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What justifies the Ironborn's views of other peoples as 'weak'?

Rolex Baratheon

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This is something I was thinking about, making the assumption that the Ironborn are not completely and absolutely 100% delusional idiots.

Why do they regard people from other region of Westeros as weak? I can understand why they might have the misconception that Highgardeners or Westermen might be 'weak' (since they live in wealthy regions) but I have no clue as to why they consider the North as part of the green lands. It baffles me. The North is the harshest region in Westeros, what with the terrain and terrible winter and the people are tough as old suitcases. Northmen, if you take climate and all that shiz into consideration, are probably much tougher than the Ironborn.

The Ironborn do not have a good record in battle. We know what happened to their dumb rebellion. This reminds me of another thing, why on earth did Balon regard Theon Greyjoy as weak? Theon has fought battles before, killed men before, and was not afraid of charging into battle against Jaime's troops. He fought with a lot of fervour for the cause of the North.

Balon just sat on his ass all the time, prating his House's words and ideologies at other while his brothers did the dirty work.

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Their whole ideology is founded on the idea that they can take whatever the hell they want from anyone. That only works when they've convinced themselves that they're the ultimate badasses.

I always assumed Balon was still buttfrustrated from Ned Stark's part in putting down his rebellion with King Robert, so he generally hates the North and the fact Theon grew up among Starks.

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The Ironborn consider them weak because they're not captains. Otherwise, they're just reaving bastards that consider all of Westeros weak because they're not like them. Even their gods are wrong... Maybe there's some aspect to the kneeling involved, like the Wildlings consider those south of the Wall weak. Among the Ironborn every man can be a captain.

Balon considered Theon weak because he didn't pay the Iron Price, and was too 'enwesterosed' (not really a word, but I think you get my drift).

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Come on... EVERYTHING???? Harlaw, 1 ValyrianSteel. Lannister, 0. They have dragon eggs. They can't feasibly grow crops on their island. Yet they survive. They just don't cut it when the whole kingdoms are united ever since Aegon came. That is why hard times are upon them. Before Aegon. Ironborn raids Westerlands. Reach: Screw those Lannister heathens. Leave Westerlands, raid Reach. Lannister: Screw those Tyrells, they didn't help last time.

With Bob around. Lannisters: Help Bob, this Ironmen attack us. Bob: You, you, you, you, you come with me. Lets deal with it. Balon: Dead sons.

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Come on... EVERYTHING???? Harlaw, 1 ValyrianSteel. Lannister, 0. They have dragon eggs. They can't feasibly grow crops on their island. Yet they survive. They just don't cut it when the whole kingdoms are united ever since Aegon came. That is why hard times are upon them. Before Aegon. Ironborn raids Westerlands. Reach: Screw those Lannister heathens. Leave Westerlands, raid Reach. Lannister: Screw those Tyrells, they didn't help last time.

With Bob around. Lannisters: Help Bob, this Ironmen attack us. Bob: You, you, you, you, you come with me. Lets deal with it. Balon: Dead sons.

Y u so incoherent?

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Their "We Do Not Sow" motto kind of says it all.

They are proud of themselves for not working and stealing everything they own. It's a compliment when they call the mainlanders weak because it means they work for a living and grow their own food and have just one wife:)

They should have worked out a deal centuries ago with the Westerlands, Riverlands or the North and bought/leased some land along the coast for growing crops. They CHOSE to be thieves.

Balon thought Theon was weak because his gold necklace wasn't stolen off a dead man's neck. It was instead bought with money he earned or gifted to him by someone and those two options are unacceptable to Balon. It's GOTTA be stolen or you are weak!!

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I honestly have trouble comprehending the Iron Islands. I went on a rant about Balon Greyjoy to my dad (who doesn't like him either) for roughly 15 minutes only a couple days ago. They raid, pillage and rape small and weak villages or undefended castles (see Stony Shore, Deepwood Motte), and when any real fighting comes along, they get their asses kicked (see any battle in Balon's first rebellion)

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I honestly have trouble comprehending the Iron Islands. I went on a rant about Balon Greyjoy to my dad (who doesn't like him either) for roughly 15 minutes only a couple days ago. They raid, pillage and rape small and weak villages or undefended castles (see Stony Shore, Deepwood Motte), and when any real fighting comes along, they get their asses kicked (see any battle in Balon's first rebellion)

But that's kind of normal with thuggish societies. Just think of street gangs or the mafia. They think of themselves as strong and normal citizens as weak, since others just don't take whatever they want, but in turn they get their butts handed to them by the police, get caught cause they are stupid, go to prison, and piss away their lives, but they still think they are the strong ones and everyone else is a sucker.

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They believe the strong can take from the weak. Ergo, they must think of themselves as strong and the rest of the world weak, or their own philosophy would command them to either don't take anything from say, the Lannisters, or sit quietly when the Lannister came to take their things away.

In other words - self-serving hypocrisy. All "strong" cultures are such.

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They should have worked out a deal centuries ago with the Westerlands, Riverlands or the North and bought/leased some land along the coast for growing crops. They CHOSE to be thieves.

At the time of Aegon's Landing, the Ironborn, under Harren Hoare, controlled the Riverlands, too. Harrenhal was their capital, not Pyke. In a way, the Targaryens have forced them to go back to the "old way" and be major dicks again.

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