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About Myrddin

  • Birthday 10/01/1972

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  • I Drink Coffee and Know Things
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  • Location
    Equatorial Republic of Florida
  • Interests
    Writing, travel, movies, reading

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  1. The monkey's descendent is the one from Raiders. "Bad dates."
  2. We'll be honored by your gift of water -- your tears.
  3. I thought Eternals was a decent movie in isolation, just one that made no sense within the context of the MCU. Their excuse for not doing anything after Infinity War made no logical sense. Before, I could rationalize, as Thanos' arrival was sudden and the effects immediate. You'd think the Eternals would've come out between IW and Endgame to do... something? Glad to see the Celestial's body in the ocean is finally getting some attention/focus in the MCU with Cap 4. Why does it feel like that Macguffin has been sitting around longer than three years?
  4. Ok, I got this off Facebook, but it was posted by a friend of mine who is a professional author (seven novels). Microsoft Word has the AI option turned on by default, which runs everything you write in Word through their AI tools. To turn off: File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options > Privacy Settings > Connected Experiences. Read through the options and see if you want to leave them checked.
  5. Re: What If? As well done as it is, I wish the show had stuck closer to the comic in terms of every episode (well, most) being a standalone "what if" scenario. Weaving them all into a single narrative just make this a Marvel Multiple Multiverses show.
  6. I usually spend a good amount of time picking out the right name that best matches the character. But I've also changed names mid or post draft before. Luckily, I live in an age with Find and Replace.
  7. This. He basically messed up the Phoenix Saga. Twice. I'm inclined to believe his producer credits on Logan, DoFP, etc were honorary, not as active participant. But he does have a bunch of writing credits on SW Rebels... I haven't checked which episodes. The amazing ones or the fluff.
  8. I've been a loud critic of post-Endgame, for the most part. But I'd love to see both of these movies be amazing. Time will tell. On a side note: I'm a bit disappointed that Val is the one to buy Stark Tower, not FF.
  9. A Pepsi? Do you really want to piss off Death?
  10. I guess I'll renew my D+ for a month in December to catch up on everything and then cancel again. Ok, fine. I'll renew when DD comes out...
  11. In continuing with my very focused reading list from later half of the 15th century, I've just finished The Bookseller of Florence by Ross King. It essentially covers Italian history through Vespiano's experiences, who ran a Florentine shop that copied manuscripts for most of the who's who in Italy at the time. The book covers most of the main historical developments politically, socially, and technologically (rise of the printing press). As I've been reading a lot about this time period, it was interesting to see disparate pieces come together through Vespiano as a connection point. The man really was a common crossroad for philosophers, priests, and princes. Next up: The Deadly Sisterhood by Leone Frieda
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