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  1. Watched Tell Me Who I Am on Netflix yesterday, looking for something light before going to bed (!)... jesus, this is a horrifyingly dark, gripping documentary about a pair of twins, one of whom suffers a memory loss, and a horrible family history. It's a great documentary though because it's hard to look away. NB It's from 2019 so I must have missed it if there was any fuss about it when it came out.
  2. I watched the last two episodes of Ripley on Monday. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL TO LOOK AT! I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful on a TV series. Almost every shot is arresting and almost distracting with its composition and lighting/exposure/shadow. Definitely suggest everyone give it a look just on the strength of its aesthetics. As for performance, I really enjoyed Andrew Scott as Tom. I thought he did brilliantly. It's a shame that Dickie was a weak link and I also felt we could have gotten something a bit more powerful from Marge (not saying that performance needs to be a carbon copy of Gwyneth Paltrow as I am always happy to get a different take on characters). I'd come out at an 8/10 I think, overall. I thought the Italian detective was great. And that cat was fabulous too. My local cinema just got itself a D-BOX screen. First film they are showing on it is the Planet of the Apes one. I'm a bit +/- about that film but might go anyway as I just want to see what its like. I've got a monthly pass so it's not going to cost me anything more. Already got my Furiosa tickets booked but that would seem like an obvious film to show with vibration technology...
  3. They cannot have Sir Ian or (Sir) Viggo play their former roles for obvious age reasons so they would have to recast otherwise it'll be a gross de-ageing mess. I see why it makes sense for Serkis to do this. Not sure why PJ wants to be involved really. But perhaps it does not happen at all without his name.
  4. Watched John Wick 4 this weekend. I feel like four is enough, tbh three was probably enough? Not sure if it was just me, but I couldn't really engage with it, all a bit too predictable. Went to see Abigail last night. As predicted merely from learning what the run time was, this film was a bit too long. However, I did enjoy it overall. Some nice cinematography too. But there's a high bar to clear in the horror-comedy sub genre and I don't think this is a film I am going to need to revisit. (Unlike Dog Soldiers or Ginger Snaps) For one thing, the comedy wasn't quite comedy enough for me. The gore was pleasingly OTT though. Would recommend if you like horror and fancy something a bit more light-hearted/less tense than your average vampire/haunted house movie.
  5. I keep doing that. I cannot stop. My brain is absolutely ruined this week which doesn't help.
  6. This sounds like a Friday Night Special. *checks* Hang on, it's not on Prime, Netflix or Paramount so it looks like I can't watch it. Extra sad because I really need a so bad its good film to watch tonight after a nightmare week. In other news I watched the end of Leatherjackets S2 last night. This has taken me ages to get through even though I like it a lot, not a reflection on the show just on my chronically overemplyed life. Absolutely love Juliet Lewis - which is part of the reason I wanted to watch this in the first place. Also love Elijah Wood and Christina Ricci. In fairness, lots of good performances but especially enjoyed those.
  7. Ohhhh. Is it THAT film? I remember the kerfuffle about the press conference. But I couldn't have even toild you what film thatw as for. But this film was mentioned a couple of times recently - I guess after the Glazer speech thing/backlash post Zone of Interest. It is on my list now.
  8. I listened to quite a good podcast about the film which interviewed lots of the production people and when trying to describe the look of the film, they were like IT'S NOT STEAMPUNK OK? I mean, what else would you call it? I think I would definitely watch it again as it is so visually interesting and they are so many details I probably missed the first time.
  9. Watched First Omen last night. It was quite good in a cinematic sense, quite interesting to look at, some good performances. As for the supernatural horror aspect of it... it was good, I thought. Not amazing, but...good. We were the only people in the cinema too which was pleasant. It's interesting to put it in the context of listening to some podcasts about The Omen and The Exorcist and the revelation (LOL) that the concept of the number of the beast etc, which although known as accepted symbols of the devil to us today were NOT such obvious signs (lol) back in the 1970's. So therefore watching First Omen set in 1971 and people being like OH YEAH THE MARK OF THE BEAST INNIT? like everyone knows about that is kinda odd.
  10. Yeah. It's good, you should read it. Personally I was pulling for Ewan McGregor in that role when I heard the film was being made. Watched See You Yesterday which is about two super smart kids in Flatbush who have made a time machine (time machines?) but when they finally get it to work they end up embroiled in a racist cop shooting and multiple timeloops ensue. Is it like Primer for disaffected teens? Not really. It's fine I guess but not life-changing.
  11. I'm a fan of his. I read The Beach the year it came out and I've consumed all his stuff since. I thought Ex Machina was great. I also really enjoyed Devs. Men, I thought had a great concept but it felt like it was lacking something and I feel the same way about Civil War. Maybe directing isn't his strongest suit? While the trailers for other films were playing (before watching Civil War) my seat was vibrating but I noted that during the film the sound wasn't as loud. NB this was not an IMAX showing. I might watch it again if it was on TV when I was channel surfing.
  12. We are five eps in (we are only watching on weekends as we don't have time for watching an hour long episode that needs concentration during the week!). I made the same comment about staircases - it reminded me that as a 16 year old I kept a dream diary and my recurring theme was stairs (apparently they stand for challenges). The guy playing Dickie is just not it. Personally I think Andrew Scott works fine. He's different but still definitely works for me as an older, been around the block a bit kind of creep. It's way too long overall and I am still on the fence about Dakota Fanning (in this, not in general - I think she is good generally). AH. STING??? I felt like there was something so familiar about Freddy's face?! I enjoyed that performance - very knowing and cocky. Agree, the end did not ring true with the rest of the film. I dunno, man. Alex Garland as a director might just be an 'eh' for me. I was at a swimming pool in central London yesterday morning and some absolute idiot in the changing room was describing the events at the end of the film in a VERY LOUD VOICE (fucking triathletes). Are you unable to speak about a film you've seen without telling the person what happens??? It's only been out for five days ffs. Not in the UK. I started watching it on Prime a few years back and when I had seen two eps they pulled it.
  13. Aww. I wanted to watch this (have never seen it) but it got vetoed. I'll have to watch on my own. But Ripley omg episode 5
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