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Everything posted by TrueMetis

  1. Even if they are, "none" is a valid option no matter how much someone obstinately insists "they're just exceptions" as though binaries have exceptions. This shit remind me of religious folks claiming atheists don't exist. I mean, using traits to define species isn't really how it's done anymore anyway so... You're a member of a given species if your parents were, that's it. You could have literally none of the traits your parents have and still be that same species. This is, somewhat ironically, because species too are a spectrum. Mostly temporal sometimes geographic.
  2. Been stewing on the "biological sex is about large or small gametes" thing for a few days, I can't really put into words how much I do not accept that as a method of categorization, but I'm gonna try. If we accept large and small gametes as the biological definition of man and women, then we've accepted that sex is non-binary because some number of people don't produce gametes at all and never have. Now the normal TERF talking point to respond to this is to talk about what gametes you were "meant" to have, as though biology has intention. Fortunately, we've basically decided to skip this nonsense because people here have already dismissed using genetics, which is good because genetics laughs in the face of your attempts to categorize it. Similarly we can skip past secondary sex characteristics, because we know there are exception there too. Except we got a problem, cause no one actually uses your gametes to determine your sex, and I don't just mean that it's a super new definition, and not just because the actually discovery of sperm and egg was pretty recent, but because it's not practical. Nobody is actually walking up to people and being like "what gametes do you have?" because that would be nuts. In reality we do just use secondary sex characteristics and attempting to argue for gametes is nuts, Caster Semenya is a woman, she did not stop being a woman because it turns out she has internal testes rather than ovaries and may or may not (I don't know, none of my goddamn business) produce sperm, or eggs, or neither.
  3. Do me a favour and respond to what I actually said or don't bother to respond to me at all.
  4. I've seen people flipping shit about trans women participating in a literal fun run, they've attempted to ban or have banned trans kids from playing on their high school teams which is pretty much the only place a teenager can expect to be able to regularly play sports. What the fuck are you talking about?
  5. I've seen people calling for trans women to be banned from chess, darts, and fucking pool. Which suggests to me the "reasonable concerns" are just a cover for a bunch of bigots. Sometimes you need to look at who is using the same argument you are, and maybe just stop. To use a hopefully uncontroversial example, Anita Sarkessian's media analysis was shallow, boring, feminism 101 crap. But she also had a bunch of Nazis hounding her, so I could leave that alone so as not to hurt someone already going through hell. But hey, if fairness is so important that you're crying over some skateboarder who got 17th instead of 16th but was also beaten by an 11 year old maybe spare a thought for the runner who's only ever had a dirt track who has to compete against someone who trains in a billion dollar facility, or the athlete who has to work 2 jobs to afford to travel to competitions competing against someone who was selected by their country at 12 and has had to focus on nothing but their sport since. Realize sports aren't fair, fairness isn't actually a god damn concern, and maybe that should be a focus before we decide that the most important thing in the world is to take joy away from some of the most vulnerable people on the planet.
  6. How does a provincial statue set a limitation on a federal treaty?
  7. Forces a vote that would cause an election, doesn't even show up for the vote. Yeah that's what we want in a leader.
  8. Also as you say it's "Here in Onatrio" most of the stuff the clownvoy were complaining about were Provincial (or even American in the case of the cross boarder vaccine mandates), not Federal.
  9. 1) "The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion" and "The Ember Island Players" 2) Aang's 12 and Katara's 14. 3) No. And quite frankly trying to act like saying "kissing someone without consent is bad" is an unreasonable position is really creepy.
  10. I mean, there were some legitimate issues with the show, as there always are, and yes that even includes how Katara's character was handled. But it does sound like instead of, say, having the show actually tackle how bad it is that Katara's been forced into the mom roll outside of a few moments that don't really go anywhere IE Sokka admitting he doesn't remember his mother's face and when he tries he pictures Katara, then the next episode Katara throwing that into his face by saying he didn't love her like she did, something that' never comes up after that even though it seems pretty important, it's instead going to excise that entirely. Though I guess if that includes removing Aang kissing Katara without consent twice that may be worth it.
  11. Fleeing with the heirs of the absolute monarch of a nation probably isn't gonna go very well. Anyway, while I don't actually think the creators being gone is a bad sign (just look at all the crap they put out with the comics, very clearly an even more extreme version of the Lucas effect going on there) but some of the other stuff I'm hearing does concern me, cause like Sokka's sexism isn't just he's an asshole about women until episode 4 when Suki kicks the shit out of him, it's in his commitment to being what he sees as a proper man, which he keeps and influences his character for a much longer time. But then what do I care? I don't have Netflix.
  12. "Gaza will be rebuilt once Hamas is defeated" is such obvious bullshit and all you have to do it look at how the West Bank is treated to know it. Anyway in an early thread I pointed out one of the biggest difference between groups is while people are fine with Hamas being destroyed, that's not broadly something called for for the IDF. Well I've changed my mind. The IDF needs to be dismantled and replaced. Clearly it can't be expected to rise beyond the terrorist groups that formed it. ETA: https://twitter.com/RamAbdu/status/1750894630650937662
  13. The court ruling is pretty weird to be honest, the judge admits if they were in the Cabinet based on the information they had at the time they would have been in favour of invoking the EA. It drops a whole bunch of people from the case for not having standing. Declares that the convoy was not a lawful protest. And to the extent the EA wasn't acceptable it was only partially so some thing reached the minimum requirement and some things didn't. The appeal should be interesting. Or just bloody weird.
  14. IRA's probably the best example of how this will go if it finally actually goes. IRA is gone, but uh a bunch of it's former members ended up in government. But then, Israel ended up with plenty of terrorists in it's government so I don't think it has room to complain.
  15. Just for everyone talking about ROE and how it's unreasonable for the IDF to moderate casualties, that's what ROE *IS* that is the entire goddamn point. They are the conditions, circumstances, and limits on which force is allowed to be used. And to sit here and act like not only is that not the case, but that the IDF using a particularly restrictive ROE is fucking insane. Canada when peacekeeping and requiring permission to shoot back is restrictive ROE, meanwhile Isreali snipers have been shooting civilians. Their favourite pastime. Like at the bare goddamn minimum could you accept "don't shoot unarmed people" even if "don't shoot armed people unless they make themselves a threat" is a step to far? And don't act like that second one is unreasonable, that second one is precisely the kind of ROE you see in situations like this where people might have firearms for personal protection. Yes it increases risks to soldiers, but for most countries it's better to accept that risk and trust your soldiers ability than risk slaughtering civilians.
  16. The rain and wind sucked pretty bad for the ride into work today, fortunately yesterday when it wasn't quite as bad I decided I would bring a spare set of clothes just in case. Came in handy. And Friday it's looking like it'll be down in the negatives and get some snow, which may mean snow day for me cause this city is not built for the snow.
  17. RE the debate in the last thread about how far Israel can go in the name of stopping Hamas, I have to wonder if the same standard would be applied if the PA in the West Bank decided to level every illegal settlement? After all, an enemy polity has marauded their citizenry, right next door. They cannot do nothing. I mean, does any of the justification Israel has for their attacks not apply to them? Given we've apparently decided that human shields means it's okay to just fucking kill them anyway I can't see any reason by Israeli logic not to turn them into blood baths. In fact, if Palestinians were setting up villages in towns and villages in Israel en masse with the publicly stated goal of harming Israel's ability to govern itself I can't imagine Israel even bothering with the human shield excuse, those people wouldn't be civilians, they would be invaders. Underlying every "Israel cannot do nothing" retort (even though no one has actually asked them to do nothing, but let's not let honesty get in the way) is the fact that the PA must do nothing, for if they were to respond even slightly in the manner of Israel, the same force currently turned on Gaza would turn on them. And I have no doubt at all that Israel would be talking about the PA in the exact same terms as they do Hamas.
  18. Iraq, famously a well conducted war that achieved what it set out to do.
  19. Honestly, I find the discussion of getting into the definition of sentience or intelligence, or whether or not humans are too just following programing both boring and irrelevant. Actual capability at tasks is more important. True AI is human level in its ability to gather new information by itself and act upon it, if it can do that I would happily call it general AI even if you could show it was just following programing or found a workable definition of intelligence even if that definition technically disincluded it. Dumb (or I suppose I should have said weak, I've been playing to much Halo lately) AI is able to competently perform specialized tasks, GhatGPT has trouble identifying how many times a letter appears in a given word. Now, maybe it will become a weak AI in the future (after it's plundered enough actual human labour) but it's not there now.
  20. Man, all this stuff about how the authoritarian asshole using violence and hatred against a minority is gonna lose anyway so his rhetoric doesn't matter sounds familiar. Can't quite place it though. Oh wait no, it's not that I can't place it, it's that there are so many examples I'm having a hard time picking just one.
  21. They're theft machines on a grand scale, not anything close to true or even dumb AI, and even as a predictive algorithm you're playing with fire with no protective equipment especially as it begins to poison itself with the data is creates and needs to rely more and more on underpaying people in developing countries to sort out not only good data from bad, but just straight up illegal shit. Many of these models are filled with CSAM for example. And yes, it's absolutely not AI whatever quibble you want to make about how the human mind works, because most of what's happening with these models are done by humans, not the model. And what it does do isn't synthesizing new information from old, but guessing what's next based on statistics.
  22. The Mexico example is interesting because it forgets for this analogy to be equivalent the US would also have to be literally invading Mexico and setting up new towns for Americans to live in. But uh, if you do that than the situation kind of changes doesn't it? Especially when you remember how many of those border states used to be part of Mexico. IDK not sure this analogy was very well thought through. Like legitimately in this situation I can't imagine the majority of the world not condemning the US and taking far more concrete action against it than what has happened to Israel. Kind of like that whole "Oh but they were willing to take *the desert*" thing and I'm sure the indigenous nomads of the area who's way of life was completely disrupted in favour of a more western style of living were just in awe of the generosity. Really hard to shrug off those accusation of colonialism when the mindset is clearly still "we took what was underdeveloped by our standards and developed it according to our standards and therefore it's ours." Notably on the flip side even before October 7 2023 was an highly deadly year to be a Palestinian.
  23. China and France are ethnostates and no one has any complaints about that, just as no one has any complaints about the partitioning of India and Pakistan (and the Muslims there were brought by the British apparently, gonna be news to the Muslim people living there who are pretty certain they can trace their roots a lot farther back than that) next up we're gonna learn that the decolonization of Africa went great actually. Everybody got what they wanted and there certain aren't issues caused by it impacting the world today. Anyway @karaddin thank you, yeah that's pretty much it.
  24. Oh Jesus fucking Christ that's twice people have ignored the literal next sentance of my post. I really don't know why I bother.
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