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If you could cross any universe into ASOIAF, which would it be?


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The Lord of the Rings. I mean, the brutality the characters would suffer. I don't know if Boromir's death could be any more brutal. I can see Faramir being a Jon Snow, Frodo and Sam having a homosexual relationship, Galadriel giving birth to something demonic and some specific nocturnal activities between Eomer and Eowyn. I don't know what else there be, but I'd definitely pay to see a crossover of sorts.

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I think Star Wars lines in the ASOIAF universe would be cool.

Jon Snow to Mance Rayder after he reveals himself as Rhaegar.

"I'll never join you!"

Barriston Selmy to Daenerys as they are crossing the narrow sea, "I have a bad feeling about this"

Tyrion to Joffrey, "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to, me slapping your bitch ass again"

Barriston Selmy before he rushes in to put an end to Bran and Bloodraven, "Always two there are, a Master and an Apprentice."

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Twilight, cant get enough edward bella love plus edward is a actually a futuristic roose after he flayed someone and took his skin (cause u knkw roose is an immortal vampire)

Also the story or jonah and the wale from the bible, he could meet up eith damphair and they could argue about godless man and the seastone chair

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