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New maps for the Wiki


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The new ADWD maps of the North and the South appear in the frontpieces of the US hardcover (i.e. pasted directly onto the inside back and front covers). The UK edition of the book omits the frontpieces but otherwise reprints the American text exactly. Since the US edition doesn't have the North and South maps reprinted inside, the UK edition also omits them.

Going by Twitter, Voyager didn't realise this issue even existed until after ADWD was published. Whoops.

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I've just acquired the UK paperback for AFFC. I chose it mostly because it has versions of the North and South maps that I don't think I have seen anywhere else. In fact, of the six maps in it, only two seem to be quite known already.

For those wanting a peek, I have some pictures at http://dantas.com/soiaf/maps/uk_pb_affc

I may take them off later, or substitute some for others with better quality or better presentation.

As I understand it, other than the border artwork the last two maps are well-known already (King's Landing and Iron Islands). North, South and Beyond the Wall are already available, but with different art entirely. The Lands of the Summer Sea I don't think we have yet.

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The North/South/Wall/Summer Sea maps are the original ASoS maps from the UK edition first published in 2000. They've been around for a while :)

Something that I find mildly disappointing about the new UK editions is that they don't use a unified map scheme, but use a hodgepodge of the new ADWD-era maps, Sinclair's old CAD maps and Geiger's ASoS stuff. Simply using all of the ADWD Ward maps (including the North and South maps left out of the UK ADWD edition) would have made a lot more sense.

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  • 1 month later...

I have added most of the text for the Lands beyond the wall map. http://i39.tinypic.com/i6w97d.jpg

any problems/suggestions for visibility/font/colour/markers/orientations/positions/whatever.


I am considering to do a "two level map", that is adding a thumbnail representation of the normal map, since zoomed out as it would be hard to notice anything on the pages, so I only show the most important things on it. meanwhile I toyed with idea of removing the typographic part.


or with labels;


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I have added most of the text for the Lands beyond the wall map. http://i39.tinypic.com/i6w97d.jpg

any problems/suggestions for visibility/font/colour/markers/orientations/positions/whatever.


I am considering to do a "two level map", that is adding a thumbnail representation of the normal map, since zoomed out as it would be hard to notice anything on the pages, so I only show the most important things on it. meanwhile I toyed with idea of removing the typographic part.


or with labels;


the first map looks awesome. Looking forward to your finished product!

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Not my map, it was created by Nαrwεn, from our russian sister wiki, who allowed us to use it to create an english version of it, here is the original version, with a nice interface (which unfortunately we are not going to have, since it will mean adding openlayers support and I think Ran is swamped as it is).

I finished the complete map and starting to cut region maps, here are few examples:



I am also working on "simplified maps" which would either like our Current Maps without the topographical info or like other online maps works when zoomed out i.e. without much of the small details. (no river names and small towns only region names and major locations).

if you have ideas regarding a better colour schemes, fonts or any other ideas on how to use maps in the wiki, please share....

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I've installed the Maps extension, and the required Validator extension, and have also gotten hold of a Google Maps API key. So... if that's what's meant with overlays, that's now available.

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So far from the little time I have without interruptions, I cant figure out if the Map extension allow anything but showing the google maps, or should we use a java script.

Basically what we need to do is to replace the ground layer with our own layer, they it should be split to smaller sections, so that each time you want to look at winterfell or load another layer you wouldnt have to wait for a few MB to load, this will improve response time for the users and reduce server traffic. On top of that we should add additional layers, which can be anything from political borders to topographic map.

there are few simple exaples and documentation on how to achieve that on the google web site, however I hope it would be simpler and I would find away to change the parameters I need to allow us the use of this extension. (less problems than us re inventing the wheel with JS).

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It seems the LOTR:O website has modified the Google Map extension to allow custom maps. I wonder if there's any way to get them to release the source (which, so far as I know, they probably have to do) so we can implement the same sort of thing.

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For a such nicely designed site they have a crappy coding, anyway I dont have time to really look into it right now, but from a quick glance, they have choose a 256x256 tiles, set at: http://content.turbi...lotro/tiles/...

for example:



We should need the same, Base and Topography will do. next they have their code on the main page (which should create the Map doc and Types, the remarks should make it obvious):

<script type="text/javascript">
  var territoryId = '';
  var currentCenterLatLng = '';
  var currentCenterLat = '';
  var currentCenterLng = '';
  var currentTypeSelection;

   * Sets up a specific Google Map on the page.
   * There is one of these functions generated for every Google Map on the page.
  function makeMap1328712098() {
	if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
	  map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map1328712098"), {logoPassive:true});


	  // Add our map types and remove the common Google types

	  // Set the center of the map
	  map.setCenter(new GLatLng(-8.31, -47.54), 3, G_GAME_MAP);
	  currentCenterLat = -8.31;
	  currentCenterLng = -47.54;

	  // Enable zooming via mouse scroll wheel and double click
	  GEvent.addDomListener(document.getElementById('map1328712098'), "DOMMouseScroll", wheelevent);
	  document.getElementById('map1328712098').onmousewheel = wheelevent;

	  // Open up the caption for a map marker
	  GEvent.addListener(map, 'click',
		function(overlay, point) {
		  if (overlay) {
			if (overlay.tabs) {
			} else if (overlay.caption) {

	  // Add the control to switch between map types
	  map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
	  map.addControl(new GMenuMapTypeControl(), new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT, new GSize(25, 1)));

	  // Set the initial map type to be our parchment maps

	  // Add the control to select what types of things around you to find
	  map.addControl(new TurbineGMapObjectSelection());

	  // If we are not in-game, this will detect the 'center' of the current map view.
	  // If there is a selection made for 'X things around me', it will then fetch/display
	  // those things around that center point.
	  GEvent.addListener(map, 'dragend',
		function() {
		  // Are we not in-game/have a character position on the map?
		  if(!markers['characterPosition']) {
			// Find the center point of the current view of the map
			currentCenterLatLng = map.getCenter();
			currentCenterLat = currentCenterLatLng.lat();
			currentCenterLng = currentCenterLatLng.lng();

			// Fire off the change event for the type selection element
			currentTypeSelection = $("#" + map.getContainer().getAttribute("id") + " select[name='tgmObjSelect'] option:selected").attr("value");

	} else {
	  // Cannot render the map; let the user know
	  document.getElementById("map1328712098").innerHTML = "In order to see the map that would go in this space, you will need to use a <a href=\"http://local.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=16532&topic=1499\">compatible web browser</a>.";

	// The first map on the page is recorded
	if(firstMap == null) {
	  firstMap = map;

  // When things are loaded up, fire off the makeMap(ID) functions
Other than that there is map placement itslef and the Google key and the rest of it should be at: http://content.turbi...trogooglemap.js which should deal with the various layers, icons and most importantly loading of the map tiles, but this all should be at the google docs with examples and documnetation (http://code.google.c...emogallery.html side bar) The real question is how do we use it inside wiki, i have no doubt we can make the JS work, but how do we make it simple to use for our editors i.e. somethnig like the map extension you added:
{{#display_map:44.521, 9.0568|width=400|height=300|layer=osm|zoom=18}}

because it seem to me that letting everyone them play with JS on the wiki is not option/

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