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Will Jon marry? if so to whom?

Jon and longclaw

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Hello, i'm new to this forum and was wondering if Jon snow's death in a DwD will void his nights watch vows, since it ends at death. I believe in the R+L=J theory, but i don't really see Jon ever becoming king of westeros, a crown does queer things to a mans head. At most if he even survives the series i could see him as king in the north or regent/adviser.hand(do kings in the north even have hands?) to Rickon. If this were to happen who do you think Jon would marry? This might just be me fanboying but i love the relationship between Jon and Val, i also would love to see him and Meera. Your guys thoughts?

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From my post on the other one:


In all seriousness, I think that Jon dies in the end giving GRRM his "bittersweet" ending. I doubt that he does marry as I believe he will take the threat of the Others more seriously than any potential kingship of his.

If Jon accepts kingship, which is not guaranteed at all.. He would use it as a means to fight the Others above all else. I don't think he marries, but if he did, (Based on the belief that R+L=J) Arya actually wouldn't be a bad thought. (OH GROSS INCEST!!!) Well, yes by modern day definitions, it would be incest to lay with your cousin. However, Tywin marries his cousin Joanna and no one seems to bat an eye.

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From my post on the other one:


In all seriousness, I think that Jon dies in the end giving GRRM his "bittersweet" ending. I doubt that he does marry as I believe he will take the threat of the Others more seriously than any potential kingship of his.

If Jon accepts kingship, which is not guaranteed at all.. He would use it as a means to fight the Others above all else. I don't think he marries, but if he did, (Based on the belief that R+L=J) Arya actually wouldn't be a bad thought. (OH GROSS INCEST!!!) Well, yes by modern day definitions, it would be incest to lay with your cousin. However, Tywin marries his cousin Joanna and no one seems to bat an eye.

Marrying a cousin may not be that strange in that society. But marrying someone you believed to be your sibling for whole life, may be a bit strange.

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Marrying a cousin may not be that strange in that society. But marrying someone you believed to be your sibling for whole life, may be a bit strange.

No stranger than marrying your real siblings. Still, it is highly unlikely that Jon marries a Stark girl. He'll need other alliances.

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Just to troll this thread a bit, he will marry Daenerys. They will be union of ice and fire, have greatest fireproof dragon children that will rule good for thousands generations. Plus, their tax policy will be liberal...

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He can't marry his cousins if the realm never believes he is Rhaegar's son which can happen. Sure it may be revealed but that doesn't mean the masses will believe or ever know about it.

& yes the books do mention that having someone raised together or the societal conventions get in the way. Victarion thought against marrying Asha after he thought about her growing up as a child.

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