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Starcraft 2 Beta is now live


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Awaiting an email with no hopes.

I got into WoW beta by sharing a key a friend got by accident (somehow he got 2; he kept one and shared the other with about half a dozen of us). I got into The Frozen Throne beta legitimately.

If history holds true, there'll be a few waves of beta invites; as Blizzard wants to further test infrastructure and broaden the beta-tester-base, they'll invite some more people.

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I got into the Diablo 2 stress test. Thats the only Blizzard pre-release product I've ever played.

It was a pretty big let down all around. You only got the first couple areas of the game; probably the most boring parts of Diablo 2. You got the Den of Evil quest, the Blood Raven quest, and that was it.

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The protoss Warp Gate mechanic is ridiculously fun and is going to be crazy powerful in the hands of a better player than me, though the downside of not being able to queue units and the cooldown on being able to (super quickly) warp units in develops a tendency in me to not build up a standing army, which is bad. Warping zealots in on top of sieged siege tanks is incredibly satisfying.

Roaches and banelings are very powerful early game. Zerg feels like the strongest race at the moment, in my opinion; I was never a zerg player in SC1 but even in my first few games when I swapped from Toss (my old SC1 race) to Zerg I was able to stay in games with people playing their main races. The inject larvae mechanic is as good as everyone thought it would be, and ling/baneling is incredibly good at rolling over stuff. Roaches are, as I mentioned also very very good.

Toss is feeling kinda week right now but maybe it's because I suck and was only a mediocre Starcraft player at best. Still I'm managing to win as many games as I lose. Annoyingly the Immortal is a Robo unit and not a Gateway unit (requiring the robo), which is a really big pain in the ass and makes them a lot less valuable in my opinion. Compared to the Reaver that it replaced, the colossus seems incredibly weak. Protoss doomsday mechs? I think not. I also think the zealot charge is overall weaker than the zealot always on speed buff from SC1. DTs are definitely still very strong.

Terran I haven't played so much with yet, but they've never been my favourite race.

Overall the graphics feel a lot more polished than we saw previously.

At the moment there's the shitty Europe/US divide in effect, as with WoW. If it isn't removed by release I will not buy Starcraft 2. I have a lot of friends that I play SC with outside of Europe, mostly in Europe but I'm always open to getting my ass kicked by Koreans too, and if I can't play with them then I won't bother with the game. Fail Blizzard is fail. Also there isn't a lobby or chat feature of any kind in battle.net at the moment, which sucks.

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Now, I get multiple servers. Granted I've never investigated it, but I do not get the lock on US/Euro copies connecting to Euro/US servers. Is there some legal reason underlying this? Does anyone know?

Blizzard are just a bunch of morons.

In other news the Void Ray is very good.

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Fortunately for you, you get to play beta.

Unfortunately for you, we know you get to play beta, which means you get to tell us tons of things or get whined at :)

For some insane reason the registry on my computer thought the BootDir was F:\ (which is the Mac partition) rather than C:\, the actual Windows partition. Fixing this seems to have SP3 installing, so I should be able to get eligible for the next wave of beta invites tonight.

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I guess it would be smart if I'd actually remembered to use the opt-in application for the beta before today, huh?

Not impressed with the EU/US separation from what I've heard of it. Got some Euro buddies with whom I used to play Brood War and War3 a lot back in the day and we've basically spent the last five years talking about how when SC2 comes out we can play together like in the old days. For our particular little group of people it would be a big disappointment if the live version of the game enforces the same split as WOW does.

A couple of friends have gotten in so far. Pretty impressive screenshots. It's exciting to think we're finally in the home stretch for this game.

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I'm not sure I'd call beta the home stretch yet; between the single campaign being released and the way Frozen Throne changed over the course of the beta (massively changing the paradigms from plain Warcraft 3), we could have quite a wait going.

SP3's installed, so I'll re-run the opt-in, and hope for the next round. None of my friends have mentioned getting in yet, so I'll be living vicariously mostly through this thread.

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Compared to most other games, Blizzard's betas are usually for tweaking and adjusting gameplay, not "hey here is a buggy piece of shit please help us test it".

I was in the Starcraft beta actually, and really only rebalancing the power between the races ever changed (they introduced a few new units too). Only downside of beta for me was that I quit playing starcraft after 6 months since I got bored of it... plus my friends hated me since I'd absolutely rape them. I could easily beat them 2v1 or 3v1 fairly regularly. I'm actually looking forward to NOT be in beta, and just being a random tard at release.

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My WoW GM got into beta, and he says the names are weird. Like it's (Name A).(Name Z) with your real name showing up on friends lists. weird.

You'd think everyone with Windows 7 64-bit (me!) would get a beta invite, to test for bugs with that stuff.

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