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Do Jon Snow's Parents matter?

Ser Creighton

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She would have a lesser claim because Targaryen inheritance put all Targ males ahead of females. Aside from that even if she was Rhaegar's little brother, Rhaegar's sons would take before her. If Jon is legitimate (and so is Aegon - for the purposes of this example only), then the Targ succession is Aegon then Jon then Dany.

Which makes me wonder why folks are so very keen to have Jon's parentage proved in the world beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Even if Jon himself decides he doesn't give 'a mummers fart' about it - you have a crazy bitch with 3 dragons and an army of scrot-less super soldiers with one thing on her mind... ruling the 7 kingdoms.

Now the bastard son of the man who helped kill your Daddy turns out actually have a better claim on the throne than you do..... I think she's more inclined to be serving up bastard bbq than bff's

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just having one hero and one song about him isnt martins style,,,,,,

One song can be one story, but the entire series is one story from different points of view. One hero or even the use of a pure hero is not Martins style.

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Which makes me wonder why folks are so very keen to have Jon's parentage proved in the world beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Even if Jon himself decides he doesn't give 'a mummers fart' about it - you have a crazy bitch with 3 dragons and an army of scrot-less super soldiers with one thing on her mind... ruling the 7 kingdoms.

Now the bastard son of the man who helped kill your Daddy turns out actually have a better claim on the throne than you do..... I think she's more inclined to be serving up bastard bbq than bff's

Well I am not so sure Dany is crazy, will see what's on her mind is after she returns to to her people. Dany doesn't hold children responsible for the parents she was really protective of the children who are serving her. She has no clue who Jon is at this point, and if Jon is her nephew then her father is his grandfather and he killed Jons other Grandfather so it's even stevens at this point. The War has bothered Jon but he has not left the wall. Not when his brother died, not when his father died, not when he thought Bran and Rickon were killed and Winterfell sacked. Jon has either chosen not to go, was talked out of going or prevented from going south every single time. Dany has to come North and Jon at the wall is no threat to her.

The theory that Jon dies and is brought back and that somehow makes it okay for him to leave is not going to fly with anyone else. "Well I died, and then came back to life so it's okay." Who the hell is going to buy that? He permanently left the wall and everyone is going to say the Bastard Lord Commander has abandoned his watch. If your alive, your watch is not over.

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The theory that Jon dies and is brought back and that somehow makes it okay for him to leave is not going to fly with anyone else. "Well I died, and then came back to life so it's okay." Who the hell is going to buy that? He permanently left the wall and everyone is going to say the Bastard Lord Commander has abandoned his watch. If your alive, your watch is not over.

I personally hate the Jon-death leaves the Nights Watch theories, as they seem to take more into account lawyering of minute semantics than Jon's character and personal journey.

That said, I think making Jon's lineage public knowledge and 'accepted fact' in the world (if it is true) puts a great big target on his back whether he decides it means anything or not (and in saying that I'm inclined to think 'not')

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Per the question Jon's parentage will not change who he is character wise because in all honesty Ned had everything to do with how Ned turned out.His parentage in terms of the Game of Thrones and the SOFAI is very important because it's all about the blood.

If he is a legitimized son of Rheagar and certain factions get a whole of that info,then he is ripe for players of the game wanting to use him to advance their own agenda.Will that happen nah i doubt he is so stupid to be used that way.Plus the throne will not interest him,but i won't stop others from trying.

In terms of his bloodlines his Targ bloodline can help him form a connection with a dragon,i believe myself that of all the Dragonlords of Valyria the Targs had a connection with dragons that was different from the other lords.The Targs may not have needed a horn where the other lords did.

Also,Lyanna's blood already makes him a Warg.

so in truth Jon would be both a Dragonlord and a Warg.

Which would make sorting out Ice and Fire plausible.

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Personally, I hate the idea that Jon is special because he's Rhaegar's and Lyanna's child.

I think it would be far cooler and more in style for the series if GRRM showed that ultimately Jon`s biological heritage meant next to nothing (at least from his father`s side), and what truly makes Jon important are the values and lessons he inherited from Ned.

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Not sure if anyone would believe Howland Reed but the fact he has Targ blood and knows about it may allow him to, say... warg into a Dragon? I know it sound too obvious and we all had this idea once, and that's why wa can trust GRRM NOT to do it...

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