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Need some guidance here for my holy pally. Armory here -


Currently I have the 2t10 bonus from shoulders and gloves, and now have accumulated enough Frost emblems for another purchase. Seems to me that the 4t10 bonus for healadins is really situational.

This toon doesn't run ICC25 regularly, so some of the drops there are not on his radar. Should I use my Frosts for another piece of tier (helm or chest - have nice crafted legs) or spend them on a non-tier helm, chest or waist?

Thoughts/suggestions please - relating to the gearing issue. I know some of my current gemming is not +20 int yet.

4T10 is okay, nothing great. I don't remember the exact itemization but if you aren't getting drops i would probably pick up tier of things with haste on them and offset of anything else -- if, say, you have 3 pieces of Tier 10, that allows you to switch out a piece for a better drop without losing 2T10. Personally I am wearing 2T10 and the Marrowgar-10 legs.

I would also probably change a few things around -- I don't think I'd bother with any non-Intellect gems except as needed for your meta (I use a Nightmare Tear for this). Sliver of Pure Ice also seems pretty bad to me -- its on-use is near useless and we don't really need more spellpower unless you're going for a gimmicky Flash of Light build. Look at your overhealing -- it probably won't do much besides make that go up. Believe it or not I would probably trade it out for Tears of the Vanquished. Yes, from ToC 5. it is shockingly good for its ilvl.

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We worked on Heroic LK for an hour or so last night. We were short on dps so the feral tank went kitty, and a raider whos been on hiatus for a couple of months filled in too. He dc'd about 45 minutes in so we 24 manned it. We did manage to get into phase 2 before we swapped it to normal. Think 68% So it was progress especially for 24 manning it.

Then we went to TOGC, and cleared up to Anub. Took a 3 shots at him. People were of course bad. First thing that happens is a DK path of frosts before the floor even drops out...jackass.

then a rogue fucks up the kiting when he submerged, finally healers overhealed the raid, and underhealed penetrating cold targets.

and that was our best go.

Never got to submerges after that.

It bothers the hell out of me that we never beat that fight. and it bothers me more that so many other care so little that they just half ass it when we try and go back.

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We worked on Heroic LK for an hour or so last night. We were short on dps so the feral tank went kitty, and a raider whos been on hiatus for a couple of months filled in too. He dc'd about 45 minutes in so we 24 manned it. We did manage to get into phase 2 before we swapped it to normal. Think 68% So it was progress especially for 24 manning it.

Then we went to TOGC, and cleared up to Anub. Took a 3 shots at him. People were of course bad. First thing that happens is a DK path of frosts before the floor even drops out...jackass.

then a rogue fucks up the kiting when he submerged, finally healers overhealed the raid, and underhealed penetrating cold targets.

and that was our best go.

Never got to submerges after that.

It bothers the hell out of me that we never beat that fight. and it bothers me more that so many other care so little that they just half ass it when we try and go back.

We had similar issues with TOTGC with not getting a tribute to insanity and people going "meh why bother" but we finally managed to 1shot the whole place recently and now are doing it again for the cloaks which are still BiS for many classes.

But at least you made progress on HLK this week. We got to raid one night because noone fucking showed up for our other scheduled raids. What drives me up the wall is the... attitude of resignation to this that I get from officers. We definitely have 25 people who if together in a raid could kill HLK, but all I get is just "you're gonna have to accept it'll be like this and not get frustrated". Well fuck that. I am frustrated. Our server may be a total shit hole but we're still the best guild on it by a mile and I don't want to give up the realm first we deserve to people being so fucking lazy they can't even be bothered to find two evenings a week to raid when they said they would and could find rather more time when they applied to join.


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4T10 is okay, nothing great. I don't remember the exact itemization but if you aren't getting drops i would probably pick up tier of things with haste on them and offset of anything else -- if, say, you have 3 pieces of Tier 10, that allows you to switch out a piece for a better drop without losing 2T10. Personally I am wearing 2T10 and the Marrowgar-10 legs.

I would also probably change a few things around -- I don't think I'd bother with any non-Intellect gems except as needed for your meta (I use a Nightmare Tear for this). Sliver of Pure Ice also seems pretty bad to me -- its on-use is near useless and we don't really need more spellpower unless you're going for a gimmicky Flash of Light build. Look at your overhealing -- it probably won't do much besides make that go up. Believe it or not I would probably trade it out for Tears of the Vanquished. Yes, from ToC 5. it is shockingly good for its ilvl.

Thanks, although I did mention in my original post not to worry about my gemming, I know that needs changing to pure Brilliant King's Amber.

Yeah, didn't think about my trinkets, I need to get that sorted out. I haven't had recount running whenever raiding with this toon, but I think I need to have a look and see what my overheals are, then play around with trinkets.

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Our server is one of the ones that is having 24 hour maintenance on Tues, so that means yay - one raid this week. Meh. We'll be extending I think so that we can get shots in on LK and continue from the 17%. It really felt like we were close; P2 went so much more smoothly with the new stun and priorities and higher DPS.

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I have a question for normal mode LK. I tanked it in 10 for the first time last night, and here was the problem. In phase... 3.5 I guess, the second time with the defiles, I was the OT and I'd still have 1-2 Raging Spirits on me. I'm a warrior, and whenever I'd try and taunt LK because of Soul Reaper, I'd be silenced and my taunt would fail. And, at least 4 attempts I was the defile target in that time too, so a defile would land in the worst place.

Should I really be taunting LK for Soul Reaper? and should we still have that many Raging Spirits up in phase 3.5?

Regardless, we did manage to get him to about 30% which is the farthest I have seen in the fight yet.

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For that last phase transition, there are four raging spirits, so we have whoever wasn't just on the LK take the 1st and 3rd and the LK tank take the 2nd and 4th. Whoever took the 1/3 will pick up the Lich King at the start of phase 3. And as Poobah says you want to make sure your DPS are killing those Raging Spirits before getting back on the Lich King. In our kill last night we had one at like 25% and another at close to full health. I had the one at 25% so I picked up the Lich King and went from there.

Phase 3 Defiles should be a lot less of a problem than in Phase 2, because you don't have to worry about re-orienting as close to the middle of the room as possible because of Val'kyr. Just make everyone spread out with 3 seconds to go. That way if it hits a tank, only the tank needs to run, and hopefully there's not a lot of overlap with the rest of the raid either.

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Ideally you should have only one raging up by the time the 3rd phase rolls around. You may have to not taunt off for soul reaper, or start with LK and then be taunted off. DPS priority should be the spirit that is up, and CDs will have to be used. That's the most dangerous part of the time.

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So, my GM got hacked, our guild was disbanded and then an old guild member who left to run 25's grabbed an alt and started a new guild with the same name.

So, we're all running around in gray aprons waiting on word from Blizz. Well, they are, I'm slowly recovering from a critical system error in my computer which prevented me from participating in the panic.

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I have toons on three realms. All three realms are down for 24 hours tomorrow. (Well, they say 24 hours. It's Blizzard, so probably more like 10 days.) :(

We did a last minute ICC 10 run that stomped all over most of ICC though. 10/12, all but two 1-shotted, one due to a facepull by our spriest. We kicked ass and took names, my druid finally got his Ashen Verdict title and Exalted ring, and I got two pretty sweet pieces while there.

Trying to figure out how to drop some hit and especially some haste on my boomkin, I'm way over where I need to be.

Also trying to figure out -- I have 1T10 and 2T9 currently, and two 251 ICC 10 pieces. I want to move to 2T9 and 2T10, but the slots that aren't my remaining T9 are better fits itemization wise, by a fair amount, than the tier pieces. I could go back to a different piece of T9 but then we're looking at an even larger drop in stats.

edit: typo

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Well the europe servers just went down and the ulduar 10 pug I was in failed to kill yogg+1 because one retard kept standing in every single cloud he could find, wiping us for 10 mins till we kicked him, then we ran out of time and boom no server :s

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Halion is up! I'm excited, after our failure wiping and wiping on LK, new content is welcomed. Our server's best guild has been in there for a while already trying to get server first.

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Halion is up! I'm excited, after our failure wiping and wiping on LK, new content is welcomed. Our server's best guild has been in there for a while already trying to get server first.


I go to the server status page every couple hours hoping 24 hour maintenance ends early (I know, I know).

Made an Ally DK on another server to kill some time and was reminded of how much I hate Stormwind and Iron Forge.

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Halion is up! I'm excited, after our failure wiping and wiping on LK, new content is welcomed. Our server's best guild has been in there for a while already trying to get server first.

Not that I was ever going to get world first, but I'm a little pissed off that they delayed RS for us US players for a week so EU and US players could have fair footing on trying for world first, and then took down my (and others') servers.

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Halion fight is kinda fun. Not as hard as the description makes it sound, but our 25 man group kept failing at it due to retards.

I really hate Ruby Sanctum already though. The fucking trash is harder then the bosses.

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Halion fight is kinda fun. Not as hard as the description makes it sound, but our 25 man group kept failing at it due to retards.

I really hate Ruby Sanctum already though. The fucking trash is harder then the bosses.

Yes, the trash should give badges instead of the mini-bosses. We mostly failed due to people not running out when they had the void zone. Hopefully DBM will update to announce it and help those who cant see their own debuff.

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