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Which Chapters Have We Seen?

KJR the PR of TaFW

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3 Arianne

-One, she is in Dorne when they get news of Aegon's landing. Doran sends her off to gather more info.

-Two, the sample chapter released on GRRM's website

-Three, Arianne arrives at Griffin's Roost, but Aegon is not there. She decides to go to Storm's End to meet him.

2 Tyrion

-One, he's shooting the shit with the Brown Ben. Floats the idea of switching back to Dany's side, chapter ends with the Iron Born showing up in the Bay.

-Two, the one just released for the app. Tyrion preps for battle, the Second Sons switch sides at the end of it. The Windblown have also joined Dany.

2 Barristan

-One, he preps the forces for battle

-Two, they charge out, he spots the Iron Born in the bay and rejoices that the Yunkish are trapped between the 'hammer and the anvil'

1 Vic

-He recruits three guys to blow the dragon horn and gives a rousing speech before they head off to battle in Meereen.

1 Theon

-The first sample on George's website. Stannis signs with the Iron Bank, and Theon is (supposedly) being prepped for execution before a Weirwood.

1 Damphair

-Hasn't been read, but we know it exists. Damphair gets up to some "disturbing" stuff in the Iron Islands according to GRRM.

1 Sansa

-No idea what it contains, but it is supposed to be "controversial".

So that's 11 chapters total that we know of. We know the content for 9 of them. The books in this series have averaged between 70-80 chapters, excluding AFFC (46). So we've gotten ~1/7 to 1/8 of the book so far.

Sorry but how do we know about the 3rd Arianne chapter?

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Sorry but how do we know about the 3rd Arianne chapter?

Here's the old (locked) thread on it: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/56545-twow-spoilers-arianne-i/

It says Arianne I in the title because it was the first TWOW chapter he revealed for her. But the events described in it obviously happen after the events of the officially released spoiler chapter.

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For those curious on the creative process, and how long it takes him to come up with material, I pulled an exert from GRRM's blog. If you are calculating how long the book takes to construct from when he started (100 pages completed in January 2012 I believe. I assume he has atleast 30 POV's we don't know about

"But then I hit a good spell. In March 2008 I delivered another partial, and this one was 596 pages long. In May 2008, another: 684 pages this time. In December 2008, 774 pages, After that progress remained slow, but fairly steady. I won't say I wasn't still tearing things out, rewriting, restructuring, changing my mind... I was... but I was forging ahead as well, as the partials I sent to my editors testify. In September 2009, I sent them 998 pages. In January 2010 I passed the 1000 pages mark, and delivered 1038 pages. Now I was picking up some steam again. June of 2010, a partial of 1028 pages. August of 2010, 1332 pages, December of 2010, 1412 pages. By March of 2011, Kong was screeching and the biplanes were in the air, and I sent in the final partial, which weighed in at 1571 pages... but I still had some incomplete chapters, some that remained very rough, some that I didn't know whether to include or not. It was those that pushed the final count over 1600 and up near 1700 before the editorial changes and final sweat that I've detailed up above". Source: http://grrm.livejournal.com/2011/05/19/

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