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Do the Greyjoys have Targaryen blood?


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As most if not all major houses are said to have at least one Targ ancestor, are speculated to, do you think that the Greyjoys have a Targaryen ancestor as well? And if so, based upon that revelation, could Theon have a claim in being "the prince that was promised?" After all, when his new life with the Starks began, he was a little boy on Pyke during the Greyjoy Rebellion. So he very well could have been born "amist salt and smoke," as his joining the Stark family was echoing having a new life, the iron isles are in a salted sea, and smoke could be seen across the isles during the rebellion due to fires, battle. Also why did Theon keep getting referred to as the "prince of Winterfell" by GRRM even after his reign as a prince had ended? It seems to echo future princely role(s) for Theon, not as a literal prince perhaps but as a metaphorical one? So what do you guys out there believe? Could Theon be the prince that was promised? And could he and Asha have Targ ancestry, either through the Greyjoys or the Harlaw side of their bloodline? Please note that the Harlaws seem to be different than other Ironborn, Rodrik seeks maester wisdom in books and what have you, and one Harlaw is a knight. So could the Greyjoys have Targ ancestry through the Harlaws? Or just like other major families, could a Targ princess be found up the kraken family tree?

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It's possible, but not very likely. While the Targaryans have ruled for 300 years, many of their marriages were between family members and closely related other houses. And if they married outside the Targaryan circle, it was probably reserved for very important political matches, and I just don't see how the Greyjoys ever fit that requirement. There never was any mention of Targaryan and Stark intermarriage, for example, and surely the North would have been a much more important political match for a member of the royal family.

Obviously, it's quite possible that some third daughter of a Targaryan king ended up marrying a Greyjoy or Harlaw, but dredging that up now just to give Theon an excuse to be a secret Targaryan reeks of bad storytelling.

Also, Theon can still be considered a prince. When Balon and later Euron decided to style themselves kings, Theon was also part of the royal family. Since they use the Kingsmoot to select their rulers, there is not really a line of succession.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont think so. Ironborn and Valyria seems like a pretty bad cocktail to me.

And the Greyjoys are too good for Greenlanders blood (Though Im not sure Essos is part of "Greenland")

Hey TalalOfDorne,

I think that the Greyjoys may have had extra animosity toward Northerners and Andals, because of severe religious differences, but based on Euron and Victarion's words toward Daenerys, it seems that Ironborn have respect for Valyrians that they just don't have for Notherners or Worshippers of the Seven. Of course as you probably know there are exceptions to the religious ways of Westeros, the Manderlys are northern but worship the seven and the Blackwoods have Andal blood but still keep to their Weirwood tree. But that aside, based on what I have seen on Westeros.org concerning the time around Baelor the First's reign, Ironborn women were more prevalent at that time at the King's Landing court. I believe women from House Saltcliffe were mentioned? I would look into it, it concerns the BOD Mush yeah, but Elio kind of alluded that many main characters of the Mush are probably connected to the reality of the history of Westeros. So could that maybe mean that Eleana besides being married to a Plumm, was also married to a Saltcliffe man, who later took his children back with him to the Iron Isles? Now to me personally, a possible Targ-Ironborn marriage during, around Baelor's reign is pretty interesting. It may even be a hidden reason for Dagon Greyjoy's rebellion a few decades afterward? Since we know little of Targ sisters, any one of them that we never heard of could have married on Ironman, or maybe even a hidden Targ man married an Ironborn woman? I started a thread in the World of Ice and Fire section of the forums, if any of you guys out there want to discuss Targ marriages more.

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