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Well done Stephen Dillane


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Can't remember seeing so many positive comments in one thread here. I'm in tears :crying: :thumbsup: .

But this is the Internet so re-read them and see how many are along the lines of "Stannis is great but he had shit to work with/D&D hated his character/D&D don't know what they're doing". For every nice thing that is said there's a shit sandwich to accompany it.

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He was brilliant all throughout the series, but especially this last episode. After losing absolutely everything, his decision to just say fuck it, and march anyway.... loved it. Loved how it was acted. I dislike how he went out, but would prefer that he is dead rather than have it be revealed that Brienne spared him and he's off on some funky side quest. Stannis belongs at the head of an army trying to secure the throne. Man, I was never a Stannis fan, but I feel like I just talked myself into fully supporting him. And now he's gone. Shit!

So you are just now discovering the awesome that was/(is?) Stannis.

I was one of his biggest fans and the moment with Shireen and everything afterwards has been brutal to me. Worse than the Red Wedding.

Stanis fought for the people and what was right, and the and all the gods completely deserted him.

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But this is the Internet so re-read them and see how many are along the lines of "Stannis is great but he had shit to work with/D&D hated his character/D&D don't know what they're doing". For every nice thing that is said there's a shit sandwich to accompany it.


Yeah, of course there are limits to the benevolence of internet, but love/hate ratio in the posts is higher than 80/20, which is high enough

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i feel like if they wanted stannis to be a cliffhanger, they would have left some clue or foreshadowing somewhere to indicate he survives.

dillane is moving to another tv show. even if stannis did survive i doubt hes coming back for season 6.

that being said i would have liked to see more of a battle sequence there, and maybe stannis putting up an initial fight for a minute rather then immediately cut to him being wiped out.

What show? he's been on tunnel for a few years now while still being on GOT.

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Stephen Dillane was so meta he approached this role as if he were actually Stannis asked to play himself in a Lannister propaganda stage play. That's the only way I can both stand in awe of the performance given and curdle with disgust over the content therein.

Dillane, you ser actually made us like the character despite all the fuckery and character assassination forced upon you by the D's. That in itself is Emmy material. Here's to you getting the nomination and winning.

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So you are just now discovering the awesome that was/(is?) Stannis.

I was one of his biggest fans and the moment with Shireen and everything afterwards has been brutal to me. Worse than the Red Wedding.

Stanis fought for the people and what was right, and the and all the gods completely deserted him.

His speech to Shireen literally brought tears to my eyes on every repeat viewing. I've mentioned before that my dad was exactly like Stannis when I was young, a middle-child with a hard time expressing deeply felt emotions. So Stannis for me is like a more epic version of that father I remember, and all I want to do is draw a sword and fight beside him when the shit hits the fan, because he deserves better than he's ever gotten.

Episode 9 and 10 can roll themselves in pitch and get struck by a thousand matches for the atrocity forced upon this character.

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With all D&D have put his character through over the last few seasons, it must be acknowledged that Dillane did an amazing job with the material he was given, and GOT has lost one of its best actors (probably the only actor on the show that matched the gravitas of Charles Dance's Tywin).

Good luck in all your future work- the show didn't deserve you!


Despite the crappy writing Dilland did an amazing job. At least D&D got his last words right: "Go on. Do your duty."

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Despite the crappy writing Dilland did an amazing job. At least D&D got his last words right: "Go on. Do your duty."

I don't know I think book stannis last words in that situation would have been something like you do realise renly was my younger brother without knowing about the incest so what is he rightful king of? Go on kill me with Lannister steel hypocrite while grinding his teeth so hard his lower jaw falls off.

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