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Which character will you NEVER like?


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Tywin decided Tysha's punishment, not Jaime. Jaime just went along with the story, and followed his fathers (and Lord Hands) demands.

I wouldn't say self-involved. I would say he's arrogant, but I perceive it as false arrogance. He is a very angst ridden character in AFFC, and if you think that's annoying, than by all means, you are entitled to an opinion. As to when he lost his sword hand, the show does it perfectly: He was that sword hand. As he says to Brienne "The hand that flung Bran Stark from the tower, the hand that slew King Aerys".

I can see where some of your points come from, but at his core, Jaime is not a bad person. He puts what he believes is right above what others tell him is. Only time he didn't do that was with Tywin, and I can't really blame him, since it was Tywin Lannister, and he was already furious with Jaime for taking the White Cloak.

Really interesting points! Jaime Lannister, as a character he is too compelling and intriguing to be regarded as entirely good or evil. There is a reason why there are no men like him.

Who will you never approve of no matter what they do??

I think that the word never is too strong. There are characters like Dany and Jaime, who do things that are wrong but I enjoy reading about their character development, no matter what their motives or actions are. Still I do not approve everything they do.

It should be noted that GRRM writes very interesting villains, such as Ramsay, Gregor and Littlefinger. I don't like them, the same way I like Dany or Jaime. but as antagonists to main characters, like Theon, Sandor and Sansa, they are quite intriguing.

In my opinion, the only unlikable character is a boring character, because I love to hate even the truly evil characters and sometimes root them on in all their evilness.

So, for me, the most boring character is probably Penny because aside from a creative death, I think nothing can improve the blandness of her character.

I think that I agree in regards to the boring characters being the less likable.

For me the most boring characters are the Sand Snakes. I don't think that their presence offers anything significant to the plot. With the possible exception of Sarella (who must be interesting, if she is Alleras) I don't care about Lady Nym,Obara, Tyene. Their arrogance cannot be excused and I can't help but compare them to other warrior women in the books. Asha, Brienne, Arya and the Mormont girls are by far more interesting and compelling than the bastard girls of Oberyn Martell.

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I agree with those who said Balon.

I came around on the Greyjoys. They are repulsive as people (at least Balon and bros), but I've come to enjoy them as characters. Balon is the only one who does not fall in to this category.

I enjoy the Victarion-Euron bits much more than I enjoyed any of the other Greyjoys.

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Tywin decided Tysha's punishment, not Jaime. Jaime just went along with the story, and followed his fathers (and Lord Hands) demands.

I wouldn't say self-involved. I would say he's arrogant, but I perceive it as false arrogance. He is a very angst ridden character in AFFC, and if you think that's annoying, than by all means, you are entitled to an opinion. As to when he lost his sword hand, the show does it perfectly: He was that sword hand. As he says to Brienne "The hand that flung Bran Stark from the tower, the hand that slew King Aerys".

I can see where some of your points come from, but at his core, Jaime is not a bad person. He puts what he believes is right above what others tell him is. Only time he didn't do that was with Tywin, and I can't really blame him, since it was Tywin Lannister, and he was already furious with Jaime for taking the White Cloak.

looking away while an innocent girl he knew was innocent is just as bad as if he raped her himself. He could have convinced his father to let her go, just pay her off or send her to Essos against her will, or he at least could have tried. Also, he knew the truth, knew Tyrion loved her, yet went along with the plan anyways. He never shows remorse for this, maybe a touch or remorse that Tyrion is mad, but only because he's on the receiving end of the anger. He only shows remorse for his bad deeds when they catch up with him and he actually has to face the consequences. He's a terrible brother, a terrible son (sleeping with your twin,the Queen, can get your whole family killed), he's terrible in the KG (killed 1 king, routinely committed treason against the next), a really terrible father (not a single fuck was given for his kids until he lost his hand, he bangs his sister pretty much on top of his dead son's dead body!) Sure, he saves Brianne, but 1 good deed does not balance out a lifetime of being a terrible person.

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Daenerys - I have tried SO HARD to quench my dislike, but she gets on my nerves, and HBO's writing doesn't help either...

Cersei - Ditto

Rhaegar - He may have been a good king, but he was a fool

Lyanna Stark - if she willingly ran off with Rhaegar, because then she is a filthy hypocrite, and hates on Robert for wenching when she runs off with a married man. But if she truly was kidnapped, then I have not problems.



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