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If you could be any member, historical or contemporary, of any great house, past or present, who would you be?

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I would choose to be the cartographer/surveyor that first drew out the land of Westeros. I'm not far enough along in the series to know if he/she is even named at all (still working on Feast For Crows), but if he/she was, then yeah... that person.

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I can understand that choice, they had it pretty easy.


Relaxing at the head of the most prosperous of the Seven Kingdoms, not giving a damn. (Except for the occasional war with the Dornishmen and the Stormlords)

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Aegon I or Thoros.

I was going for Eddard because he seems to have travelled across all Westeros, fighting and sh*t, inspiring loyalty and respect along the way, loved by his bannermen and his family. But then I just thought loosing brothers, sister and father in such a way, plus his ultimate fate. Either way, he was a man who lived to extremes and afterwards peacefully in his seat where he was adored. I'm such an Eddard fanboy :c

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