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Hahah, I loved Hallion. Our dumbarse raid wiped on the trash. Repeatedly. Because all the LOLFACEROLL AoE idiots can't adapt to old school raiding. And once we got to the boss it was even more amusing. Since DBM and AVR weren't working, people were PHYSICALLY UNABLE to spot the orbs. I LOLed. We got him to P3 a couple of times, but ran out of time since we kept wiping on trash.

Went for ICC 25 yesterday instead, still 25 man, and wiped again on BQL, because BITING IS HARD.

I love our ten man team :)

Despite people basically having been on holiday or been working since end of may I am sure we'll have a good chance at Hallion 10 on Sat. Due to it not being full of total mouthbreathers. :thumbsup:

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Hahah, I loved Hallion. Our dumbarse raid wiped on the trash. Repeatedly. Because all the LOLFACEROLL AoE idiots can't adapt to old school raiding. And once we got to the boss it was even more amusing. Since DBM and AVR weren't working, people were PHYSICALLY UNABLE to spot the orbs. I LOLed. We got him to P3 a couple of times, but ran out of time since we kept wiping on trash.

If Halion has an enrage, it's extremely generous. Our people got better at spotting them once they stopped worrying so much about going balls-to-the-wall on DPS, and we called out when they were passing the head/tail or coming alongside, and reminded people when it was coming time to watch out. Make sure your tanks are rotating her (him?) properly, have your ranged stay closer to the outside (and have your melee be on the outer edge of her enormous hitbox) to make it easier to see and avoid.

We didn't wipe on the trash, though, I'm surprised you did. We even had some bungled pulls resulting in as many as 8 or so mobs at once and just had a death or two here and there.

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We one-shot Halion25 after wiping on HLK at 17% again. We actually wiped a couple times on the trash because we were cocky fuckers. The fight itself is pretty easy, at least on normal.

It's very easy to die on 25-man trash. It's not as easy to die on 10. My favorite wipe was sending melee flying into another pack.

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55% is my kryptonite :(

We have tons of stuns and slows in our raid comp -- wartank, spriest, two paladins, moonkin, destro lock specced for it -- but we just can't seem to down the val'kyr fast enough. I don't understand why.

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You need to set up specific assignments. Otherwise everyone goes balls to the walls with their stuns, DR kicks in and they go stun immune without being stunned for very long.

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If Halion has an enrage, it's extremely generous. Our people got better at spotting them once they stopped worrying so much about going balls-to-the-wall on DPS, and we called out when they were passing the head/tail or coming alongside, and reminded people when it was coming time to watch out. Make sure your tanks are rotating her (him?) properly, have your ranged stay closer to the outside (and have your melee be on the outer edge of her enormous hitbox) to make it easier to see and avoid.

We didn't wipe on the trash, though, I'm surprised you did. We even had some bungled pulls resulting in as many as 8 or so mobs at once and just had a death or two here and there.

Oh, the 25 man trash is like 100 times worse than the ten man trash. I LOVED the 25 man trash. All the mouthbreathers who expected a free LOLAoE ride didn't get it :)

Two of our ten man teams downed Hallion within an hour or so, no probs. If we can fill our raids with 50% tanks and healers (which we can in a ten man) it's fine. If we have to take a larger portion of DPS, we get more mouthbreathers, and it's just total fail.

Continued to do some ICC 10 man hard modes as well, and we steamroll Marrowgar, Festergut, rotface, DW, BQL without even breaking a sweat, got some good tries on PP heroic, but we just CAN'T do Saurfang. We're not even close, and I can't figure out what we're doing wrong. Well, apart from "no palas". We get the first mark at 60% or maybe 55% if we are REALLY lucky. Nobody is getting hit, and we're not chaining novas. So why is it not working?? I have no clue.

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We killed Putricide last week and we thought we'd take another shot at him this week, but unfortunatly the pug dps we had decided to go into retard mode on the slimes. We were generally having the green ones manage to grib 3 people instead of our normal 1-2. A couple of people didn't run from the orange slimes as well it was just ARGH. But at least we are consistenly downing everything but putri, blood queen and the 2nd dragon now.

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Oh, the 25 man trash is like 100 times worse than the ten man trash. I LOVED the 25 man trash. All the mouthbreathers who expected a free LOLAoE ride didn't get it :)

Two of our ten man teams downed Hallion within an hour or so, no probs. If we can fill our raids with 50% tanks and healers (which we can in a ten man) it's fine. If we have to take a larger portion of DPS, we get more mouthbreathers, and it's just total fail.

Continued to do some ICC 10 man hard modes as well, and we steamroll Marrowgar, Festergut, rotface, DW, BQL without even breaking a sweat, got some good tries on PP heroic, but we just CAN'T do Saurfang. We're not even close, and I can't figure out what we're doing wrong. Well, apart from "no palas". We get the first mark at 60% or maybe 55% if we are REALLY lucky. Nobody is getting hit, and we're not chaining novas. So why is it not working?? I have no clue.

You really need a holy paladin to do Saurfang. My 10 man group was in a similar place to yours and we tried banging our heads against the wall with no paladin healer for a couple weeks and then last week we had one and we one shot the fight easily.

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Continued to do some ICC 10 man hard modes as well, and we steamroll Marrowgar, Festergut, rotface, DW, BQL without even breaking a sweat, got some good tries on PP heroic, but we just CAN'T do Saurfang. We're not even close, and I can't figure out what we're doing wrong. Well, apart from "no palas". We get the first mark at 60% or maybe 55% if we are REALLY lucky. Nobody is getting hit, and we're not chaining novas. So why is it not working?? I have no clue.

If you have a specific comp, list it, and I will give you some healing tips to pass on. :cheers:

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Lyanna, we've managed to do Saurfang on heroic so let me offer our strat. We have done well with a disc priest/resto druid heal combo for the fight. Paladin/druid has also worked for us. If you have a third healer who can drop to a DPS spec and help with ranged I'd suggest that. What kept killing us was the blood beasts, so we've had the melee split off and obliterate a blood beast using as many stuns as possible, and then have the ranged to the standard kite for the other.

The trick here is that your Rune of Blood tank transition will occur almost simultaneously with the beast spawn. So have the tank with the Rune (who's just having Saurfang taunt off) build threat on the melee beast as well. This will be the same tank every time so ideally you can set up a tank with at least one stun to do this. That way, if he does hit anybody it will be a tank and so not one-shot anyone. We found he gets about 30 blood power if he actually hits the tank, so hopefully he doesn't more than once or twice through the fight. And hopefully your melee is stun heavy!

Save bloodlust for the frenzy. If your DPS pace is such that you can get to 55% before one mark then you should be fine.

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I'm finally thinking of giving WoW a shot, at least for the free trial period. I've played many other MMORPG's but for some reason never strayed over to WoW. What are some of the best solo classes out there? Not sure yet if I am going to do PvP or not so I guess I could use suggestions for both PvP and PvE as well.

Thanks in advance.

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This is kind of a cop out, but you can level up quickly as anything at the moment. Any class, any spec can hit 80 in no time. Anything that can DPS will level fairly quickly doing quests and whatnot, particularly a DPS with a few heal spells. However, if you play a DPS you'll have a bit more trouble with finding groups through the dungeon finder. As a new player you will definitely want to run at least some of the dungeons leveling up to get a feel for how the mechanics/different classes/your class work.

If you want to go as a tank or a healer, you will have more trouble with the solo content. On the other hand, you can queue through the dungeon finder and more quickly find a group than a DPS. You can also level up strictly through the dungeon finder pretty much all the way to 80. Obviously, tanks and healers are in more demand than DPS at high levels.

I generally recommend druids or paladins for people who have no idea what they want to play. They're versatile classes with a tank/heal/DPS spec so you can just respec if you find you're tired of your current play style. I play a druid and it's the only class I can actually stick with long term.

*edit* I don't PvP at all, so I'm not even going to mention that side of the game.

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I'm finally thinking of giving WoW a shot, at least for the free trial period. I've played many other MMORPG's but for some reason never strayed over to WoW. What are some of the best solo classes out there? Not sure yet if I am going to do PvP or not so I guess I could use suggestions for both PvP and PvE as well.

Thanks in advance.

Like Kymeera said it mostly doesn't matter. A few thoughts that occur to me:

- Leveling priests sucks for quite a while if you aren't leveling through dungeons. Around level 40 shadow priests become fun; until then all three specs suck for soloing. If you want a priest I'd suggest speccing Discipline and healing your way to 80 in random dungeons.

- Leveling mages sucks for a while as they chew through mana like crazy. They can conjure water for themselves, but you still spend a lot of time sitting. You also get Evocation around level 20 but it has a long cooldown.

- Paladins are amazing at 80 but boring until you get a decent ways in as all you can do is autoattack and judge til level 20 or so.

- Any class is viable for PvP but you will want a PvP spec if you want to be serious about it. You can buy dual spec at level 40, but it's expensive, especially when you have no 80s to bankroll you, and that's only helpful if you don't care about having two PvE specs. Pure DPS classes have it easier as they have no real need for two PvE specs.

- Play with friends. Questing in WoW is multiplayer chat. The real fun of the game is group play in dungeons and raids.

- If you are going to tank or heal, read up or talk to some people so you're prepared for what to do. Those roles carry far more responsibility than DPS. You shouldn't be scared of them, they are awesome fun, but you should try to understand the basics -- threat, etc. -- before starting so your groups don't wipe over and over.

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I generally recommend druids or paladins for people who have no idea what they want to play. They're versatile classes with a tank/heal/DPS spec so you can just respec if you find you're tired of your current play style.

Just to clarify here a smidge, druids DPS spec is a caster spec, whereas paladin DPS spec is a melee class. Which may impact your choice, if you were to choose either of these.

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If you have a specific comp, list it, and I will give you some healing tips to pass on. :cheers:

Well, we CANT go with a holy paly cos we haven't got any who isn't severely retarded and output less healing than our disc priests. So that's a total no go.

Our last setup is pala tank, bear tank, holy priest and resto druid healing (priest is me, I tried disc but it seemed worse), OS ele shaman knocking back the blood beasts. Rest were hunter, spriest, mage, warrior and rogue.

Nobody got hit by bests, not on a single try. We're never chaining novas. Yet we get the first mark most often at 60% maybe earlier. With heroism at the start and healers nuking, we pushed him to 53% before the first mark. Only ranged are nuking the adds. We didn't stun them either just focused fire and nuked first one, then shaman knocked back and we nuked the other. Melee on boss at all times.

Currently our two melee are doing around 10-12k on Festergut heroic, just to give you some ballpark figures of where they're at in ten man, and all our DPS are spatially aware and good.

We got the second mark at maybe 33% on our best tries, more often than that, earlier.

With this setup we three man heal Marrowgar and DW HM with three healers (ele/resto druid goes resto, which is his main spec) and we two man heal lootship, Fester and Rot easy.

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Hmm. Are you sure your tanks are taunting quick enough when the Rune of Blood goes out? If you're sure it's not the blood beasts or nova that's racking up his blood power that's the only thing I can think of otherwise. You can anticipate when those are going out pretty well. If they've been a little slow and letting a hit get in before a taunt, that gives him blood power and heals him a bit too.

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Just to clarify here a smidge, druids DPS spec is a caster spec, whereas paladin DPS spec is a melee class. Which may impact your choice, if you were to choose either of these.
Uh, no. Druids can do melee DPS or caster dps. Or tank, or healer. They're a one...err...'man' army.
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Uh, no. Druids can do melee DPS or caster dps. Or tank, or healer. They're a one...err...'man' army.

Yes I am well aware of that. I didn't want to confuse/scare the potential WoW addict with the whole "feral druid has four specs" thing.

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