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A question about HBO's Rome

Salafi Stannis

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So, I was watching Rome, and I noticed that the doctor who was trying to heal Titus Pullo's wife Eirene, and she was speaking over her and trying to heal her...in Somali! Bearing in mind that this is over a thousand years before the language was even invented.

Here's the link


Why did they do this?

Also, what do you guys think?

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The same reason they speak in English a thousand years before it existed? Sometimes shorthand is easier than trying to find a language that was alive at the time.

Or they were setting up a time-travelling spin-off show :P

Good spot though.

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I just meant that they were able to find someone who speaks Somalian easier than they could find someone who spoke Latin.

Since Latin still gets taught as an elective in secondary and post-secondary education in a lot of schools in the USA (and I believe at least parts of Europe still), I would't actually be sure about that one. Might actually be easier to find an actor who can read/speak Latin than one that speaks Somali.

But yeah, probably the "I'm exotic, ooooh!" factor.

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Somehow I doubt the show was attempting to appeal to it's wider Somali audience.

A lot of Somalis in Italy.

But with the Vatican and the Pope there, a lot of people who can at least orate latin . . . .

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