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Will magic and mysticism survive the series?


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Goddamnit. If that's true I'm gonna be really pissed! I hate when I see something new on this board that might just be true.

The first two swords(Rhaenys, and Aegon) were broken before the third(Jon) finally took, claiming the soul of it's bearer in the process. :)
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I meant to say Jon is Lightbringer, my bad.

Dear god, that is grim!

We knew what you meant.

I still can't figure out how Mel can believe that Stan is AA. She has to know that his sword is not real. Maybe she sees him as a means to find AA and just used the glamor to win over Stan and his followers.

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It seems like Mel is being willfully ignorant.

That's what I was thinking, because even in her POV she thinks of Stan as her champion. Either that or there's another red priest hidden amongst Stan's entourage doing some epic punking. :)
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I still can't figure out how Mel can believe that Stan is AA. She has to know that his sword is not real. Maybe she sees him as a means to find AA and just used the glamor to win over Stan and his followers.


It seems like Mel is being willfully ignorant.

And yes.

But it seems she will ditch Stannis soon, in favor Jon.

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First things first....There was no "Magic" as it is defined in ASoIaF in Middle Earth.The Elves left and took their powers with them.It wasn't something that could be learnt by everyone.

That's the key difference in GRRM's magic and Tolkien's magic,GRRM's magic seems to be accessible to all people and I believe some will learn it and continue to use it after the series but the magical creatures and the influence of magic over Planetos will drastically reduce.

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First things first....There was no "Magic" as it is defined in ASoIaF in Middle Earth.The Elves left and took their powers with them.It wasn't something that could be learnt by everyone.

That's the key difference in GRRM's magic and Tolkien's magic,GRRM's magic seems to be accessible to all people and I believe some will learn it and continue to use it after the series but the magical creatures and the influence of magic over Planetos will drastically reduce.

All I meant by that was will magic be a solid force in the end or will it dwindle. I know there's a difference between this and LotR.
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Leaf's comments to Bran about there not being any room for them in the world that man has built got me to thinking. Will magic and mysticism still be around in the end of the series or will we have something like the Elves leaving Middle Earth type of situation?

If the Others will leave and never again to be return there is no need for magic, methinks. But if they are not defeated but just drawn back again to their land of forever winter waiting for the next long winter to come, magic better not be gone or else the Wall has no magic to strengthen and protect itself from such creatures.
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Maybe magic in westeros is on a cycle. Every few thousands years magic returns in full force.. then it slowly dwindles away. Like instead of 'ice ages' they have an age of magic.

Seems a bit Wheel of timey but makes sense from what we've seen.

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It seems like Mel is being willfully ignorant.

I don't think she's being willfully ignorant I think that she's just so full of herself that she can't see herself making that big of a mistake.

Edit: Aww man, I just realized that that IS being willfully ignorant. Oopsie poopsie, total brainfart.

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I think magic will disappear at the end, all the red priests will go back to asshai and never return again, and maybe Dany and her dragons will go there to, foreshadowing of Jorah telling her she can live there as a rich woman for the rest of her life and if GRRM said she wont go to asshai maybe she will go there at the end of the series to find the truth.

So with dragons and the red preists gone, the others already defeated, I think Bran will be in a tree forever but his magic will be gone in some way.

And magic will be gone from westeros forever, I also think something will happen and warging wont exist at the end of the series, maybe the last CotF will die and all their magics associated with them like warging and skinchanging will disappear and it will mark a new age of renaissance in westeros by whoever will sit the IT.

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