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the US and the UK drink the worst beer, by far.


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:lol: Wait, is this the same BFC who, if forced to choose between craft beers, always tries to find the one that tastes the most like generic lager, and complains that all the rest smell like feet?

Guys, I think our beervangelism must be working better than we thought!

Or Turkish Delight. I think even if he was converted he'd be too stubborn to admit it.

We actually have a lot of good local beer, though whether it's true cask beer I don't know. But I could do with another trip to the UK in the not too distant future and would certainly appreciate some specific recommendations.

Cask beer is (usually) conditioned in a cask and served from a cask at cellar temp. Typically much has much lower carbonation levels than beer from a keg. I'm going to guess than most of your local beer is kegged. Unless we get into talking about barrel aged beers... but that's too divergent for this thread I think.

I thought he typically requested the "second cheapest lager" on offer.


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Pfft. You're not doing cheap disgusting cider properly unless you're drinking White Lightning or 3 Hammers.

I have just discovered they don't make White Lightning any more. Probably for the best.

I saw a drunk man weeping on the bus when he realised that his white lightening didn't contain any real fruit. He thought he was getting one of his five a day while killing his liver.
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