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ASOIAF 20 Questions v. 67

eddard of the house stark

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1. Objects

2. In Westeros

3. Not man-made

4. Some may fit into a shoebox and some may not

5. They are body parts

6. Not heads on spikes

7. Not related to faces

8. Not heads

9. They are all the same (just hands, just toes etc.)

10. Human bodyparts

11. When they were mentioned, some of the owners were dead and some alive

12. I can't say how many times they are mentioned (hint: but I remember one time)

13. I remember it being mentioned in a male POV

14. Not in Jaime's POV

15. They don't have something to do with any skill

hint: many through history

hint: Some of the owners are POVs

16. It is associated with a particular house in a very very ex-tra-or-dina-ry way

17. It is not a great house SotN

18. No skin of house Bolton's enemies

HINT: Not a few here would really much like if this part of theirs would fit into a shoe box :ninja:

HINT: House Stark

Not anything of any wildling

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Uhhhh, does anybody agree that the hint about us wanting this part fit into a shoebox could be interpreted also as us wanting to even have this body part?

Because then it could be their beards. Eddard had a Stark beard.

And as far as I can remember, one of the posters complained about not being able to have a beard once on here (Crown, I think, or maybe Ned).

This is probably crazy, so I would like to hear some opinions before Shadow answers.

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Uhhhh, does anybody agree that the hint about us wanting this part fit into a shoebox could be interpreted also as us wanting to even have this body part?

Because then it could be their beards. Eddard had a Stark beard.

And as far as I can remember, one of the posters complained about not being able to have a beard once on here (Crown, I think, or maybe Ned).

This is probably crazy, so I would like to hear some opinions before Shadow answers.

7. Not related to faces

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