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Ramsay Bolton

The Flaymaester

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I just want Theon or Jeyne Poole to at least have a hand in his death. I need that cartharsis.

Not gonna happen, though. The asshole characters often do get what they deserve, but usually it's not by the hands of those we rooted for to get revenge on them. Or it has a bitter aftertaste.

Vargo met a horrible fate, but not at the hands of Jaime, and he doesn't seem to get that much satisfaction out of it.

Joffrey died suffering, but it wasn't Arya or Robb or Sansa who did it, and we couldn't be super happy about it, because it immediately had bad consequences for Tyrion.

Catelyn got revived and is killing Freys and Lannisters left and right, but at what cost? She's a monster driven only by hate.

Oberyn got his revenge on Clegane, but Clegane killed him before and he probably didn't even hear the full confession with a mailed fist stuck in his face.

As GRRM often likes to point out, the human heart in conflict with itself is the only thing worth writing about. And by this standard, our hero getting his revenge on the villain simply isn't as interesting as mixing in some conflicting feelings for the reader.

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Not gonna happen, though. The asshole characters often do get what they deserve, but usually it's not by the hands of those we rooted for to get revenge on them. Or it has a bitter aftertaste.

Vargo met a horrible fate, but not at the hands of Jaime, and he doesn't seem to get that much satisfaction out of it.

Joffrey died suffering, but it wasn't Arya or Robb or Sansa who did it, and we couldn't be super happy about it, because it immediately had bad consequences for Tyrion.

Catelyn got revived and is killing Freys and Lannisters left and right, but at what cost? She's a monster driven only by hate.

Oberyn got his revenge on Clegane, but Clegane killed him before and he probably didn't even hear the full confession with a mailed fist stuck in his face.

As GRRM often likes to point out, the human heart in conflict with itself is the only thing worth writing about. And by this standard, our hero getting his revenge on the villain simply isn't as interesting as mixing in some conflicting feelings for the reader.

I dunno though. Theon killing Ramsay, or at least defying him to his face, wouldn't just be an act of revenge, it would be an act of character growth for Theon, as he finally breaks through his crippling fear of Ramsay. It would be a victory of the 'human heart in conflict with itself'- literally, as it would be Theon putting Reek to rest permanently. And I feel that as we're reaching the endgame of the books, we're going to have more 'conclusions'. The events you listed all got the ball rolling for later plots, and I feel that it's a bit late now for the any more balls to be let loose (considering the amount of balls we've still got rolling around).

I can dream, alright?

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His dogs. Remember when Arya asked the Waif if a particular poison would work on dogs?

We are on the same wavelength. :agree: It will be a fitting end seeing as all the people Ramsay has had his dogs hunt down, only for them to turn on him due to poison like it is implied Jaqen H'ghar did to Wease back in Harrenhal.

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Arya or Jon are my top picks. Arya, because it would be really fitting if Arya renounces her identity as a FM, accepts that she's a Stark, and seeks out vengeance for Ramsay's crimes. Jon, because as tze once pointed out, the prologue to ASOS could be foreshadowing Jon killing Ramsay(Chett is the son of a leecher, Ramsay the son of the Leech Lord, Chett takes care of the hungry dogs, Ramsay has a pack of hounds, Chett's mutiny plan is thwarted by SNOW...)

I'm reluctant for Jon to be his killer, even though a bastard vs bastard showdown would be epic, as he's far too honorable and will probably give Ramsay a quick, clean death. I don't really want to read torture porn, but Ramsay deserves the single worst death in the series.

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Fat Walda, when she catches Ramsey trying to kill her little Roose Jr.

Now this I would like to see, since everyone's long assumed she and her little sprog would get killed by Ramsay. I have a weird love for Fat Walda, who don't give no fucks at all, and I want to see her triumph at the end!

Seriously, no joke, I want her to end the series as the head of House Bolton and/or House Frey after this series is done.

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Not gonna happen, though. The asshole characters often do get what they deserve, but usually it's not by the hands of those we rooted for to get revenge on them. Or it has a bitter aftertaste.

Vargo met a horrible fate, but not at the hands of Jaime, and he doesn't seem to get that much satisfaction out of it.

Joffrey died suffering, but it wasn't Arya or Robb or Sansa who did it, and we couldn't be super happy about it, because it immediately had bad consequences for Tyrion.

Catelyn got revived and is killing Freys and Lannisters left and right, but at what cost? She's a monster driven only by hate.

Oberyn got his revenge on Clegane, but Clegane killed him before and he probably didn't even hear the full confession with a mailed fist stuck in his face.

As GRRM often likes to point out, the human heart in conflict with itself is the only thing worth writing about. And by this standard, our hero getting his revenge on the villain simply isn't as interesting as mixing in some conflicting feelings for the reader.

Eloquently stated.

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