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Val's Eyes(potential crackpot)

Pinkie Baelish

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I have a long held opinion on Val and rather than seeing anything to change it, I keep finding things that are compatible..including many of the clues already given.

If anyone's interested...

And there are may other threads, as well.. But that's aside. As for this thread...

Val's eyes don't have an inner light as described for the wights or the Others. But if the change is not a mistake, I'm betting on some first men blood similar to (or perhaps even tracing back to) the Farwynds.

I don't think the colours of her clothing in Tormund's camp relate to the Others ,but to someone with a special relationship to weirwoods/ the old gods, as evidenced by her weirwood mask pin.

...And I don't think the CoTF are "in league with" the Others. I know many people argue for the idea in some form or another, but I cannot buy it.

When Val leaves CB there's a comparison to be made between Val and the Night's KIng's bride... but it's clearly pointed out to be an effect of the moonlight in Val's case .. So rather than convincing me of some Other-ish connection for Val , it casts doubt on the NK's story in my mind.

When she reminds Jon of Dalla's words.. she's clearly referring to the danger of his trusting or collaborating with Mel. Mind you, I think there's also some degree of magic around Val, but I get the feeling that it's more or less in line with the magic that is in Jon ( or e.g. the Farwynds ) - something innate that can be further developed, or trained.

I doubt whether either of them will bend what is in them to some nefarious purpose or one that is against the survival of men.

This was a Val jon had not seen before , because while she was Stannis' prisoner in CB, and with Mel holding such sway over Stannis, Val's life would have been at terrible risk if her function in wildling society had been revealed. But now, with Tormund's people coming through ,it will gradually become apparent to those with eyes to see.

When she tells Jon she can do more,that she can help Jon in selling his deal with Tormund to the NW... he doesn't pick up on it, but I think she's sincere . I think this could only be as a result of her advising him, since she holds no sway over the NW... and she can only advise him if she has some hidden knowledge (potentially through visions).

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Val is not an Other....otherwise Ghost would have ripped her to shreds. "they looked as if they belonged together". Agree with posters above that it is a description of grey/blue eyes....standing out because she is in white clothing and because of Jon's growing attraction to her. Won't happen though...he turned this down when offered by Stannis along with Winterfell and I think her violent reaction to Shireen's greyscale turned him off.

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So... Since Sunday, this has been bugging me. Spoiler below the cut...

Karsi's eyes turn blue, was she meant to represent Val? And as such, what does this mean for Val?

If Karsi is the Show version of Val (something I personally doubt, but it could work, I don't know) then

it's pretty clear that Val is somehow related to the Others/Ice Magic, but this is something many of us have suspected for a while. The same would work for Dalla, Mance's wife.

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In the video review of Hardhome from Ran, he mentioned maester Wyllis who spent a few years in Hardhome. It starts around 5:30. He talked about some interesting stuff that did not make into the World Book. After the chieftain who was protecting Wylllis perished, he came under the protection of a woodswitch. He returned to Oldtown and wrote his book. Later, he sought a ship to take him to Eastwatch and that was the last time he was ever seen.

Ran said that there was probably a relationship between the woodswitch and the maester and he is convinced that there is a story about them which might come in TWoW.

My guess is that the maester and the woodswitch might be the ancestors of Val and Dalla. And possibly the wisewoman who did some healing, the one who was known to the NW when Mance was ripped by the shadowcat. Maesters know healing quite well and we know a maester who taught healing to a maegi/godswife/whatever.

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