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*************Spoilers All**************8 Stark Heritage and the Crow


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Lady Stoneheart - Cat Tully

Coldhands - Benjen Stark

The Knight of the Laughing Tree - Lyanna Stark

............. does anyone else see it ...........?

Also a Targaryen beyond the wall can be taken as a symbol of ice and fire merging ----- Brynden and Three Eyed Crow ---------

Might the above 2 observations be related to AA in any way? Or each other?

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You're trying to say that the Starks may be involved with whatever supernatural events are occurring in the North, and closely associated with the "old gods"/ice concept? That a Targaryen associated with the old can be taken as ice and fire? That Azor Ahai could be a mythos linked to what is currently happening with the North?

No, hold the presses, nobody ever thought of that. You should elaborate on your theory and make it known to the forum in detail.

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First, OP, welcome to the forums,

And second, I am bit confused with what you wanted to say, so please be kind to tell us what exactly did you mean by your post.


I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

Wasn't the knight of the Laughing tree Howland Reed?

It was never explicitally said who KotLT was. Reeds never confirmed it was Howland, it was just Bran`s speculation.

You're trying to say that the Starks may be involved with whatever supernatural events are occurring in the North, and closely associated with the "old gods"/ice concept? That a Targaryen associated with the old can be taken as ice and fire? That Azor Ahai could be a mythos linked to what is currently happening with the North?

No, hold the presses, nobody ever thought of that. You should elaborate on your theory and make it known to the forum in detail.

As much as I understand where this comment is coming from, let we be nice to the newbies. Perhaps he didn`t know it was widespread.

But, let me say I really liked your post :)

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Something magical happened to Benjen north of the wall... it isnt necessary his face will remain the same after that, so its possible he could be cold hands.

Laughing Tree could have just as easily been Lyanna, the Stark siblings were there when the three squires were bullying Reed.

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Lady Stoneheart - Cat Tully

Coldhands - Benjen Stark

The Knight of the Laughing Tree - Lyanna Stark

............. does anyone else see it ...........?

Also a Targaryen beyond the wall can be taken as a symbol of ice and fire merging ----- Brynden and Three Eyed Crow ---------

Might the above 2 observations be related to AA in any way? Or each other?

I'm sorry, I don't even understand your title. Catlyn Stark is a Tully by blood. BR said Cold hands died a long time ago, so may not be Benjen Stark. I personally think he is alive. The tKotLT must be Lyanna Stark. To me, it dosent make sense for it to be Howland Reed. Why would he defend his own honour when he couldn't even fight 3 15 year old squires. While Lyanna was a skilled at rings and riding and shit. Anyway BR is himself a song of ice and fire, in a sense, being both Targ and Blackwood. I think a better link would be: Jon Snow with Ghost. Ghost is albino and so is BR. BR and JS are bastards, both have Targ and First men blood. Jon could be made legit at some point. Both were Lord Commanders. There is probably more links,

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Something magical happened to Benjen north of the wall... it isnt necessary his face will remain the same after that, so its possible he could be cold hands.

Laughing Tree could have just as easily been Lyanna, the Stark siblings were there when the three squires were bullying Reed.

But what about Cat Stoneheart? Where is the link?

BRB, getting some liver and onions. Might help me think better.

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Lady Stoneheart - Cat Tully

Coldhands - Benjen Stark

The Knight of the Laughing Tree - Lyanna Stark

............. does anyone else see it ...........?

Also a Targaryen beyond the wall can be taken as a symbol of ice and fire merging ----- Brynden and Three Eyed Crow ---------

Might the above 2 observations be related to AA in any way? Or each other?

Umm ? you have to elaborate on what connection you are trying to make, give details so we can better understand.

Something magical happened to Benjen north of the wall... it isnt necessary his face will remain the same after that, so its possible he could be cold hands.

Laughing Tree could have just as easily been Lyanna, the Stark siblings were there when the three squires were bullying Reed.

Benjen being cold hands is a possible scenario but we cant be sure if it is him, we will have to wait to know the fate of Benjen Stark.

And welcome to the forums, hope you have fun! :)

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Something magical happened to Benjen north of the wall... it isnt necessary his face will remain the same after that, so its possible he could be cold hands.

Laughing Tree could have just as easily been Lyanna, the Stark siblings were there when the three squires were bullying Reed.

A 200 year old leaf stated that coldhands was dead for a long time. 2years aren't a long time for someone who is 200+ years old.

=> Coldhands is NOT Benjen

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I'm sorry, I don't even understand your title. Catlyn Stark is a Tully by blood. BR said Cold hands died a long time ago, so may not be Benjen Stark. I personally think he is alive. The tKotLT must be Lyanna Stark. To me, it dosent make sense for it to be Howland Reed. Why would he defend his own honour when he couldn't even fight 3 15 year old squires. While Lyanna was a skilled at rings and riding and shit. Anyway BR is himself a song of ice and fire, in a sense, being both Targ and Blackwood. I think a better link would be: Jon Snow with Ghost. Ghost is albino and so is BR. BR and JS are bastards, both have Targ and First men blood. Jon could be made legit at some point. Both were Lord Commanders. There is probably more links,

Interesting thing about the Reeds' story. In AGOT, we learn that Howland Reed killed or helped Ned kill Westeros' greatest knight, Ser Arthur Dayne. Later we're told that crannogmen are wily, tough and dangerous, and we see Meera, Howland's 16-year-old daughter, taking on the world with a frog spear and a net. In the story of the KotLT, we're told that Howland had spent time on the Isle of Faces, presumably with the CotF learning some major mojo. So why couldn't Howland, again presumably, older and stronger than Meera, have whipped some snot-nosed squire ass?

Perhaps Howland chose not to defend himself, and his choice was the cause of all the disasters that followed. Perhaps, too, Howland's choice was deliberate, based on some foreknowledge acquired through his own gifts or through the CotF, to bring Lyanna to the attention of Rhaegar and so to produce Jon, the PTWP, blah, blah . . .

Meanwhile, back to the topic. OP, is your point that the major magical players in the North all undergo some transformation or change in identity? Otherwise I don't see much in common among Lady Stoneheart (fire god undead), Coldhands (ice undead), Lyanna (alive in disguise) and BR (voluntary tree-supported undead).

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