existed that a king somewhere broke a marriage contract. It was a stupid move when he was in the middle of a war and desperately needed the Frey's on his side, but they could have publicly withdrawn support (which they did) and refused to meet with Robb or send a raven rejecting his offer of Edmure's wedding (which was a generous offer).

They could have just refused to support Robb and sat safe at the Twins waiting to see which king came out on top (very much the road they took in Robert's Rebellion). Then they could have bent the knee to whichever king came out victorious. I don't think Robb would have openly attacked them while he was trying to retake the North and if the Freys said no, he would have continued on his way North.

The slight Robb committed on the Freys honor was worth pulling support at most. It was not worth the bloodshed and slaughter the Freys gave out, but we don't know what Tywin told the Freys they had to do to prove their loyalty. And we also had Roose Bolton, who helped manipulate the Freys into supporting his bid to take over the North. He was instrumental in the Red Wedding as well. Maybe more than Twyin.

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yes yes i know you all want revenge for the wolf king, but lets be honest. some people are givin names for a reason. you dont the name "kingslayer" for spitting on bailor's sept do you? no you get that name because you kill a king. you get the name" the king that lost the north" because....here it comes...YA LOST THE BLOODY NORTH.

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