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Worst possible ending for you


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Beside GRRM not finishing the story...God forbid...

Everybody leaving Westeros and all storylines concluding in one big finale in Mereen.

Without Dany of course,she would be off somewhere even less important,like third continent (not sure but I think it's called Southeros ).No dragons in sight. And everybody's doing even less than in the last two books.

They are naturally eating more,although winter is there and we get one more Greyjoy POV.

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I would completely disown the series if...

  • Dany sits the Iron Throne
  • All the remaining Starks die
  • Stannis is killed by the Boltons
  • Cersei does not die
  • Daario does not die

^All of this, of course, Jon and Dany in love living happily ever after is even worst than just Dany on the Iron Throne (not that I deslike Jon, but that ending would be just plain wrong :ack:)

The only posible ending worst than Dany+Jon would be the Others winning and taking over westeros, but that would be at least a surprising ending :lol:

Jon turns out to be AA and the son of R+L (boring!!!)

I think R+L=J is a fact by now, boring or not :dunno:

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Wrote this down another similar thread and I'm just too lazy write for another one... so c/p rulez :)


1) Let alone Daenerys being The Queen of Westeros, even her survival.

She gotta go no matter what...

Wouldn't mind, if a suicide bomber blow her off... Fine by me.

2) Let alone Tyrion somehow being the heir or Lord of The Rock or ANY position of power, even his survival.


who was supposed to honour his House,

But chose KG for his disgraceful lusts & let the imp out of cell,

has to take responsibility & be the one who ends the Dwarf...

The dwarf that brought shame and almost caused the fall of his own house.

((We shouldn't forget Cersei's part on the House's fall issue.

But Tyrion will most probably murder her too, before his end))

3) Kingdom of North Bull, happening again

Robb's "greenness" :P and his inexperience of lordship made him fall to this mistake.

Lord Eddard, if he could be revived,

would beat the hell out of Robb for this nonsense and never let that happen.

But no reviving needed, since it started and died with Robb. End of story.

Besides, Uniting The 7 Kingdoms was The Only good thing that Targs ever did.

It ought to stay that way.

4) "Jon is a Targ" or "R+L=J" bandwagon, coming true.

Either born of incest,

or a Fisherman girl's kid, or another noble's woman kid, doesn't matter,

Jon should NEVER EVER be a Targ.

These would be the ultimate disappointments for ASOIAF serie.

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Worst possible scenario for me would be Jaime dying quite early in WOW then having to suffer reams of Meereen crap, followed by a Targaryen victory.

I would be well disappointed if Jon ends up being Lyanna and Rhaegar's son and becomes AA, slays the Others then takes Dany for his queen. That would just make me vomit. Thankfully, it is both predictable and popular, both things GRRM hates.

Truthfully, so long as Dany doesn't win, I'll be fine. I would also like it very much if at least one Lannister remains to become Lady/Lord of Casterly Rock and return it to its former glory.

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And a boring man in a bedsit living in some city somewhere, who works in a warehouse, wakes up from a long nights sleep and thinks, 'that was a weird dream, I should write it down, oh wait, I cant read or write, oh well, best get ready for work!'

Lol was about to post the same but with a "Hodor wakes up in Winterfell...."

Edit: for everyone saying that R+L=J will be boring, you need to remember that the amount of readers that figure out on their own that theory and the ppl visiting these forums are a very small % of the actual readers base. When R+L=J is revealed it will be a surprise for, let's say, 90-95% of the readers.

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The final prologue is set 40 years later in Kings Landing and an elderly Tommen is seated on the Iron Throne surrounded by young kids and kittens. "There have been a few challengers to my Crown, but none of them ever made it through these walls." Tommen rasps. Everyone laughs, the kittens meow happily.

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Dany being queen in the end, unless it's Meereen. I don't care about Meereen; she can have it.

Ned coming back to life. Cersei being queen. The Tyrells in charge of King's Landing. Winterfell is abandoned forever. Ramsay gets redeemed.

LF+Sansa, Jon+Dany, Jon+Arya, SanSan as an actual marriage, a Sand Snake+Theon, Jorah+Dany.

Aerys+Joanna=Tyrion, or any Lannister


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Worst possible scenario: GRRM never finishes the series, I never get any closure and live the rest of my life with a hole in my heart like Arya.

Second worst possible scenario: Dany inherits the iron throne by herself or married to anyone else but Jon, Sansa inherits Winterfell, rest of the Starks never unite, direwolves die, Littlefinger is somewhere smiling to himself.

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