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Rickon's Role


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I don't know whether this has been a big talking point on the forum yet, but I just wanted to see what others think. A lot of posts I've read (from people here and there) seem to suggest Rickon will ride to Stannis' camp on the back of Shaggydog with Davos and an army of Skagosi behind him. (Well, maybe not so literally as that but y'know). If Rickon is to return, I don't see him having a lot of importance other than being guarded 24/7 as the Northerner's liege lord. The boy is just a child, he may have certain abilities like Bran but they aren't as developed, well I'm guessing so anyway.

What role do you think Rickon has to offer on his return?

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Rickon's character as a person himself will be quite small. He is still a very young child, and as a result does not have much to offer as an intriguing character. However, as a diplomatic pawn he will play a large role. We have seen plenty of houses (Manderlys, Mormonts etc) still support the Starks, so he will be the key to subduing the North. Expect to see plenty of the big lords fight over him to win his avor and win the North. RIckon will trigger a lot of diplomatic storylines, and ultimately will settle the current chaos in the north.

I also feel that Rickon's appearance will be the event to tie all the Starks back together. Bran, Arya and even Sansa/Jon Snow are spread around Westeros, but Rickon's appeaance might draw them back together, if GRRM decides to give the living STarks a happy ending.

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I do believe it will be Rickon that will inherit the North, his claim is better the Sansa's. Jon, whatever may come of him, will still be a bastard, either of Ned or of his sister, as well as being Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Bran is older, but I just do not seem him coming back from North of the Wall to rule the North, he has a different path. Same goes for Arya, aside from Rickon again having the better claim, her path is different and darker, I just hope she reunites with Nymeria, her Dire Wolf, it seems like her gift is second only to that of Bran's.

Rickon himself will not have a large role, unless Martin jumps ahead in time a few years, or WoW takes a few years, in which case Rickon will have a larger role by the end. Part of me think he will go a similar route to that of Aegon's, raised and trained in secret until he and the time are ready. But when he is revealed to the North they will rally to him because most of the North loved the Starks (side note which is why they are the best House in Westeros, maybe the Tullys and Arryns are as loved, but not the Baratheons or Lannisters) the North will rally to the Younger Wolf, and maybe with Sansa's and the Vales help, win back the North for the Starks.

My big question though, is with the reemergence of the Starks and the rise of the Targaryens will there end up being a war between the 2, will the North and possibility the riverlands and Vale want to be ruled from King's Landing, or will they want to follow the Starks? Robb was the only King in the War of the 5 Kings to be raised up by his banner men and not just claim the crown, will his former banner men want to go back to the Targaryens and Kings Landing once it is known there is an heir to Robb's crown?

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He'll definitely play an important role in one way or another. I'm interested to see what sort of impact Davos will have on him if he finds him. We know that Rickon has often been seen as a bit wild due to all he's been through at such a young age, but Davos could potentially have a positive influence since he's generally a good, moral person who cares for others and does his duty like Ned was.

He'll also play an important role in the Game of Thrones, as his re-emergence would signal the comeback of the Starks, and provided they aren't mindless cannibals like others think they are in Westeros, he could be able to draw the support of Skagos for the north.

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I will invite him to a wedding, heh.

ETA: Seriously, though, aside from what everyone above has said, I think his reemergence will significantly interfere with Littlefinger's plan, and he will have to dramatically change it, whatever it is. Or it cause him to rush and open himself up for a downfall, hopefully at the hands of Sansa.

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Because things rarely, if ever, go according to plan, I don't think anyone's going to be using Rickon. He'll be wilder than ever under from being around the Skagosi and Osha will have instilled her Wildling mistrust for Lords and their motives in him. I don't remember if he knew about the Red Wedding, but I'm sure he's dreamed about it and will want nothing more than to destroy the Boltons and Freys. That's Davos' in, convincing him that Stannis wants the same and already has the support of Jon.

Boy kings may not last long, but Rickon won't be King in the North -- he's the Young Wolf Reborn, destined to be Lord of Winterfell and Warden of a North populated with Wildlings.

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I just got done reading about the Great Northern Conspiracy and it makes me rethink Rickon's role. Given his youth, at best he is a figure head. But if Jon is legitimized and the north is secretly rallying to him, Rickon would be a great aid in legitimizing Jon, he knows Jon and vise versa.

I doubt Rickon remembers who Jon is. He's what? three? four? Kids forget people who aren't close often when they're that young.

Even if Jon is legitimised, he's going to favour Rickon no matter what. He loves his brothers and sisters that much.

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In general I'd agree with you about the memory of little kids, but GRRM seems to give everyone really good memories. Also even if Rickon didn't, Shaggy Dog would.

Yes he does love his brothers and sisters, but if it was Robb's wish for him to be his heir and the North is for that I do not see Jon saying no in favor of a 4-5 year old who would be 3rd behind himself and Bran, because if Rickon is alive then so is Bran. He certainly would do nothing to hurt Rickon,

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Remember Davos is a father of a boatload of boys. He'll be able to handle Rickon, and if Shaggydog likes him, he's definitely in. Both Rickon and Shaggy's wildness could actually be less now.

The Northern lords may fall all over themselves trying to curry favor with Rickon but if Shaggy doesn't like someone he's out.

I think I read a theory somewhere that maybe Lord Rickard's wife was from or disappeared to Skagos, in which case Rickon could come back with Grandma to help him rule the North. That would be cool. Nothing in the books about it, but it would add an interesting dynamic to pretty much everything. Would also be interesting to see if a "new" Stark would know anything about Jon's parentage. Granny Stark could take one look at Jon and cry out Lyanna's name, or Brandon's, or Ned's, etc...

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Everyone assumes Osha or most of the wildlings are savage beasts but I think they are not like that.Their rules are too different they won't carry of someone from their own village and they rally on their strength alone it seems like women and men are equal in their society.Osha will teach Rickon how to survive and how to be strong also she will install a little mistrust to him because as I see it that has always been Starks problem.They were too naive to think anyone would use trickery.Osha will teach Rickon trickery too she will open his eyes also Osha and maybe some Skagosi will help Rickon improve his powers.Maybe Rickon will discover his powers alone.Rickon will be wild ofcoure and he must be because he will be the wild wolf he will be a little like Rorschach(Watchmen) and he will be a little savage which will strike terror into his enemies hearts.He won't be joining battles he is too young for that but I can see him tearing his enemies (warging)via Shaggydog.

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Rickon has constantly been built up as a feral wolf. His personality hasn't been fleshed out and we're getting to the business end of the story. I'm not sure politics will be at the forefront of the story anymore.

Taking these matters in to account, I summise that Rickon will probably be used as a plot device to trigger an unfortunate event. With all the foreboding involved in this character and his powerful traits, I think he will be the cause of major suffering in the North.

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Stannis will install him as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, this will bring most of the Northern Lords to Stannis's cause and be the beginning of a new southern campaign for Stannis. Hopefully Rickon will learn some things and pick up some values from Davos, but I hope he still keeps that wild and vengeful spirit. In story he'll probably just be a figure head, the plot device to give Stannis control over the North.

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In general I'd agree with you about the memory of little kids, but GRRM seems to give everyone really good memories. Also even if Rickon didn't, Shaggy Dog would.

Yes he does love his brothers and sisters, but if it was Robb's wish for him to be his heir and the North is for that I do not see Jon saying no in favor of a 4-5 year old who would be 3rd behind himself and Bran, because if Rickon is alive then so is Bran. He certainly would do nothing to hurt Rickon,

Robb, assuming he did, legitimized Jon on the assumption Bran and Rickon were dead. Being that they are alive, why would Jon superseed them in succession?

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Yes Robb thought Bran and Rickon were dead so he legitimized Jon. Assuming the lords and manner know Jon was legitimized, I do not think it matters that Bran and Rickon are alive, legally speaking, Jon will still no longer be a bastard and Robb's choice for heir. I think what it would come down to is the feelings of Bran and Rickon. Bran is way north of The Wall and basically out of consideration, and Rickon will still be a young child. The most ammicable options would be for Jon to only serve as regent until Rickon comes of age, or Jon declines and stays at The Wall. Worst case is civil war in the North.

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I think what happens next will be a lot more about how the Skagosi are. I think we'll find out they are a lot less wild and a lot more loyal. More Thenns than Wildlings. And who is to say they dont have their own politics going on that need to be appeased? Rickon could be a pawn in their trials and tribulations as much as Sansa was in Kings Landing. If that is the case - How Rickon is procured and what Davos and Osha do on Skagos could be as interesting and deep as the Davos chapters in White Harbor. Davos could be smuggling a chil and a dog out of the clutches of mountain men cannibals - but he could also just as easily Stannis the Skagosi and win their loyalty or the loyalty of a number of their houses for Stannis with the promise that House Magnar will be betrothed to House Stark. The Skagosi could also be much more informed about the goings on in the North and the world with their own weir-net or woods witches.

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Rickon is to young to have a significant role in the revenge for the Starks, one of the big reasons I think why Martin wanted the 5 year gap, but now he will just be a 'mascot' for the North, just as Manderly already said, without Rickon they can't do anything. I don't think the North will wait for Rickon to become older, they will go batshit crazy on the Boltons and the Frey's as soon as they have him.

One of the few things I will like for what the tv show will likely change, an older Rickon, fighting alongside his liege lords and taking revenge for his family. You don't even want to know the sweet joy that one will give me while watching...

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