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The Best Casting and Worst Casting (in your opinion).


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I feel like Kit Harington has greatly suffered from his storyline, and mostly his dialogue. In season 1, I thought he was good. I especially remember the scene in which Aemon reveals himself as a Targaryen, and Jon's eyes totally widen. Kit was brilliant in that scene.

In season 2 & 3 though, most of his dialogue is very painful and the changes they made as to how things went down between Jon and Qhorin were disappointing. I just truly feel like Kit did his best even though he was given horrible content to work with.

My best cast is, by so very far, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. He literally IS Jaime, and I have a total man-crush on the guy. I just love him and his performance. I was shocked to see he did not get an Emmy nomination when Dinklage did yet again (no offense to Peter, I think he is a great actor, but I truly felt like Nikolaj earned it a lot more in season 3).

Edit: I also think that a lot of Jon's evolution as a character revolves around his thought process and his inner conflicts, which is pretty damn hard to convey on a TV show.

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Was Ramsey suppose to be a bad ass in the books? I don't recall any stories about his awesome Bronn/Barristan like abilities. Most of his power is due to be boltons bastard.

You don't need to be a warrior to be a bad ass.

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The problem with Ramsay is that I feel like he should be a bit more badass to do what he does because if he ever gets into combat I couldnt take him all that seriously against guys that look like men in comparison to him.

I think it's a mind-fvck for the Unsullied viewers. A visual (and somewhat of a script) device. Season 3, they're thinking "This dude is a crazy asshat, but Theon was kind of a douche and needed to be punished. Plus, he's kind of funny in a 'you're crazy...you're crazy, but I like you" sort of way."

Flash forward to Season 4 when boy-faced, crazy pants starts straight up hunting, raping and skinning women and making Theon sleep with dogs, covered in shit. Then the non-readers will be in total "WTF!" mode.

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I think it's a mind-fvck for the Unsullied viewers. A visual (and somewhat of a script) device. Season 3, they're thinking "This dude is a crazy asshat, but Theon was kind of a douche and needed to be punished. Plus, he's kind of funny in a 'you're crazy...you're crazy, but I like you" sort of way."

Flash forward to Season 4 when boy-faced, crazy pants starts straight up hunting, raping and skinning women and making Theon sleep with dogs, covered in shit. Then the non-readers will be in total "WTF!" mode.

I was a only a viewer until a few weeks ago and I found that guy absolutely scary. I hated Theon last season for what he did now that I've read the books feelings changed of course but it never came to mind that any human being deserved that kind of treatment. It wasn't even the physical stuff Ramsay did. The mind fuck thing disturbed me more. So I hope there aren't so much viewers who think he's an alright dude. That'd be my WTF!

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The mountian in season 2 season one at the tourney was a testosterone fuled scene that ill never forget , I did really realise that at harrenhal it was clegane. Kit Harrington is amazing , I liked Sean bean as ned I though it was just him . Varys , tyrion and little finger were born for these parts. Maise Williams is amazing to.

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Some of my favourite casting so far and is close to my book interpretation of the characters are:

- Charles Dance as Tywin


- Maisie Williams as Arya

- Sophie Turner as Sansa (Despite her story being cut off/ ignored by D&D, Sophie does a wonderful job)

- Nickolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime

- Gwendoline Christie as Brienne

- Michael McElhatton as Roose

- Rory McCann as Sandor

- Harry Lloyd as Viserys

Miscasts, which I found myself warming up to/ loving even more:

- Natalie Dormer as Margaery

- Rose Leslie as Ygritte (I feel that she gave Ygritte more depth than in the books, which is a good thing!)

- Peter Dinklage as Tyrion (I know what you're thinking, but I do feel that Tyrion is more... bitter in the books. But I do absolutely love and admire Peter's acting!)

- Lena Headey as Cersei (I like that she seemed more human-ish in the show than in the books, but I think this has mainly to do with the script.)

- Jack Gleeson as Joffrey (I find him more spiteful in the show, but Jack definitely does a wonderful job!)

- Miltos Yerolemou as Syrio

- Liam Cunningham as Davos (I found myself loving Davos in the show more than in the books, although I'm not entirely sure if it is due to Liam's acting or the script.)

Castings which I am not particularly fond with:

- Kit Harington as Jon (I find that Kit lacks the presence and likableness of the bastard from the books, but that's probably just me!)

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More than searching for bad acting in the series (there's scarcely any - maybe Shae, I'm not fond of her so I didn't really pay attention) I'm rather annoyed by the fact that many characters don't look like their book counterparts. Some things couldn't be helped (can you really imagine someone with dyed blue hair and beard on the screen? Hardly presentable) but some could:

1.Renly was a larger man than Loras, resembling the early Robert (thus Loras wouldn't fit in his armor) and he was also a jouster in tournaments. I'd prefer having the book Renly rather than the TV Renly.

2.Roose Bolton has long hair, his actor could have a wig put on or something.

3.Daario Naharis, explained above.

4.Grey Worm. I imagined him being a bit older than in his early twenties, closer to 30.

5.Xaro Xhoan Daxos. I understand that they changed him to a Summer Islander in order to show cultural diversity but it's rather unbelievable that the Pureborn of Qarth would allow a foreigner to rise this high.

Regarding good acting in the series, I consider as sterling the casting of House Lannister (main family). Charles Dance IS Tywin, and Nikolai in that last season demonstrates Jamie's change of character quite well. Other casts I find amazing are:

1.King Joffrey. Arguably the most hated character in fiction has become the undisputed champion of hated characters in the history of TV/cinema.

2.King Robert. It's often overlooked, but I really loved the way Mark Addy performed as Robert. The conversation scene with Cersei which was not in the books and makes his sad confession about Lyanna... :crying:

3.Littlefinger. I don't get why some think his acting's bad, he's got the cunning/cold calculating/backstabbing/sneering of his character pretty much nailed down (even though they gave him a lot of Sandor Clegane's awesome lines from the books)

Special mention: Sandor Clegane. He DOESN'T look so ugly in the book, despite his half-burned face. But all the bitterness and ferocity of him, combined with his earnestness - I tip my hat off to Rory McCann.

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Overall, I'd argue that the vast majority of the casting has been done extremely well. While some characters do seem weaker when compared to the books (Stannis/Jon/Mance Rayder/Sansa/Littllefinger are the five main ones), I think it's more so due to the writing rather than acting skill. I think all 4 of them are very solid actors and they've had good scenes when the writing seemed good enough, so I definitely don't think they were miscast.

Several others may be considered miscasts as they don't really look exactly like they were described in the books (Cersei, Robert Baratheon, etc.), but nearly all of them have acted so well and while they may not have changed my perceptions and images in my head, I believe they've done a solid job. Anyways, as far as the actual list goes:

Best casting choices

John Bradley as Samwell Tarly - I think he's very under appreciated in these forums and perhaps in general. One of the best actors in the show and he just nails every scene he's been in. Furthermore, his interviews and the way he talks about the whole ASoIaF series is just... Amazing.

Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister - honestly, I can't picture book Tywin as anything else but Charles Dance. He steals every scene he's in and just commands that authority and presence in the show as Tywin did in the books. Fabulous casting choice, possibly my 2nd favourite.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister - my favourite casting choice overall in the show. When you first see him, you absolutely despise that arrogant and self-righteous prick, but then you learn a bit more and more and more... Just like in the books now, Jaime is possibly my favourite character in the show as well. Honestly, his acting this season deserved an Emmy award and it's an outrageous insult that he didn't even make the list.

Jack Gleeson as Joffrey Lannister - perfection. Nearly every time I see him on the screen, I just want to slap his face. It's not easy to do as a relatively young actor to achieve such feelings and such hate from various fandom especially to a degree where some people equate the actor to the character. Absolutely superb acting and a casting choice.

Conleth Hill as Varys - another actor that doesn't get enough credit for what he does, in my humble opinion. Can't imagine anyone else for that role and just like Charles Dance did, I can't imagine anyone else when I read ASoIaF novels.

Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth - his portrayal of Davos seems to be the exact match of book Davos, who's another one of my favourite characters. He both looks and acts the part.

Sean Bean as Ned Stark - of course, who else? The person who basically gave the widespread approval for GoT show and who was absolutely superb. Great choice, great impact, great actor. I think probably the best possible choice for Ned Stark.

Honourable mentions:

Tyrion Lannister (Dinklage is absolutely superb, but I do dislike some changes to the character, but this is more so the writers fault rather than the actor's)


Arya Stark

Brienne of Tarth

Khal Drogo

Alliser Thorne

Lord Bolton (although he's very different from the book Roose, I do like him a lot in the show)

Jeor Mormont

Ramsay Snow (again, not quite what I imagined, but he gives me absolute chills as Ramsay)

Walder Frey



Viserys Targaryen (Llyod was amazing)

The Hound

Weakest Casting Choices

Xaro Xhoan Daxos

Lysa Arryn/Tully

Daenarys Targaryen

Renly Baratheon


Dario (although may be too early to judge yet)

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Amazing Castings: Maise Williams, Harry Lloyd, Peter Dinklage, Mark Addy, Carice Van Houten, Michelle Fairley, Charles Dance, Sean Bean, Stephen Dillane, Liam Cunningham, Kerry Ingram(Shireen only had two scenes and she freaking blew me away), Isaac Hempstead-Wright, Nathalie Emmanuel(even though her Missandei is very different, I really enjoyed her portrayel)

Misplace Castings: Emilia Clarke(every time she threatens somebody, she reminds me of a thirteen year old yelling at her parents), I'm not impressed with the kid who played Myrcella, she made her look like a dumb bimbo... But I don't know if that's because of the writing, or if it's because of the actress.

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I've heard others say this, and every time I hear it, I feel like I must've missed a passage somewhere. The books seem to make it quite clear that Sandor is hideous.

The burned part of his face is indeed hideous (similar to Aaron Eckhart portraying Two-Face), even the bone shows at his jaw. And his face has hard features (gaunt face, sharp cheekbones and heavy brow). Not the good-looking guy, but not as ugly as Rory McCann is made to appear. Heck, with such burns even Loras Tyrell and Jamie Lannister wouldn't be remembered as handsome knights.

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It seems I must, that is what everyone keeps saying. I'm looking forward to it. Not to be rude or anything but I expected Cersei to be cast as prettier...and more blonde than she is. Her wig in the show is a dirty blonde. I always pictured her as a platinum knock out. Like Anita Briem or something but then again, Lena does such a great job that I feel bad saying that.

IMO Lena Heady is beautiful. At any rate, her wig color is not dirty blonde, it's golden blonde, which is book Cersei's hair color.

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I tend to like the GOT cast a lot, I think each and every one of the actors is putting in a lot of efforts and they do justice to their characters.

So I am just going to quote the performances I like the least (although it doesn't mean I don't like them :-))

  • Catelyn Tuly-Stark: I portrayed her as a less "older" woman, she was on a near-Cersei level to me when I was reading the books. But in the TV show, the actress chosen seemed older and I didn't fancy the theatrical "goat" voice she was using sometimes (I don't actually know how to convey that feeling in english, but I felt like her acting was a bit too "fake" to my liking). I think the main point is, it is probably the show that wanted to portray Cat as more of a mother than a woman. But i think it's a shame because Cat was always both to me, and the actress who plays Cat is much more beautiful IRL than on the show.
  • Ygritte: again, it seems to me like the actress is over-playing Ygritte to the point that I don't see the character, I just see a "performer trying to be Ygritte and over-doing it".
  • Margaery: I portrayed Marg more striking (although the actress is very cute, but I was portraying a more striking woman) and less old (not that the actress is old either but she looks older than my ideal Marg).
  • Mance: The actor playing him is awesome but again I was portraying a younger man.

I quite like Kit Harrington as Jon Snow, but I kind of felt his scenes in season 3 were a bit... Uninteresting... I think that when Jon and Ygritte are together, the scenes are a bit "flat" and over-played, they don't seem natural. I had the feeling I was watching people pretending to be Jon and Ygritte but not getting into their story. Maybe it's just because of a lack of chemistry between the actors though.

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