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Questioning the faith


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The evolution of Homo Sapiens from Ape to Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The episode from this week was primarily about Homo Erectus and Homo Floreniences (the Hobbit).

Haven't seen it but I did recently see a discovery documentry on Ardipithecus ramidus a 4.4 million year old bipedal ape. What it shows alters what we know about bipedalism, for years it's been thought that bipedalism developed on the african savanah, but Ardi was a forest dwelling ape. It's also got grasping feet complete with thumbs.

The end also spoke of Ardipithecus kadabba which is 5.6 million years old this extends are earliest ancetor with other apes by 2 million years.

Here's the Wiki article.

I'll try to catch the next Nova episode.


Appearing as the "Darwinist Christian" is Ser Scot A Ellison.

[Wall-E voice] Ta-da [/Wall-E voice]

What does being Christian have to do with Darwin? Darwin was a Christian to.

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