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Refusing to let a shaman roll/bid on the leather dps wrist from Rage Winterchill, almost killed a guild on our server back in the day. They eneded up losing like a 3rd of their raiders over it. Its a stupid rule to have.

Short on healers for Heroic Sindy so we did chieves instead. We somehow miraculously one shotted all you can eat. Then we did neck deep in vile on LK took us 3 tries there. We lucked our asses out too. We got a defile at like 11% as the spirits were spawning. 5-6 people ran straight through it. I swear to god I'd never seen a defile grow that fast. I'd run in a super wide circle to avoid it, and it caught me in no time flat. I was just starting to lose my shit at the raid, when someone said we got it. LK must have ticked down to 10% just before the last person died.

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I can't wear your leather, get the fuck off my cloth etc.

I imagine the only people who are against it are the clothies right? The minority right? While anyone who can wear leather and up probably bitches about armour priority.

Blame Blizzard for having armour classes in the first place, but Clothies have a smaller pool to draw from. It ISN'T fair to open that up to all and bloody sundry. The same as mail should not get their knickers in a twist if a leather wearer gets priority. And enhancement shamans can wait to have my leather etc.

I've not seen a good reason why armour should be open to anyone who can wear it yet, and I doubt I will. And I have plenty of classes who can nick the shit out from under our raiders. I suppose you can kill something with 6k plus elemental shamans and blue geared healers (extreme, but this is my point). The reasons for armour priority are, I think, fair. Unless imbalanced raid groups are your thing (ok, it's probably not a big problem, but still one that shouldn't exist).

Fairness to all? Abolish armour classes and let our healers roll on plate :) Imagine the uproar.

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If it's improving your raid performance, there's no reason not to let anyone who can use it roll.

There's a lot more cloth that drops then there is spell power mail, or leather, and if it's BiS then everyone should have fair game to it. I've been losing loot to Hunters and Shamans since Vanilla, but I'm not going to rage quit about it.

Hopefully the added Mastery bonus for wearing your "appropriate" armor type will clear this up, but for the time being it doesn't make sense to gimp one mail healer until all the other cloth healers have the item. They'd all get equal use out of it.

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Hopefully the added Mastery bonus for wearing your "appropriate" armor type will clear this up, but for the time being it doesn't make sense to gimp one mail healer until all the other cloth healers have the item. They'd all get equal use out of it.
Actually, it makes a lot more sense to gimp said player if you care more about efficiency of the raid.

If you have a cloth wearer and a leather wearer, and cloth drops - and leather gets it, the chances of wasted loot become that much higher. If instead you let the cloth wearer get the cloth first, the leather wearer can still get the leather gear and then later get the cloth. While that's not BiS, it's an upgrade - and that's better for the raid.

This sort of thing only comes up when there's some kind of 'spending' rule for loot. If you actually care about the raid as a whole and loot is a side effect, it actually is more helpful for people to stick to their armor class at first.

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If an item is an upgrade it's an upgrade. Doesn't matter if it says Cloth or Plate on it.

It probably does to the Priest who loses out to the Druid or Shaman. If that Priest could roll on your leather/mail then fair enough. As it is, the clothies are losing out simply by virtue that non-cloth wearers think it's ok, since it's 'BiS'. Sod BiS. I'd prefer having a healing team that don't think they're being screwed over. Fortunately, my raiders are mature enough to think the same (amazingly, considering the cessfest that is Sylvanas).

I guess we just have a different understanding of fairness, and that's fine :)

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Here's a personal question that's off topic from the new drama of real names in WoW and the old drama of who gets what loot...

I quit WoW two years ago following my divorce. I had a dwarf warrior (named Raeghar :P ) and a human paladin that I played as my primary characters. My dwarf had a few unique things like Thunderfury and full T5 gear before I quit. Now some old guildies of mine that are Facebook friends have said they've seen my characters wandering around Azeroth, but they never respond. The dwarf is still level 71 or 72ish based on the armory, and my paladin is now decked out in epics at level 80.

So one of two things happened... either the account was hacked, or my ex-wife gave/sold the information to someone else.

I really don't have the time to play anymore, but at the same time... the thought of someone else wandering around with my characters also pisses me off a bit. Should I call and reclaim the account or just forget about it entirely?

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I'd personally reclaim it. Whoever it is has no right to your account. 'Grow a sack and take it back!'

Or something.

Blizz will give the account back to you if you go through the process, so far as I am aware.

Yeah, my understanding is that I would just need to call and give them all the super secret info that I signed up with it 6 years ago... :lol:

As I said, I wouldn't be playing it (except maybe to poke in and do some sight-seeing during the day at work). I definitely don't have time to raid or even run instances. However, the new landscapes of Cataclysm look like something I could still enjoy.

I first thought something might have been up with the account when I had an irrational urge to order a figureprint of my dwarf. I tried to log in and re-up my subscription, but it couldn't be found. The irrational urge passed and I just moved on and forgot about it until last week.

My dwarf.

My pally.

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Call and reclaim it. At the very least, you help support the fight against botting/hacking.

I saw one of my closest RL friends log in yesterday morning, who ignored my tell, so I called him, right away and also submitted a ticket and I think between us we got the account locked within a few hours. It'll take him longer to get it back, but at least the botter can't do anymore harm in the meantime.

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