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'Likeable Villains' of the Series

Jorah the Andal

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Roose, Euron and Cersei.

I can't get enough of Roose and really want to read more about Euron who manages to creep me with the limited scenes we meet him in the books.

edit. Roose fascinates me especially since we don't know what's his real endgame, we are hinted that there's something more than just overthrowing the Starks.

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I'm with Ser Mack, Victarion all the way. The Burnt Hand, the Battle Axe, and the Butchery. He's a perfect example of might over right, that was probably quite common in the Medieval era. The "I'm stronger than you so I'll win" mentality that could bring any game of schemers to an abrupt end. I kind of hope he gets a chance to meet Littlefinger!

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I'm with Ser Mack, Victarion all the way. The Burnt Hand, the Battle Axe, and the Butchery. He's a perfect example of might over right, that was probably quite common in the Medieval era. The "I'm stronger than you so I'll win" mentality that could bring any game of schemers to an abrupt end. I kind of hope he gets a chance to meet Littlefinger!

You see I don't quite consider Victarion as a 'villain'. Is he the most morally upstanding citizen of Westeros? No. But I consider Euron the 'villain' of the remaining Greyjoys. But I can see where you're coming from.

Edit: spelling

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Euron Greyjoy

Roose Bolton

They're both great characters. I love them as much as any of the protagonists. I'll probably cry when Roose finally dies, that's how much I like him, I just hope he gets to fight a whole bunch of battles before he dies. I hope all of Euron's plans to succeed even if they don't make sense to me, I want him to get control of a dragon, burn Highgarden, conquer the Reach and just fuck everything up. I'd love to see Euron kidnap a Tyrell somehow, maybe that annoying Mace or Margaery...poor girl.

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. I'll probably cry when Roose finally dies, that's how much I like him, I just hope he gets to fight a whole bunch of battles before he dies. I hope all of Euron's plans to succeed even if they don't make sense to me, I want him to get control of a dragon, burn Highgarden, conquer the Reach and just fuck everything up. I'd love to see Euron kidnap a Tyrell somehow, maybe that annoying Mace or Margaery...poor girl.

Roose Bolton is not a man to be undone.

Seriously I hope Stannis loses if his victory would mean the death of Roose.

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LF and Roose Bolton. I wouldn't "like" them exactly, but I sure love reading about them.

Yeah, that's the point I was trying to get across. I believe I may have worded it poorly though.

My favourite used to be Littlefinger, but now I think it's Roose. I also enjoy reading about Victarion and Euron. I wouldn't consider Tywin or Ramsay likable by a long stretch, unless you're looking at their TV counterparts.

Charles Dance as Tywin is immense.

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