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Could the Red Flux have been started by the Red God?


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I was reading the wiki on the slaver cities and it mentioned that the city of Tolos started having recurring and severe outbreaks of the Red Flux around 300-301AL. Which is oddly concurrent with Danys slave rebellion and that city decalred war on her with its slingers at the siege itself; naming her a whore. This got me thinking, it might just be the coincidence in names, but, the disease seems to be working in Danys favour. It hasn't touched her unsullied, or her for that matter even though she should have been infected by walking into those people. Yes, those people were from Astapor, hundreds of thousands of people who she wanted saved dead, but she herself had left Astapor to its fate and their presence led to the disease decimating the besieging army. As we've seen before, the Red God seems to be a bit of a dick and this seems to draw upon an Old Testamont vision of god. There are certainly parrallels with the plagues sent to the Egyptians for incurring gods wrath for instance. You could suppose that the Red God is striking down his enemies with this pestilence. On the whole, it does seem to be to Danys advantage for what should be an inexplicable act of nature. Yes, her own city is being affected. But, as Melisandre has repeatedly said, the Red God does not care about foot soldiers and many in the city are opposed to Daenerys as well.

I should also add that this is a bit crackpot. Most people do not like the notion of the Red God actually existing; even if he is closer to a Cthulu monster than the Christian God. But its worth noting that the disease could certainly be percieved like that by the Red Worshippers and others. If the plague spreads to all the slaver cities, for instance if infected troops flee the Battle at Mereen then it could cover most of Essos pretty quickly. This could create an apocalyptic scenario which could make the red worshippers point to Gods Wrath and sway many to rebellion or to convert hoping for absolution. Given that the Red Worshippers in Essos think Dany is AA that would give her a huge advantage and weaken her enemies substantially; as well as enhance the hand of the red Priests.Come to think of it Benerro prophesises that Doom will come to Volantis if they oppose Daenerys and if routed troops infected by the red flux return to Volantis just such a doom would befall the city.

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Yes! This is very likely. I've no problem seeing the Red God as cursing his enemies with plagues, we've seen the followers of this cult involved in human sacrifice, blood magic and Shadow binding. I see him as closer to the Christian Devil than Cthulhu- that would be the Drowned God (if he exists).

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Yes! This is very likely. I've no problem seeing the Red God as cursing his enemies with plagues, we've seen the followers of this cult involved in human sacrifice, blood magic and Shadow binding. I see him as closer to the Christian Devil than Cthulhu- that would be the Drowned God (if he exists).

Maybe the Stone Dragon breathing shadowfire is actually Conningtons greyscale? Shadow being of course linked to the red god. We know Aegon n Dany are going to fight and so will most of Westeros. Such a plague would destabilise his rule and others in Westeros.

Also, winter tends to be associated with killing off diseases, especially those from tropical climes. So you could conversely argue that some diseases are associated with heat and therefore the fire god if their antithesis is cold. So these diseases would peter out come the depths of winter when Dany would be fghting Others.

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It is the bloody flux. Not the red flux or something. Its a disease. And probably there's no actual gods in Asoiaf-verse.

So you perfectly accept magic, magical creatures, talking trees, dragons, shadow babies made by having sex, seeing the future etc etc. But the idea of a guy praying to higher power or entity, be it Zues or Cthulu or Slannesh or Khorne, seems outrageous to you? Listen, I am an atheist, I do not understand why people putting a god into a fantasy novel is a justification for the existence of a god in the real world; any more than putting magic in a fantasy novel means magic exists in the real world. Nor is it a valorization of Christianity or its values by proxy. The last three sci-fi/fantasy examples I listed there are really just powerful entities rather than gods in the christian sense and they only serve the feel of the story or as part of the world building.

As an aside- Its even stranger because 40k fans accept that an entity from another dimension can infuse a human with supernatural power and be almost god like. But baulk at the notion that the God Emperor does the same because he is an incredibly powerful psyker sitting on the Golden Throne that amplifies his powers; largely because of the cult around him being a parody of Christianity. Sci-fi/fantasy fans have some very bizarre notions about gods and religion being included in what they read about. This is not about Christianity vs atheism.

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Its a disease. And probably there's no actual gods in Asoiaf-verse.

Speaking in "ASOIAF-verse" terms, the 5 wolf pups for the 5 stark kids, with the mamma direwolf slain by a stag looks providential, though overall, it's fair to say that there's no actual gods intended.

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When was it ever referred to as the 'Red Flux'?

I have to ask this question too; I don't recall the red ever being mentioned.

It's only been referred to as the "Bloody Flux" or the "Pale Mare".

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