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Would You Play An RPG Version of ASOIAF

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I don't think Bethesda has the storytelling chops to handle a good ASOIAF RPG honestly. Most of their games are a little by the numbers in terms of plot, atmosphere and characters. Nor does Blizzard really anymore (plus, they've really got no good experience in WRPGs).

A few years ago (especially after Dragon Age Origins), I'd have said giving Bioware a crack would be the way to go. But after Dragon Age 2, I'm far less confident in them.

I guess I'd say the best people to handle this would be maybe CDProjeckt (the guys who did the Witcher games), because they've got experience in the genre, and are good at adapting established fantasy novels into dark, engrossing tales (espescially the Witcher 2).

Or maybe Obsidian, the guys who did Fallout New Vegas or KOTOR 2 (though they usually release buggy games).

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Bugthesda would screw it up,they are good at TES style games ASoIaF needs a different approach,maybe the makers of Mount and Blade could do it provided enough funds and such.

There's more than a few mods for M'n'B that are ASOIAF themed - most of them pretty horrible, a few quite good. I used to play one (I forgot the name), conquering all of Essos and a good part of Westeros before a bug destroyed my savegame. Didn't feel like replaying.

Anyway, yeah, I would totally play another RPG of ASOIAF.

Preferably one set well outside established canon - or one where it's okay to create an "alternate timeline". Obviously, it'd veer drastically away from the story we know pretty soon, but that'd be the point! One where we're just playing the story we already know doesn't make sense to me.

For example:

one set right before the start of AGoT, but where it's actually possible to save Ned and Robert, and kick Cersei's incestuous ass to the curb.

one set before or during Robert's Rebellion, but where the player could make Ned king, or even help Aerys/Rhaegar.

eta: any game that allows me to kill Littlefinger, preferably Mortal-Kombat-fatality-style :devil:

(yeah I have plenty of ideas, but its starting to smell like fan-fiction and gratuitous fan-service so I'll stop here).

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Thing is guys, neither Obsidian nor Bioware, who could both make a really good aSoIaF based game at the time can not do that project, Bioware is working on Dragon Age: Inquisition(out in fall 2014) and probably pre-alpha stage Mass Effect 4 game, while Obsidian is working on a new IP currently only named "Project Eternity" which they aim to release by summer 2014(both DA:I and Project Eternity I'm looking forward to). It's unfortunate that they can't do it, at least until then.

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If there was to be a song of ice and fire MMORPG it would be cool to be set in the reign of King Joffery, Stannis, Robb, Renly and Balon. And each player would have to pick like a faction. bonuses for each king like

North - Strength +10%

Balon - Faster in water-based enviroment

Stannis - Honor is increased

Joffery - +10% on all gold income

Renly - Health points are increased by 10% when around friendly territory

and you could have a faction where you are just an outlaw, an exile , in essos. Multiplayer events can consist of jousting, melee fighting tournaments.

Quests where you would have to go kill wildlings in the north, or dothraki savages in the east. major events like a battle in the river lands or a riot in kings landing. the system can work like aion or defiance.

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Meh, I'd not really be into an ASOIAF MMO I think.

Main problem with MMOs: The other players. The nature of MMOs completely destroys 99% of the story and roleplaying feel (the numbers of DragonDanyLols and RobbStarkzz running around alone...).

I agree that Cyanide's game, while flawed, wasn't terrible - it just ran into the issue I was talking about earlier with being set at the same time as AGOT while not being allowed to change anything: By necessity, your actions were completely inconsequential in the big picture.

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Obviously the correct answer to this is: a massive open-world action-RPG based on the Dunk & Egg novellas, where you start as a lowly hedge knight and end up as:

1) Lord Commander of the Kingsguard

2) King of Westeros

3) Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

4) A tree Beyond-the-Wall

Depending on the choices you make throughout.

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An open world RPG would be best, I dont like MMO's much. If the likes of Rockstar or Naughty Dog where to have a go at making a medieval rpg I think they'd surprise us all but they dont have the experience. At the same time thats maybe whats needed a well respected dev team having a satb at it, and then improving on the flaws in future installments.

A really underrated Development team is FromSoftware, they're a japanese company and have created two of the best rpg's (imo) in recent years. Demon's and Dark Souls, great games. One of the directors has previously said he's a big fan of ASOIAF. So if they could get them involved somehow there might be some hope.

I just hope it doesn't become a flop, like the LOTR games.

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Meh, I'd not really be into an ASOIAF MMO I think.

Main problem with MMOs: The other players. The nature of MMOs completely destroys 99% of the story and roleplaying feel (the numbers of DragonDanyLols and RobbStarkzz running around alone...).

Amen. I tried playing the Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG, and there was no RP to it. It was just a bunch of airheads running through dungeons hacking whatever they found as quickly as possible. There might as well not have been a story.

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I'd love to see Bioware do this in Dragon Age style (the first game, not the second one, which was much less awesome).

I would love this.

It would also provide a lot of backstory for many things which the player can just select option 3 and ask about.

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Sure, if it was good. If they could combine a nice story with good gameplay, it might work out. The developers of the Total War series could pull it off, since their games combine both the political and the war aspects quite nicely. Of course, they'd need to do more work on the political part, but it's not impossible.

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I would love a Skyrim-style game set in the universe, but I agree Bethesda would probably leave it a buggy mess. I would absolutely be thrilled to see CDProjekt Red's take on the series, especially after seeing what we have of The Witcher 3.

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Obviously the correct answer to this is: a massive open-world action-RPG based on the Dunk & Egg novellas, where you start as a lowly hedge knight and end up as:

1) Lord Commander of the Kingsguard

2) King of Westeros

3) Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

4) A tree Beyond-the-Wall

Depending on the choices you make throughout.

I think this is as close to it as we could get, as a huge MMO is improbable . The stotyline wouldhave to be multi layered and changeable though

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