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Things you wish ASOIAF characters would say.

Lord Qyburn

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A classic topic on a wide variety of forums and message boards. What would you like for ASOIAF characters to say? I'll start.

1. Jaime: Unhand me!

2. Beric Dondarrion: I'm not quite dead....


Qyburn: If you're blue and you don't know where to go to why don't you go where fashion sits...

Gregor: Putting on the riiiiiiitz!!

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Uncat: "Whoa, what a headache, I feel like I've been dead for three days"

Sam: "I'm not fat! I'm big boned!"

Sandor: "He ain't heavy, he's my brother"

Bran: (on Hodor's back) "YAH mule! MUSH! MUSH!"

Jaqen H'gar: "give me a minute, I have to put on my face."

Jon: "all in all it was all just bricks in the Wall"


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Melisandre: "Baby, its cold outside..."

Stannis: "Jon...search your feelings...I AM YOUR FATHER!"

Sparrows (as a chorus): "We're the Inquisiiiition/We're here to say/We've got a miiiission..."

Sam: "Well, I'm back. Oh, wait a minute. Wrong series."

Littlefinger: "And I'd've gotten away with it, if it weren't for you Stark Kids!"

Jon: "Be vewy vewy quite, we're hunting wild wuns...heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh"

Jaime: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."


Qyburn: "He's alive! Alive I tell you! ALIVE!"

Cersei: "Why am I surrounded by frickin' idiots?"

Dany: "I am woman. Hear me roar."

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Jaime: What are you doing here, Cersei? You were not invited. But as you're already here... Dany, that is my sister. Cersei, that is Daenaerys Targaryen, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Now, you know each other and I'll ask you leave, Cersei. Dany and I have a business unfinished. What sort of business?... Well, the same you have with Lancel, Kettleblack, the Moon boy and so on. No,I'm not kidding, sweet sister. I've realized that I'm not interested in you anymore and I don't want to die without bedding someone else. Dany is really pretty and quite proper... and if she remains pleased, I may not be hanged at the end of our pretty little war. Don't look at me so angry. sweet sister. We were born together but it's not obligatory to die together and that is the end I see for you if you continue like this. Well, I told you how the things are, now LEAVE. Keep calm, Dany, she's leaving.

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Jaime to Brienne: wanna lick my stump?

Mormont's crow: <nothing>

Robert Arryn: I can fly!!!

Loras Tyrell: Let'sss go SHOPPINNNNGGG!!!!

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Biter: The rudimentary flaw to your theory, noble sir, is that the concept of dystopia requries willing participants, not a hegemonic entity as you so vociferously allege. (Thoughtful pause) Now, who's up for some finger food?

Pod: (whispering) I see dead people...

Ramsay Bolton: It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!

Tommen: Did you know a human head weighs 8 pounds? (In wonderment) 8 pounds.....

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