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Ed Skrein as Daario.....really?


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Or, blue hair???? or another color. Doesn't mean that Daario hasn't blue hair that the Tyroshi doesn't either in the show.

Well they haven't really established any other characters who dye their hair/beards so the question was how can they handle YG if they plan to keep this out completely.

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Maybe Daario isn't Tyroshi in the show?

Don't forget Jaqen.

Jaqen's portrayal was pretty accurate. Instead of one side red and one side white, they gave him a streak of white - which is probably more appropriate for TV.

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Jaqen's portrayal was pretty accurate. Instead of one side red and one side white, they gave him a streak of white - which is probably more appropriate for TV.

I just meant that we can expect some dyed hair for the Griffs, even if their hair is whole died. (like sansa later)

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Daario sucked in the books so I don't mind any changes made as long as he fills the same general role. I actually thought Rakharo was going to replace him at one point, which would have been fine, but then he died in the next episode.

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Dare I say it, I like Daario in the books and totally get why Danarys fancies the pants of him. Moreover, I believe that he may surprise, in so far as that he may in fact turn out to be trustworthy.

As for Ed, I have to admit I was not sure about him being cast but seeing the stills on here am starting to see why they cast him. An earring or two wouldn't go amiss though.

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Dare I say it, I like Daario in the books and totally get why Danarys fancies the pants of him. Moreover, I believe that he may surprise, in so far as that he may in fact turn out to be trustworthy.

As for Ed, I have to admit I was not sure about him being cast but seeing the stills on here am starting to see why they cast him. An earring or two wouldn't go amiss though.

His mouth... It's a lovely shape... And that still above.

I TOTALLY get it.

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The casting ppl at GOT are pretty damn good at their job, so this Skein fellow will probably make a great Daario...though as I've mentioned before, I disagree with the casters choice of Hinds (an excellent actor) as Mance Rayder, and think they chose him more for his star power than his suitability.

Hopefully the show's success won't lead them into making choices they believe to be 'crowd-pleasing' rather than true to the spirit of ASOIAF. Whenever Hollywood tries to please crowds, they wind up ruining the project, as their is no monolithic crowd to appeal to.

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I suppose we'll see how he does in the next couple of episodes.

I've never seen him in anything before but I get the feeling he'll do a decent job - still a shame they haven't retained any of the Tyroshi features though :(

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It's not about some ridiculous character with blue hair being in the series. I'd just like to see some part of his identity retained. The Tyroshi culture is massively different to Westeros culture but from the pictures I've seen, he just looks like another sellsword out of Westeros.

I care more about the character than what he's dressed like. This isn't Project Runway....

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Hmm the actor looks more like a Ramsay Bolton to me.

I couldn't care less about Daario as a character but I'm glad they toned down his appearance. In the book he sounds like he just stepped out of the Panem Capitol.

I would've liked a less whitey white actor though.. Someone like Jesse Williams maybe?

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Hmm the actor looks more like a Ramsay Bolton to me.

I couldn't care less about Daario as a character but I'm glad they toned down his appearance. In the book he sounds like he just stepped out of the Panem Capitol.

I would've liked a less whitey white actor though.. Someone like Jesse Williams maybe?

Oh God, I thought this was only me! :lol: The gold tooth nailed it for me.

The picture of him looks much better than he does in the trailer.

But f he can be a douche, I'll be happy. I always thought he was supposed to come across to Dany like he reminded her in some way of Drogo, being strong etc but we as the reader see he is no Drogo, just an arrogant fool. Fighting skills? Yes, but fighting skills like Bronn. Not like the Khal.

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Aww, I was hoping for blue hair. I mean, wasn't a huge part of his character that he's this flamboyant, obnoxious guy? If they just make him pretty for the series, it makes me wonder if they'll make him more likeable too, so that Dany seems less strange for liking him. Which could be good or bad, depending on how their relationship goes in the book. If it goes the same way as Tyrion/Shae, making Daario more appealing probably won't be a good idea.

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