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If you could ask GRRM for one scene...


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Sansa disemboweling Littlefinger and then stabbing him in the eye when he tries to get a little too frisky...

Tyrion meeting the dragons...as their lunch. Probably about 3 bites. I am sooooooo sick of all the Tyrion love and man-crushes. I don't really hate him, I hate how much everyone loves him.

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Mightily Oats -- did you notice that, even in AFFC which had no Tyrion chapters, he still got a few zingers in? Martin slipped them in by have Jaime imagine Tyrion saying stuff like, "Tywin was questioning Shae with his pants down? LOL that's how I liked to "question" her too! Giggedy giggedy goo!"

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I would ask for a love scene between Brienne and Jaime. Not because it would be hot (eww,no), but because I think it would show progression for Jaime as a person because he would get over his prejudice against Brienne and truly see her inner beauty, and instead of an icky love scene like all the other people have, this one could be tender and sweet. And Brienne certainly deserves to give her maidenhood to someone she loves (which is obviously Jaime) because of all the crap she's been through and it going to go through.

Just once Martin...can't you put a little tenderness in makin babies?

Yes, I'm a huge Jaime/Brienne fangirl. Woot!

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Tyrion meeting the dragons...as their lunch. Probably about 3 bites. I am sooooooo sick of all the Tyrion love and man-crushes. I don't really hate him, I hate how much everyone loves him.

Heehee that would be sweet indeed. But GRRM loves Tyrion too much...

I want to see Dany on the Iron Throne, alone, ruling wisely to the end of her days like Queen Elizabeth, bitches!!

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Sansa outwitting Littlefinger and finishing him off, somehow.

Sansa meeting Arya

Jon meeting Dany

The Hound Dying while saving Sansa

Bran owning house, aka, becoming crazy powerful, or something.

Cat seeing her children, and realizing non save Robb are dead... and then killing herself.

Brie and Jamie getting it on

Tyrion winning the iron throne and getting mad love and respect.

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Daenerys leads her vast armies across the narrow sea, landing just north of Tarth. The shore is sand for a few dozen yards, and then the forest takes over. A minor keep called Haystack Hall is a few miles inland.

Dany sits on her silver, watching as Unsullied unload boat after boat of supplies, and as more boats carry her warriors from the ships. Her legions begin to mass on the beach.

Drogon lands beside her, dropping the charred leg of a raven at her feet. She dismounts, and unties the scroll secured to the smoldering foot. Black flakes fall like dirty snow from the singed paper as she unrolls it.

"Look here, Grey Worm. The Lord of Tarth send urgent word that a fleet descends on the kingdom, flying unknown banners. I guess the Usupers will discover that soon enough. How long until we begin the march to Kings Landing?"

Grey Worm looks out over the disarray. "The Unsullied are ready when-ever my Grace commands. If you wish to wait until all is unloaded, three hours. Four at the most."

Daenerys felt like laughing. "It begins at... at... la..."

"My liege!" Grey Worm was immediately at her side. "Whats...?"

Then Daenarys drops stone dead of a brain aneurysm.

That's my scene. I'm stickin' to it.

EDIT - Actually, I'm not. I just realized, from a military strategy point of view, it would make MUCH more sense for Daenerys to sack Tarth and take it over as her base and staging point for her invasion. Much like the first Targaryans used Dragonstone.

So if I had started this scene with something like "Atop her silver, Dany surveyed the smoking ruins of Tarth...", it'd probably be much more like how the invasion would actually begin.

...and then, of course, she drops dead of a brain aneurysm.

All those Daenerys chapters, over so many books, all come to naught.


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