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Was Varys' junk used for Kings blood?

Poppa Chase

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IF, and I mean IF, Varys is somewhere along the lines of Valyrian descendant, do you think it is possible that whoever castrated him, knew his truths?

We MAY know, and I mean we MAY know, it was used for blood magic ritual. The mummers sold him for a good price, so maybe it was because of his blood. And if so either way, why is Varys friends with Illyrio if he is a follower of the red God?

It seems like a man that needs a mans root and stem, could easily get one from someone other than a random mummer. So was Varys used for kings blood? And what could it have been used for either way?

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I have a question. in the tv series, varys is keeping the man who cut him in a little tomb like box right? I found that one of the most disturbing scenes, especially since tyrion is standing close by unawares. this is when he's having his speech about hating magic. is there a book equivalent to that scene? I really can't remember...

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I have a question. in the tv series, varys is keeping the man who cut him in a little tomb like box right? I found that one of the most disturbing scenes, especially since tyrion is standing close by unawares. this is when he's having his speech about hating magic. is there a book equivalent to that scene? I really can't remember...

Yes. There's no dude in a box, though.

“Yet I still dream of that night, my lord. Not of the sorcerer, nor his blade, nor even the way my manhood shriveled as it burned. I dream of the voice. The voice from the flames. Was it a god, a demon, some conjurer’s trick? I could not tell you, and I know all the tricks. All I can say for a certainty is that he called it, and it answered, and since that day I have hated magic and all those who practice it. If Lord Stannis is one such, I mean to see him dead.”

aCoK, chapter 44, Tyrion X

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I have a question. in the tv series, varys is keeping the man who cut him in a little tomb like box right? I found that one of the most disturbing scenes, especially since tyrion is standing close by unawares. this is when he's having his speech about hating magic. is there a book equivalent to that scene? I really can't remember...

Im pretty sure that's a show exclusive.
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Well I certainly hope it was because of king's blood. Otherwise that may have been one kinky spell.

Don't think Illyrio following the Red God would necessarily be a problem. It's only recently that any of the magical element has worked (at least for Thoros). As long as Illyrio himself isn't involved in the magic aspect, they can still be friends. ... Ooh! Crackpot: Varys finds out Illyrio was the one behind the castration and kills him.

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Not likely. The whole point of blood magic is that blood represents life, and loss of blood causes death. Life, death, and blood are all tied up together. Since Varys didn't die, using a little bit of his blood couldn't accomplish anything. (Mel's trick with the leaches full of Edric Storm's blood was obviously just fraud on her part.)

The proper explanation is revealed by the blue flames. The flames themselves were probably not blue (Varys being in not the greatest shape to be making sound observations.) What Varys saw was Cherenkov radiation, caused by high energy charged particles from the dimensional wormhole the wizard created moving through the water vapor from Varys' burning junk. The speed of light in water is about .75c; if a charged particle exceeds that speed in water, Cherenkov radiation is emitted. (Thus the famous blue glow in water-moderated nuclear reactors.) It's obvious that what happened was that Varys' junk itself moved through the dimensional wormhole, made its way into the future, and impregnated Joanna Lannister. We cannot be totally sure, however, whether Varys is the father of Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion, or just one or two of them.

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Not likely. The whole point of blood magic is that blood represents life, and loss of blood causes death. Life, death, and blood are all tied up together. Since Varys didn't die, using a little bit of his blood couldn't accomplish anything. (Mel's trick with the leaches full of Edric Storm's blood was obviously just fraud on her part.)

The proper explanation is revealed by the blue flames. The flames themselves were probably not blue (Varys being in not the greatest shape to be making sound observations.) What Varys saw was Cherenkov radiation, caused by high energy charged particles from the dimensional wormhole the wizard created moving through the water vapor from Varys' burning junk. The speed of light in water is about .75c; if a charged particle exceeds that speed in water, Cherenkov radiation is emitted. (Thus the famous blue glow in water-moderated nuclear reactors.) It's obvious that what happened was that Varys' junk itself moved through the dimensional wormhole, made its way into the future, and impregnated Joanna Lannister. We cannot be totally sure, however, whether Varys is the father of Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion, or just one or two of them.

Triplets. That's why tyrion is so small, they forgot him inside Joanna for 9 years.
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If the "Varys is a Blackfyre Pretender" theory* is correct, the OP is quite possible.

*The theory would go something like - Varys was a Blackfyre pretender, whose genitals were removed for some blood magic. Having now no chance to continue the Blackfyre lineage, he spent years after the fall of House Targaryen to create from some other Blackfyre bastard or grandbastard a new contender for the throne, who could do what Varys could not: rule.

The proper explanation is revealed by the blue flames. The flames themselves were probably not blue (Varys being in not the greatest shape to be making sound observations.) What Varys saw was Cherenkov radiation, caused by high energy charged particles from the dimensional wormhole the wizard created moving through the water vapor from Varys' burning junk. The speed of light in water is about .75c; if a charged particle exceeds that speed in water, Cherenkov radiation is emitted. (Thus the famous blue glow in water-moderated nuclear reactors.) It's obvious that what happened was that Varys' junk itself moved through the dimensional wormhole, made its way into the future, and impregnated Joanna Lannister. We cannot be totally sure, however, whether Varys is the father of Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion, or just one or two of them.

:lol: I presume you can produce a spectral analysis of the Spider's gonads in their excited quantum state ?

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If the sorcerer thought that Vary had kings blood then he wouldn't have discarded him after one ritual because a eunuch still has eight pints of blood of the same quality.

Reproductive organs would, one imagines, be particularly potent in life-giving magic. I expect that after Varys the sorcerer moved onto harvesting from the next orphan who was no more royal than Varys but would be useful for exactly one magic ritual before also being discarded.

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